blob: 32ae8b934320788da24706e0a3e6e397186de270 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:test/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test/src/backend/suite_platform.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test/src/runner/plugin/platform.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test/src/runner/plugin/hack_register_platform.dart' as hack; // ignore: implementation_imports
import '../artifacts.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../compile.dart';
import '../dart/package_map.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import 'watcher.dart';
/// The timeout we give the test process to connect to the test harness
/// once the process has entered its main method.
const Duration _kTestStartupTimeout = const Duration(minutes: 1);
/// The timeout we give the test process to start executing Dart code. When the
/// CPU is under severe load, this can take a while, but it's not indicative of
/// any problem with Flutter, so we give it a large timeout.
const Duration _kTestProcessTimeout = const Duration(minutes: 5);
/// Message logged by the test process to signal that its main method has begun
/// execution.
/// The test harness responds by starting the [_kTestStartupTimeout] countdown.
/// The CPU may be throttled, which can cause a long delay in between when the
/// process is spawned and when dart code execution begins; we don't want to
/// hold that against the test.
const String _kStartTimeoutTimerMessage = 'sky_shell test process has entered main method';
/// The address at which our WebSocket server resides and at which the sky_shell
/// processes will host the Observatory server.
final Map<InternetAddressType, InternetAddress> _kHosts = <InternetAddressType, InternetAddress>{
InternetAddressType.IP_V4: InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4,
InternetAddressType.IP_V6: InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6,
/// Configure the `test` package to work with Flutter.
/// On systems where each [_FlutterPlatform] is only used to run one test suite
/// (that is, one Dart file with a `*_test.dart` file name and a single `void
/// main()`), you can set an observatory port explicitly.
void installHook({
@required String shellPath,
TestWatcher watcher,
bool enableObservatory: false,
bool machine: false,
bool startPaused: false,
bool previewDart2: false,
int port: 0,
String precompiledDillPath,
bool trackWidgetCreation: false,
int observatoryPort,
InternetAddressType serverType: InternetAddressType.IP_V4,
}) {
assert(!enableObservatory || (!startPaused && observatoryPort == null));
() => new _FlutterPlatform(
shellPath: shellPath,
watcher: watcher,
machine: machine,
enableObservatory: enableObservatory,
startPaused: startPaused,
explicitObservatoryPort: observatoryPort,
host: _kHosts[serverType],
previewDart2: previewDart2,
port: port,
precompiledDillPath: precompiledDillPath,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
enum _InitialResult { crashed, timedOut, connected }
enum _TestResult { crashed, harnessBailed, testBailed }
typedef Future<Null> _Finalizer();
class _CompilationRequest {
String path;
Completer<String> result;
_CompilationRequest(this.path, this.result);
// This class is a wrapper around compiler that allows multiple isolates to
// enqueue compilation requests, but ensures only one compilation at a time.
class _Compiler {
_Compiler(bool trackWidgetCreation) {
// Compiler maintains and updates single incremental dill file.
// Incremental compilation requests done for each test copy that file away
// for independent execution.
final Directory outputDillDirectory = fs.systemTempDirectory
final File outputDill = outputDillDirectory.childFile('output.dill');
bool suppressOutput = false;
void reportCompilerMessage(String message) {
if (suppressOutput)
if (message.startsWith('compiler message: Error: Could not resolve the package \'test\'')) {
printError('\n\nFailed to load test harness. Are you missing a dependency on flutter_test?\n');
suppressOutput = true;
ResidentCompiler createCompiler() {
return new ResidentCompiler(
packagesPath: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
compilerMessageConsumer: reportCompilerMessage,
} request) async {
final bool isEmpty = compilationQueue.isEmpty;
// Only trigger processing if queue was empty - i.e. no other requests
// are currently being processed. This effectively enforces "one
// compilation request at a time".
if (isEmpty) {
while (compilationQueue.isNotEmpty) {
final _CompilationRequest request = compilationQueue.first;
printTrace('Compiling ${request.path}');
compiler ??= createCompiler();
suppressOutput = false;
final String outputPath = await handleTimeout(compiler.recompile(request.path,
outputPath: outputDill.path,
), request.path);
// Check if the compiler produced the output. If it failed then
// outputPath would be null. In this case pass null upwards to the
// consumer and shutdown the compiler to avoid reusing compiler
// that might have gotten into a weird state.
if (outputPath == null) {
await shutdown();
} else {
final File kernelReadyToRun =
await fs.file(outputPath).copy('${request.path}.dill');
// Only remove now when we finished processing the element
}, onDone: () {
outputDillDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
final StreamController<_CompilationRequest> compilerController =
new StreamController<_CompilationRequest>();
final List<_CompilationRequest> compilationQueue = <_CompilationRequest>[];
ResidentCompiler compiler;
Future<String> compile(String mainDart) {
final Completer<String> completer = new Completer<String>();
compilerController.add(new _CompilationRequest(mainDart, completer));
return handleTimeout(completer.future, mainDart);
Future<dynamic> shutdown() async {
await compiler.shutdown();
compiler = null;
static Future<String> handleTimeout(Future<String> value, String path) {
return value.timeout(const Duration(minutes: 5), onTimeout: () {
printError('Compilation of $path timed out after 5 minutes.');
return null;
class _FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
@required this.shellPath,
}) : assert(shellPath != null);
final String shellPath;
final TestWatcher watcher;
final bool enableObservatory;
final bool machine;
final bool startPaused;
final int explicitObservatoryPort;
final InternetAddress host;
final bool previewDart2;
final int port;
final String precompiledDillPath;
final bool trackWidgetCreation;
_Compiler compiler;
// Each time loadChannel() is called, we spin up a local WebSocket server,
// then spin up the engine in a subprocess. We pass the engine a Dart file
// that connects to our WebSocket server, then we proxy JSON messages from
// the test harness to the engine and back again. If at any time the engine
// crashes, we inject an error into that stream. When the process closes,
// we clean everything up.
int _testCount = 0;
StreamChannel<dynamic> loadChannel(String testPath, SuitePlatform platform) {
if (_testCount > 0) {
// Fail if there will be a port conflict.
if (explicitObservatoryPort != null)
throwToolExit('installHook() was called with an observatory port or debugger mode enabled, but then more than one test suite was run.');
// Fail if we're passing in a precompiled entry-point.
if (precompiledDillPath != null)
throwToolExit('installHook() was called with a precompiled test entry-point, but then more than one test suite was run.');
final int ourTestCount = _testCount;
_testCount += 1;
final StreamController<dynamic> localController = new StreamController<dynamic>();
final StreamController<dynamic> remoteController = new StreamController<dynamic>();
final Completer<Null> testCompleteCompleter = new Completer<Null>();
final _FlutterPlatformStreamSinkWrapper<dynamic> remoteSink = new _FlutterPlatformStreamSinkWrapper<dynamic>(
final StreamChannel<dynamic> localChannel = new StreamChannel<dynamic>.withGuarantees(,
final StreamChannel<dynamic> remoteChannel = new StreamChannel<dynamic>.withGuarantees(,
testCompleteCompleter.complete(_startTest(testPath, localChannel, ourTestCount));
return remoteChannel;
Future<Null> _startTest(
String testPath,
StreamChannel<dynamic> controller,
int ourTestCount) async {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: starting test $testPath');
dynamic outOfBandError; // error that we couldn't send to the harness that we need to send via our future
final List<_Finalizer> finalizers = <_Finalizer>[];
bool subprocessActive = false;
bool controllerSinkClosed = false;
try {
// Callback can't throw since it's just setting a variable.
controller.sink.done.whenComplete(() { controllerSinkClosed = true; }); // ignore: unawaited_futures
// Prepare our WebSocket server to talk to the engine subproces.
final HttpServer server = await HttpServer.bind(host, port);
finalizers.add(() async {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: shutting down test harness socket server');
await server.close(force: true);
final Completer<WebSocket> webSocket = new Completer<WebSocket>();
(HttpRequest request) {
if (!webSocket.isCompleted)
onError: (dynamic error, dynamic stack) {
// If you reach here, it's unlikely we're going to be able to really handle this well.
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: test harness socket server experienced an unexpected error: $error');
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
controller.sink.addError(error, stack);
} else {
printError('unexpected error from test harness socket server: $error');
cancelOnError: true,
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: starting shell process${previewDart2? " in preview-dart-2 mode":""}');
// [precompiledDillPath] can be set only if [previewDart2] is [true].
assert(precompiledDillPath == null || previewDart2);
// If a kernel file is given, then use that to launch the test.
// Otherwise create a "listener" dart that invokes actual test.
String mainDart = precompiledDillPath != null
? precompiledDillPath
: _createListenerDart(finalizers, ourTestCount, testPath, server);
if (previewDart2 && precompiledDillPath == null) {
// Lazily instantiate compiler so it is built only if it is actually used.
compiler ??= new _Compiler(trackWidgetCreation);
mainDart = await compiler.compile(mainDart);
if (mainDart == null) {
_getErrorMessage('Compilation failed', testPath, shellPath));
return null;
final Process process = await _startProcess(
packages: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
enableObservatory: enableObservatory,
startPaused: startPaused,
bundlePath: _getBundlePath(finalizers, ourTestCount),
observatoryPort: explicitObservatoryPort,
serverPort: server.port,
subprocessActive = true;
finalizers.add(() async {
if (subprocessActive) {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: ensuring end-of-process for shell');
final int exitCode = await process.exitCode;
subprocessActive = false;
if (!controllerSinkClosed && exitCode != -15) { // ProcessSignal.SIGTERM
// We expect SIGTERM (15) because we tried to terminate it.
// It's negative because signals are returned as negative exit codes.
final String message = _getErrorMessage(_getExitCodeMessage(exitCode, 'after tests finished'), testPath, shellPath);
final Completer<Null> timeout = new Completer<Null>();
// Pipe stdout and stderr from the subprocess to our printStatus console.
// We also keep track of what observatory port the engine used, if any.
Uri processObservatoryUri;
reportObservatoryUri: (Uri detectedUri) {
assert(processObservatoryUri == null);
assert(explicitObservatoryPort == null ||
explicitObservatoryPort == detectedUri.port);
if (startPaused && !machine) {
printStatus('The test process has been started.');
printStatus('You can now connect to it using observatory. To connect, load the following Web site in your browser:');
printStatus(' $detectedUri');
printStatus('You should first set appropriate breakpoints, then resume the test in the debugger.');
} else {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: using observatory uri $detectedUri from pid ${}');
if (watcher != null) {
watcher.onStartedProcess(new ProcessEvent(ourTestCount, process, detectedUri));
processObservatoryUri = detectedUri;
startTimeoutTimer: () {
new Future<_InitialResult>.delayed(_kTestStartupTimeout).then((_) => timeout.complete());
// At this point, three things can happen next:
// The engine could crash, in which case process.exitCode will complete.
// The engine could connect to us, in which case webSocket.future will complete.
// The local test harness could get bored of us.
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: awaiting initial result for pid ${}');
final _InitialResult initialResult = await Future.any(<Future<_InitialResult>>[
process.exitCode.then<_InitialResult>((int exitCode) => _InitialResult.crashed),
timeout.future.then<_InitialResult>((Null _) => _InitialResult.timedOut),
new Future<_InitialResult>.delayed(_kTestProcessTimeout, () => _InitialResult.timedOut),
webSocket.future.then<_InitialResult>((WebSocket webSocket) => _InitialResult.connected),
switch (initialResult) {
case _InitialResult.crashed:
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: process with pid ${} crashed before connecting to test harness');
final int exitCode = await process.exitCode;
subprocessActive = false;
final String message = _getErrorMessage(_getExitCodeMessage(exitCode, 'before connecting to test harness'), testPath, shellPath);
// Awaited for with 'sink.done' below.
controller.sink.close(); // ignore: unawaited_futures
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: waiting for controller sink to close');
await controller.sink.done;
case _InitialResult.timedOut:
// Could happen either if the process takes a long time starting
// (_kTestProcessTimeout), or if once Dart code starts running, it takes a
// long time to open the WebSocket connection (_kTestStartupTimeout).
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: timed out waiting for process with pid ${} to connect to test harness');
final String message = _getErrorMessage('Test never connected to test harness.', testPath, shellPath);
// Awaited for with 'sink.done' below.
controller.sink.close(); // ignore: unawaited_futures
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: waiting for controller sink to close');
await controller.sink.done;
case _InitialResult.connected:
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: process with pid ${} connected to test harness');
final WebSocket testSocket = await webSocket.future;
final Completer<Null> harnessDone = new Completer<Null>();
final StreamSubscription<dynamic> harnessToTest =
(dynamic event) { testSocket.add(json.encode(event)); },
onDone: harnessDone.complete,
onError: (dynamic error, dynamic stack) {
// If you reach here, it's unlikely we're going to be able to really handle this well.
printError('test harness controller stream experienced an unexpected error\ntest: $testPath\nerror: $error');
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
controller.sink.addError(error, stack);
} else {
printError('unexpected error from test harness controller stream: $error');
cancelOnError: true,
final Completer<Null> testDone = new Completer<Null>();
final StreamSubscription<dynamic> testToHarness = testSocket.listen(
(dynamic encodedEvent) {
assert(encodedEvent is String); // we shouldn't ever get binary messages
onDone: testDone.complete,
onError: (dynamic error, dynamic stack) {
// If you reach here, it's unlikely we're going to be able to really handle this well.
printError('test socket stream experienced an unexpected error\ntest: $testPath\nerror: $error');
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
controller.sink.addError(error, stack);
} else {
printError('unexpected error from test socket stream: $error');
cancelOnError: true,
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: awaiting test result for pid ${}');
final _TestResult testResult = await Future.any(<Future<_TestResult>>[
process.exitCode.then<_TestResult>((int exitCode) { return _TestResult.crashed; }),
harnessDone.future.then<_TestResult>((Null _) { return _TestResult.harnessBailed; }),
testDone.future.then<_TestResult>((Null _) { return _TestResult.testBailed; }),
await Future.wait(<Future<Null>>[
switch (testResult) {
case _TestResult.crashed:
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: process with pid ${} crashed');
final int exitCode = await process.exitCode;
subprocessActive = false;
final String message = _getErrorMessage(_getExitCodeMessage(exitCode, 'before test harness closed its WebSocket'), testPath, shellPath);
// Awaited for with 'sink.done' below.
controller.sink.close(); // ignore: unawaited_futures
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: waiting for controller sink to close');
await controller.sink.done;
case _TestResult.harnessBailed:
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: process with pid ${} no longer needed by test harness');
case _TestResult.testBailed:
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: process with pid ${} no longer needs test harness');
if (subprocessActive && watcher != null) {
await watcher.onFinishedTests(
new ProcessEvent(ourTestCount, process, processObservatoryUri));
} catch (error, stack) {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: error caught during test; ${controllerSinkClosed ? "reporting to console" : "sending to test framework"}');
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
controller.sink.addError(error, stack);
} else {
printError('unhandled error during test:\n$testPath\n$error');
outOfBandError ??= error;
} finally {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: cleaning up...');
for (_Finalizer finalizer in finalizers) {
try {
await finalizer();
} catch (error, stack) {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: error while cleaning up; ${controllerSinkClosed ? "reporting to console" : "sending to test framework"}');
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
controller.sink.addError(error, stack);
} else {
printError('unhandled error during finalization of test:\n$testPath\n$error');
outOfBandError ??= error;
if (!controllerSinkClosed) {
// Waiting below with await.
controller.sink.close(); // ignore: unawaited_futures
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: waiting for controller sink to close');
await controller.sink.done;
if (outOfBandError != null) {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: finished with out-of-band failure');
throw outOfBandError;
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: finished');
return null;
String _createListenerDart(List<_Finalizer> finalizers, int ourTestCount,
String testPath, HttpServer server) {
// Prepare a temporary directory to store the Dart file that will talk to us.
final Directory temporaryDirectory = fs.systemTempDirectory
finalizers.add(() async {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: deleting temporary directory');
temporaryDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
// Prepare the Dart file that will talk to us and start the test.
final File listenerFile = fs.file('${temporaryDirectory.path}/listener.dart');
testUrl: fs.path.toUri(fs.path.absolute(testPath)).toString(),
encodedWebsocketUrl: Uri.encodeComponent(_getWebSocketUrl()),
return listenerFile.path;
String _getBundlePath(List<_Finalizer> finalizers, int ourTestCount) {
if (!previewDart2) {
return null;
if (precompiledDillPath != null) {
return artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterPatchedSdkPath);
// bundlePath needs to point to a folder with `platform.dill` file.
final Directory tempBundleDirectory = fs.systemTempDirectory
finalizers.add(() async {
'test $ourTestCount: deleting temporary bundle directory');
tempBundleDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
// copy 'vm_platform_strong.dill' into 'platform.dill'
final File vmPlatformStrongDill = fs.file(
final File platformDill = vmPlatformStrongDill.copySync(
if (!platformDill.existsSync()) {
printError('unexpected error copying platform kernel file');
return tempBundleDirectory.path;
String _getWebSocketUrl() {
return host.type == InternetAddressType.IP_V4
? 'ws://${host.address}'
: 'ws://[${host.address}]';
String _generateTestMain({
String testUrl,
String encodedWebsocketUrl,
}) {
return '''
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io'; // ignore: dart_io_import
// We import this library first in order to trigger an import error for
// package:test (rather than package:stream_channel) when the developer forgets
// to add a dependency on package:test.
import 'package:test/src/runner/plugin/remote_platform_helpers.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:test/src/runner/vm/catch_isolate_errors.dart';
import '$testUrl' as test;
void main() {
String serverPort = Platform.environment['SERVER_PORT'];
String server = Uri.decodeComponent('$encodedWebsocketUrl:\$serverPort');
StreamChannel channel = serializeSuite(() {
return test.main;
WebSocket.connect(server).then((WebSocket socket) { x) {
assert(x is String);
return json.decode(x);
File _cachedFontConfig;
Future<dynamic> close() async {
if (compiler != null) {
await compiler.shutdown();
compiler = null;
/// Returns a Fontconfig config file that limits font fallback to the
/// artifact cache directory.
File get _fontConfigFile {
if (_cachedFontConfig != null)
return _cachedFontConfig;
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln(' <dir>${cache.getCacheArtifacts().path}</dir>');
sb.writeln(' <cachedir>/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir>');
final Directory fontsDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_fonts');
_cachedFontConfig = fs.file('${fontsDir.path}/fonts.conf');
return _cachedFontConfig;
Future<Process> _startProcess(
String executable,
String testPath, {
String packages,
String bundlePath,
bool enableObservatory: false,
bool startPaused: false,
int observatoryPort,
int serverPort,
}) {
assert(executable != null); // Please provide the path to the shell in the SKY_SHELL environment variable.
assert(!startPaused || enableObservatory);
final List<String> command = <String>[executable];
if (enableObservatory) {
// Some systems drive the _FlutterPlatform class in an unusual way, where
// only one test file is processed at a time, and the operating
// environment hands out specific ports ahead of time in a cooperative
// manner, where we're only allowed to open ports that were given to us in
// advance like this. For those esoteric systems, we have this feature
// whereby you can create _FlutterPlatform with a pair of ports.
// I mention this only so that you won't be tempted, as I was, to apply
// the obvious simplification to this code and remove this entire feature.
if (observatoryPort != null)
if (startPaused)
} else {
if (host.type == InternetAddressType.IP_V6)
if (bundlePath != null) {
printTrace(command.join(' '));
final Map<String, String> environment = <String, String>{
'FLUTTER_TEST': 'true',
'FONTCONFIG_FILE': _fontConfigFile.path,
'SERVER_PORT': serverPort.toString(),
return processManager.start(command, environment: environment);
void _pipeStandardStreamsToConsole(
Process process, {
void startTimeoutTimer(),
void reportObservatoryUri(Uri uri),
}) {
const String observatoryString = 'Observatory listening on ';
for (Stream<List<int>> stream in
<Stream<List<int>>>[process.stderr, process.stdout]) {
.transform(const LineSplitter())
(String line) {
if (line == _kStartTimeoutTimerMessage) {
if (startTimeoutTimer != null)
} else if (line.startsWith('error: Unable to read Dart source \'package:test/')) {
printTrace('Shell: $line');
printError('\n\nFailed to load test harness. Are you missing a dependency on flutter_test?\n');
} else if (line.startsWith(observatoryString)) {
printTrace('Shell: $line');
try {
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(line.substring(observatoryString.length));
if (reportObservatoryUri != null)
} catch (error) {
printError('Could not parse shell observatory port message: $error');
} else if (line != null) {
printStatus('Shell: $line');
onError: (dynamic error) {
printError('shell console stream for process pid ${} experienced an unexpected error: $error');
cancelOnError: true,
String _getErrorMessage(String what, String testPath, String shellPath) {
return '$what\nTest: $testPath\nShell: $shellPath\n\n';
String _getExitCodeMessage(int exitCode, String when) {
switch (exitCode) {
case 1:
return 'Shell subprocess cleanly reported an error $when. Check the logs above for an error message.';
case 0:
return 'Shell subprocess ended cleanly $when. Did main() call exit()?';
case -0x0f: // ProcessSignal.SIGTERM
return 'Shell subprocess crashed with SIGTERM ($exitCode) $when.';
case -0x0b: // ProcessSignal.SIGSEGV
return 'Shell subprocess crashed with segmentation fault $when.';
case -0x06: // ProcessSignal.SIGABRT
return 'Shell subprocess crashed with SIGABRT ($exitCode) $when.';
case -0x02: // ProcessSignal.SIGINT
return 'Shell subprocess terminated by ^C (SIGINT, $exitCode) $when.';
return 'Shell subprocess crashed with unexpected exit code $exitCode $when.';
class _FlutterPlatformStreamSinkWrapper<S> implements StreamSink<S> {
_FlutterPlatformStreamSinkWrapper(this._parent, this._shellProcessClosed);
final StreamSink<S> _parent;
final Future<Null> _shellProcessClosed;
Future<Null> get done => _done.future;
final Completer<Null> _done = new Completer<Null>();
Future<dynamic> close() {
(List<dynamic> value) {
onError: _done.completeError,
return done;
void add(S event) => _parent.add(event);
void addError(dynamic errorEvent, [ StackTrace stackTrace ]) => _parent.addError(errorEvent, stackTrace);
Future<dynamic> addStream(Stream<S> stream) => _parent.addStream(stream);