blob: 11e784584809e316bfdb1e0f80c34b50ed7f58db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('BasicMessageChannel', () {
const MessageCodec<String> string = const StringCodec();
const BasicMessageChannel<String> channel = const BasicMessageChannel<String>('ch', string);
test('can send string message and get reply', () async {
(ByteData message) async => string.encodeMessage(string.decodeMessage(message) + ' world'),
final String reply = await channel.send('hello');
expect(reply, equals('hello world'));
test('can receive string message and send reply', () async {
channel.setMessageHandler((String message) async => message + ' world');
String reply;
await BinaryMessages.handlePlatformMessage(
const StringCodec().encodeMessage('hello'),
(ByteData replyBinary) {
reply = string.decodeMessage(replyBinary);
expect(reply, equals('hello world'));
group('MethodChannel', () {
const MessageCodec<dynamic> jsonMessage = const JSONMessageCodec();
const MethodCodec jsonMethod = const JSONMethodCodec();
const MethodChannel channel = const MethodChannel('ch7', jsonMethod);
test('can invoke method and get result', () async {
(ByteData message) async {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> methodCall = jsonMessage.decodeMessage(message);
if (methodCall['method'] == 'sayHello')
return jsonMessage.encodeMessage(<dynamic>['${methodCall['args']} world']);
return jsonMessage.encodeMessage(<dynamic>['unknown', null, null]);
final String result = await channel.invokeMethod('sayHello', 'hello');
expect(result, equals('hello world'));
test('can invoke method and get error', () async {
(ByteData message) async {
return jsonMessage.encodeMessage(<dynamic>[
'Something happened',
<String, dynamic>{'a': 42, 'b': 3.14},
try {
await channel.invokeMethod('sayHello', 'hello');
fail('Exception expected');
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
expect(e.code, equals('bad'));
expect(e.message, equals('Something happened'));
expect(e.details, equals(<String, dynamic>{'a': 42, 'b': 3.14}));
} catch (e) {
fail('PlatformException expected');
test('can invoke unimplemented method', () async {
(ByteData message) async => null,
try {
await channel.invokeMethod('sayHello', 'hello');
fail('Exception expected');
} on MissingPluginException catch (e) {
expect(e.message, contains('sayHello'));
expect(e.message, contains('ch7'));
} catch (e) {
fail('MissingPluginException expected');
test('can handle method call with no registered plugin', () async {
final ByteData call = jsonMethod.encodeMethodCall(const MethodCall('sayHello', 'hello'));
ByteData envelope;
await BinaryMessages.handlePlatformMessage('ch7', call, (ByteData result) {
envelope = result;
expect(envelope, isNull);
test('can handle method call of unimplemented method', () async {
channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
throw new MissingPluginException();
final ByteData call = jsonMethod.encodeMethodCall(const MethodCall('sayHello', 'hello'));
ByteData envelope;
await BinaryMessages.handlePlatformMessage('ch7', call, (ByteData result) {
envelope = result;
expect(envelope, isNull);
test('can handle method call with successful result', () async {
channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async => '${call.arguments}, world');
final ByteData call = jsonMethod.encodeMethodCall(const MethodCall('sayHello', 'hello'));
ByteData envelope;
await BinaryMessages.handlePlatformMessage('ch7', call, (ByteData result) {
envelope = result;
expect(jsonMethod.decodeEnvelope(envelope), equals('hello, world'));
test('can handle method call with expressive error result', () async {
channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
throw new PlatformException(code: 'bad', message: 'sayHello failed', details: null);
final ByteData call = jsonMethod.encodeMethodCall(const MethodCall('sayHello', 'hello'));
ByteData envelope;
await BinaryMessages.handlePlatformMessage('ch7', call, (ByteData result) {
envelope = result;
try {
fail('Exception expected');
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
expect(e.code, equals('bad'));
expect(e.message, equals('sayHello failed'));
} catch (e) {
fail('PlatformException expected');
test('can handle method call with other error result', () async {
channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
throw new ArgumentError('bad');
final ByteData call = jsonMethod.encodeMethodCall(const MethodCall('sayHello', 'hello'));
ByteData envelope;
await BinaryMessages.handlePlatformMessage('ch7', call, (ByteData result) {
envelope = result;
try {
fail('Exception expected');
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
expect(e.code, equals('error'));
expect(e.message, equals('Invalid argument(s): bad'));
} catch (e) {
fail('PlatformException expected');
group('EventChannel', () {
const MessageCodec<dynamic> jsonMessage = const JSONMessageCodec();
const MethodCodec jsonMethod = const JSONMethodCodec();
const EventChannel channel = const EventChannel('ch', jsonMethod);
void emitEvent(dynamic event) {
(ByteData reply) {},
test('can receive event stream', () async {
bool canceled = false;
(ByteData message) async {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> methodCall = jsonMessage.decodeMessage(message);
if (methodCall['method'] == 'listen') {
final String argument = methodCall['args'];
emitEvent(jsonMethod.encodeSuccessEnvelope(argument + '1'));
emitEvent(jsonMethod.encodeSuccessEnvelope(argument + '2'));
return jsonMethod.encodeSuccessEnvelope(null);
} else if (methodCall['method'] == 'cancel') {
canceled = true;
return jsonMethod.encodeSuccessEnvelope(null);
} else {
fail('Expected listen or cancel');
final List<dynamic> events = await channel.receiveBroadcastStream('hello').toList();
expect(events, orderedEquals(<String>['hello1', 'hello2']));
await new Future<Null>.delayed(;
expect(canceled, isTrue);
test('can receive error event', () async {
(ByteData message) async {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> methodCall = jsonMessage.decodeMessage(message);
if (methodCall['method'] == 'listen') {
final String argument = methodCall['args'];
emitEvent(jsonMethod.encodeErrorEnvelope(code: '404', message: 'Not Found.', details: argument));
return jsonMethod.encodeSuccessEnvelope(null);
} else if (methodCall['method'] == 'cancel') {
return jsonMethod.encodeSuccessEnvelope(null);
} else {
fail('Expected listen or cancel');
final List<dynamic> events = <dynamic>[];
final List<dynamic> errors = <dynamic>[];
channel.receiveBroadcastStream('hello').listen(events.add, onError: errors.add);
await new Future<Null>.delayed(;
expect(events, isEmpty);
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0], const isInstanceOf<PlatformException>());
final PlatformException error = errors[0];
expect(error.code, '404');
expect(error.message, 'Not Found.');
expect(error.details, 'hello');