blob: 28ad46c9338a3e6939ecdc870cd0f253c617df88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
/// A list optimized for containment queries.
/// Consider using an [ObserverList] instead of a [List] when the number of
/// [contains] calls dominates the number of [add] and [remove] calls.
// TODO(ianh): Use DelegatingIterable, possibly moving it from the collection
// package to foundation, or to dart:collection.
class ObserverList<T> extends Iterable<T> {
final List<T> _list = <T>[];
bool _isDirty = false;
HashSet<T> _set;
/// Adds an item to the end of this list.
void add(T item) {
_isDirty = true;
/// Removes an item from the list.
/// This is O(N) in the number of items in the list.
/// Returns whether the item was present in the list.
bool remove(T item) {
_isDirty = true;
return _list.remove(item);
bool contains(Object element) {
if (_list.length < 3)
return _list.contains(element);
if (_isDirty) {
if (_set == null) {
_set = new HashSet<T>.from(_list);
} else {
_isDirty = false;
return _set.contains(element);
Iterator<T> get iterator => _list.iterator;
bool get isEmpty => _list.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _list.isNotEmpty;