blob: 4dcc3040ce72106595764bdd43a9eff2c6aef5f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui show window;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/semantics.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'box.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'object.dart';
import 'view.dart';
export 'package:flutter/gestures.dart' show HitTestResult;
/// The glue between the render tree and the Flutter engine.
abstract class RendererBinding extends BindingBase with ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, HitTestable {
// This class is intended to be used as a mixin, and should not be
// extended directly.
factory RendererBinding._() => null;
void initInstances() {
_instance = this;
_pipelineOwner = new PipelineOwner(
onNeedVisualUpdate: ensureVisualUpdate,
onSemanticsOwnerCreated: _handleSemanticsOwnerCreated,
onSemanticsOwnerDisposed: _handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed,
..onMetricsChanged = handleMetricsChanged
..onTextScaleFactorChanged = handleTextScaleFactorChanged
..onSemanticsEnabledChanged = _handleSemanticsEnabledChanged
..onSemanticsAction = _handleSemanticsAction;
assert(renderView != null);
/// The current [RendererBinding], if one has been created.
static RendererBinding get instance => _instance;
static RendererBinding _instance;
void initServiceExtensions() {
assert(() {
// these service extensions only work in checked mode
name: 'debugPaint',
getter: () async => debugPaintSizeEnabled,
setter: (bool value) {
if (debugPaintSizeEnabled == value)
return new Future<Null>.value();
debugPaintSizeEnabled = value;
return _forceRepaint();
name: 'debugPaintBaselinesEnabled',
getter: () async => debugPaintBaselinesEnabled,
setter: (bool value) {
if (debugPaintBaselinesEnabled == value)
return new Future<Null>.value();
debugPaintBaselinesEnabled = value;
return _forceRepaint();
name: 'repaintRainbow',
getter: () async => debugRepaintRainbowEnabled,
setter: (bool value) {
final bool repaint = debugRepaintRainbowEnabled && !value;
debugRepaintRainbowEnabled = value;
if (repaint)
return _forceRepaint();
return new Future<Null>.value();
return true;
name: 'debugDumpRenderTree',
callback: () { debugDumpRenderTree(); return debugPrintDone; }
name: 'debugDumpLayerTree',
callback: () { debugDumpLayerTree(); return debugPrintDone; }
name: 'debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder',
callback: () { debugDumpSemanticsTree(DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.traversalOrder); return debugPrintDone; }
name: 'debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder',
callback: () { debugDumpSemanticsTree(DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.inverseHitTest); return debugPrintDone; }
/// Creates a [RenderView] object to be the root of the
/// [RenderObject] rendering tree, and initializes it so that it
/// will be rendered when the engine is next ready to display a
/// frame.
/// Called automatically when the binding is created.
void initRenderView() {
assert(renderView == null);
renderView = new RenderView(configuration: createViewConfiguration());
/// The render tree's owner, which maintains dirty state for layout,
/// composite, paint, and accessibility semantics
PipelineOwner get pipelineOwner => _pipelineOwner;
PipelineOwner _pipelineOwner;
/// The render tree that's attached to the output surface.
RenderView get renderView => _pipelineOwner.rootNode;
/// Sets the given [RenderView] object (which must not be null), and its tree, to
/// be the new render tree to display. The previous tree, if any, is detached.
set renderView(RenderView value) {
assert(value != null);
_pipelineOwner.rootNode = value;
/// Called when the system metrics change.
/// See [Window.onMetricsChanged].
void handleMetricsChanged() {
assert(renderView != null);
renderView.configuration = createViewConfiguration();
/// Called when the platform text scale factor changes.
/// See [Window.onTextScaleFactorChanged].
void handleTextScaleFactorChanged() { }
/// Returns a [ViewConfiguration] configured for the [RenderView] based on the
/// current environment.
/// This is called during construction and also in response to changes to the
/// system metrics.
/// Bindings can override this method to change what size or device pixel
/// ratio the [RenderView] will use. For example, the testing framework uses
/// this to force the display into 800x600 when a test is run on the device
/// using `flutter run`.
ViewConfiguration createViewConfiguration() {
final double devicePixelRatio = ui.window.devicePixelRatio;
return new ViewConfiguration(
size: ui.window.physicalSize / devicePixelRatio,
devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio,
SemanticsHandle _semanticsHandle;
void _handleSemanticsEnabledChanged() {
/// Whether the render tree associated with this binding should produce a tree
/// of [SemanticsNode] objects.
void setSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
_semanticsHandle ??= _pipelineOwner.ensureSemantics();
} else {
_semanticsHandle = null;
void _handleSemanticsAction(int id, SemanticsAction action, ByteData args) {
args != null ? const StandardMessageCodec().decodeMessage(args) : null,
void _handleSemanticsOwnerCreated() {
void _handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed() {
void _handlePersistentFrameCallback(Duration timeStamp) {
/// Pump the rendering pipeline to generate a frame.
/// This method is called by [handleDrawFrame], which itself is called
/// automatically by the engine when when it is time to lay out and paint a
/// frame.
/// Each frame consists of the following phases:
/// 1. The animation phase: The [handleBeginFrame] method, which is registered
/// with [Window.onBeginFrame], invokes all the transient frame callbacks
/// registered with [scheduleFrameCallback], in registration order. This
/// includes all the [Ticker] instances that are driving [AnimationController]
/// objects, which means all of the active [Animation] objects tick at this
/// point.
/// 2. Microtasks: After [handleBeginFrame] returns, any microtasks that got
/// scheduled by transient frame callbacks get to run. This typically includes
/// callbacks for futures from [Ticker]s and [AnimationController]s that
/// completed this frame.
/// After [handleBeginFrame], [handleDrawFrame], which is registered with
/// [Window.onDrawFrame], is called, which invokes all the persistent frame
/// callbacks, of which the most notable is this method, [drawFrame], which
/// proceeds as follows:
/// 3. The layout phase: All the dirty [RenderObject]s in the system are laid
/// out (see [RenderObject.performLayout]). See [RenderObject.markNeedsLayout]
/// for further details on marking an object dirty for layout.
/// 4. The compositing bits phase: The compositing bits on any dirty
/// [RenderObject] objects are updated. See
/// [RenderObject.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate].
/// 5. The paint phase: All the dirty [RenderObject]s in the system are
/// repainted (see [RenderObject.paint]). This generates the [Layer] tree. See
/// [RenderObject.markNeedsPaint] for further details on marking an object
/// dirty for paint.
/// 6. The compositing phase: The layer tree is turned into a [Scene] and
/// sent to the GPU.
/// 7. The semantics phase: All the dirty [RenderObject]s in the system have
/// their semantics updated (see [RenderObject.semanticsAnnotator]). This
/// generates the [SemanticsNode] tree. See
/// [RenderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate] for further details on marking an
/// object dirty for semantics.
/// For more details on steps 3-7, see [PipelineOwner].
/// 8. The finalization phase: After [drawFrame] returns, [handleDrawFrame]
/// then invokes post-frame callbacks (registered with [addPostFrameCallback]).
/// Some bindings (for example, the [WidgetsBinding]) add extra steps to this
/// list (for example, see [WidgetsBinding.drawFrame]).
// When editing the above, also update widgets/binding.dart's copy.
void drawFrame() {
assert(renderView != null);
renderView.compositeFrame(); // this sends the bits to the GPU
pipelineOwner.flushSemantics(); // this also sends the semantics to the OS.
Future<Null> performReassemble() async {
await super.performReassemble();
Timeline.startSync('Dirty Render Tree', arguments: timelineWhitelistArguments);
try {
} finally {
await endOfFrame;
void hitTest(HitTestResult result, Offset position) {
assert(renderView != null);
renderView.hitTest(result, position: position);
// This super call is safe since it will be bound to a mixed-in declaration.
super.hitTest(result, position); // ignore: abstract_super_member_reference
Future<Null> _forceRepaint() {
RenderObjectVisitor visitor;
visitor = (RenderObject child) {
return endOfFrame;
/// Prints a textual representation of the entire render tree.
void debugDumpRenderTree() {
debugPrint(RendererBinding.instance?.renderView?.toStringDeep() ?? 'Render tree unavailable.');
/// Prints a textual representation of the entire layer tree.
void debugDumpLayerTree() {
debugPrint(RendererBinding.instance?.renderView?.debugLayer?.toStringDeep() ?? 'Layer tree unavailable.');
/// Prints a textual representation of the entire semantics tree.
/// This will only work if there is a semantics client attached.
/// Otherwise, a notice that no semantics are available will be printed.
/// The order in which the children of a [SemanticsNode] will be printed is
/// controlled by the [childOrder] parameter.
void debugDumpSemanticsTree(DebugSemanticsDumpOrder childOrder) {
debugPrint(RendererBinding.instance?.renderView?.debugSemantics?.toStringDeep(childOrder: childOrder) ?? 'Semantics not collected.');
/// A concrete binding for applications that use the Rendering framework
/// directly. This is the glue that binds the framework to the Flutter engine.
/// You would only use this binding if you are writing to the
/// rendering layer directly. If you are writing to a higher-level
/// library, such as the Flutter Widgets library, then you would use
/// that layer's binding.
/// See also [BindingBase].
class RenderingFlutterBinding extends BindingBase with GestureBinding, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, RendererBinding {
/// Creates a binding for the rendering layer.
/// The `root` render box is attached directly to the [renderView] and is
/// given constraints that require it to fill the window.
RenderingFlutterBinding({ RenderBox root }) {
assert(renderView != null);
renderView.child = root;