blob: 418aa873cf605b44531ed6d447e62c4decc06f7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Widgets that handle interaction with asynchronous computations.
/// Asynchronous computations are represented by [Future]s and [Stream]s.
import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream, StreamSubscription;
import 'framework.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// dynamic _lot;
/// Base class for widgets that build themselves based on interaction with
/// a specified [Stream].
/// A [StreamBuilderBase] is stateful and maintains a summary of the interaction
/// so far. The type of the summary and how it is updated with each interaction
/// is defined by sub-classes.
/// Examples of summaries include:
/// * the running average of a stream of integers;
/// * the current direction and speed based on a stream of geolocation data;
/// * a graph displaying data points from a stream.
/// In general, the summary is the result of a fold computation over the data
/// items and errors received from the stream along with pseudo-events
/// representing termination or change of stream. The initial summary is
/// specified by sub-classes by overriding [initial]. The summary updates on
/// receipt of stream data and errors are specified by overriding [afterData] and
/// [afterError], respectively. If needed, the summary may be updated on stream
/// termination by overriding [afterDone]. Finally, the summary may be updated
/// on change of stream by overriding [afterDisconnected] and [afterConnected].
/// [T] is the type of stream events.
/// [S] is the type of interaction summary.
/// See also:
/// * [StreamBuilder], which is specialized to the case where only the most
/// recent interaction is needed for widget building.
abstract class StreamBuilderBase<T, S> extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a [StreamBuilderBase] connected to the specified [stream].
const StreamBuilderBase({ Key key, }) : super(key: key);
/// The asynchronous computation to which this builder is currently connected,
/// possibly null. When changed, the current summary is updated using
/// [afterDisconnected], if the previous stream was not null, followed by
/// [afterConnected], if the new stream is not null.
final Stream<T> stream;
/// Returns the initial summary of stream interaction, typically representing
/// the fact that no interaction has happened at all.
/// Sub-classes must override this method to provide the initial value for
/// the fold computation.
S initial();
/// Returns an updated version of the [current] summary reflecting that we
/// are now connected to a stream.
/// The default implementation returns [current] as is.
S afterConnected(S current) => current;
/// Returns an updated version of the [current] summary following a data event.
/// Sub-classes must override this method to specify how the current summary
/// is combined with the new data item in the fold computation.
S afterData(S current, T data);
/// Returns an updated version of the [current] summary following an error.
/// The default implementation returns [current] as is.
S afterError(S current, Object error) => current;
/// Returns an updated version of the [current] summary following stream
/// termination.
/// The default implementation returns [current] as is.
S afterDone(S current) => current;
/// Returns an updated version of the [current] summary reflecting that we
/// are no longer connected to a stream.
/// The default implementation returns [current] as is.
S afterDisconnected(S current) => current;
/// Returns a Widget based on the [currentSummary].
Widget build(BuildContext context, S currentSummary);
State<StreamBuilderBase<T, S>> createState() => new _StreamBuilderBaseState<T, S>();
/// State for [StreamBuilderBase].
class _StreamBuilderBaseState<T, S> extends State<StreamBuilderBase<T, S>> {
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
S _summary;
void initState() {
_summary = widget.initial();
void didUpdateWidget(StreamBuilderBase<T, S> oldWidget) {
if ( != {
if (_subscription != null) {
_summary = widget.afterDisconnected(_summary);
Widget build(BuildContext context) =>, _summary);
void dispose() {
void _subscribe() {
if ( != null) {
_subscription = data) {
setState(() {
_summary = widget.afterData(_summary, data);
}, onError: (Object error) {
setState(() {
_summary = widget.afterError(_summary, error);
}, onDone: () {
setState(() {
_summary = widget.afterDone(_summary);
_summary = widget.afterConnected(_summary);
void _unsubscribe() {
if (_subscription != null) {
_subscription = null;
/// The state of connection to an asynchronous computation.
/// See also:
/// * [AsyncSnapshot], which augments a connection state with information
/// received from the asynchronous computation.
enum ConnectionState {
/// Not currently connected to any asynchronous computation.
/// For example, a [FutureBuilder] whose [FutureBuilder.future] is null.
/// Connected to an asynchronous computation and awaiting interaction.
/// Connected to an active asynchronous computation.
/// For example, a [Stream] that has returned at least one value, but is not
/// yet done.
/// Connected to a terminated asynchronous computation.
/// Immutable representation of the most recent interaction with an asynchronous
/// computation.
/// See also:
/// * [StreamBuilder], which builds itself based on a snapshot from interacting
/// with a [Stream].
/// * [FutureBuilder], which builds itself based on a snapshot from interacting
/// with a [Future].
class AsyncSnapshot<T> {
/// Creates an [AsyncSnapshot] with the specified [connectionState],
/// and optionally either [data] or [error] (but not both).
const AsyncSnapshot._(this.connectionState,, this.error)
: assert(connectionState != null),
assert(!(data != null && error != null));
/// Creates an [AsyncSnapshot] in [ConnectionState.none] with null data and error.
const AsyncSnapshot.nothing() : this._(ConnectionState.none, null, null);
/// Creates an [AsyncSnapshot] in the specified [state] and with the specified [data].
const AsyncSnapshot.withData(ConnectionState state, T data) : this._(state, data, null);
/// Creates an [AsyncSnapshot] in the specified [state] and with the specified [error].
const AsyncSnapshot.withError(ConnectionState state, Object error) : this._(state, null, error);
/// Current state of connection to the asynchronous computation.
final ConnectionState connectionState;
/// The latest data received by the asynchronous computation.
/// If this is non-null, [hasData] will be true.
/// If [error] is not null, this will be null. See [hasError].
/// If the asynchronous computation has never returned a value, this may be
/// set to an initial data value specified by the relevant widget. See
/// [FutureBuilder.initialData] and [StreamBuilder.initialData].
final T data;
/// Returns latest data received, failing if there is no data.
/// Throws [error], if [hasError]. Throws [StateError], if neither [hasData]
/// nor [hasError].
T get requireData {
if (hasData)
return data;
if (hasError)
throw error;
throw new StateError('Snapshot has neither data nor error');
/// The latest error object received by the asynchronous computation.
/// If this is non-null, [hasError] will be true.
/// If [data] is not null, this will be null.
final Object error;
/// Returns a snapshot like this one, but in the specified [state].
/// The [data] and [error] fields persist unmodified, even if the new state is
/// [ConnectionState.none].
AsyncSnapshot<T> inState(ConnectionState state) => new AsyncSnapshot<T>._(state, data, error);
/// Returns whether this snapshot contains a non-null [data] value.
/// This can be false even when the asynchronous computation has completed
/// successfully, if the computation did not return a non-null value. For
/// example, a [Future<void>] will complete with the null value even if it
/// completes successfully.
bool get hasData => data != null;
/// Returns whether this snapshot contains a non-null [error] value.
/// This is always true if the asynchronous computation's last result was
/// failure.
bool get hasError => error != null;
String toString() => '$runtimeType($connectionState, $data, $error)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other is! AsyncSnapshot<T>)
return false;
final AsyncSnapshot<T> typedOther = other;
return connectionState == typedOther.connectionState
&& data ==
&& error == typedOther.error;
int get hashCode => hashValues(connectionState, data, error);
/// Signature for strategies that build widgets based on asynchronous
/// interaction.
/// See also:
/// * [StreamBuilder], which delegates to an [AsyncWidgetBuilder] to build
/// itself based on a snapshot from interacting with a [Stream].
/// * [FutureBuilder], which delegates to an [AsyncWidgetBuilder] to build
/// itself based on a snapshot from interacting with a [Future].
typedef Widget AsyncWidgetBuilder<T>(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<T> snapshot);
/// Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with
/// a [Stream].
/// Widget rebuilding is scheduled by each interaction, using [State.setState],
/// but is otherwise decoupled from the timing of the stream. The [builder]
/// is called at the discretion of the Flutter pipeline, and will thus receive a
/// timing-dependent sub-sequence of the snapshots that represent the
/// interaction with the stream.
/// As an example, when interacting with a stream producing the integers
/// 0 through 9, the [builder] may be called with any ordered sub-sequence
/// of the following snapshots that includes the last one (the one with
/// ConnectionState.done):
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(ConnectionState.waiting, null)`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(, 0)`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(, 1)`
/// * ...
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(, 9)`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(ConnectionState.done, 9)`
/// The actual sequence of invocations of the [builder] depends on the relative
/// timing of events produced by the stream and the build rate of the Flutter
/// pipeline.
/// Changing the [StreamBuilder] configuration to another stream during event
/// generation introduces snapshot pairs of the form:
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(ConnectionState.none, 5)`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withData(ConnectionState.waiting, 5)`
/// The latter will be produced only when the new stream is non-null, and the
/// former only when the old stream is non-null.
/// The stream may produce errors, resulting in snapshots of the form:
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<int>.withError(, 'some error')`
/// The data and error fields of snapshots produced are only changed when the
/// state is ``.
/// The initial snapshot data can be controlled by specifying [initialData].
/// You would use this facility to ensure that if the [builder] is invoked
/// before the first event arrives on the stream, the snapshot carries data of
/// your choice rather than the default null value.
/// See also:
/// * [StreamBuilderBase], which supports widget building based on a computation
/// that spans all interactions made with the stream.
/// ## Sample code
/// This sample shows a [StreamBuilder] configuring a text label to show the
/// latest bid received for a lot in an auction. Assume the `_lot` field is
/// set by a selector elsewhere in the UI.
/// ```dart
/// new StreamBuilder<int>(
/// stream: _lot?.bids, // a Stream<int> or null
/// builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<int> snapshot) {
/// if (snapshot.hasError)
/// return new Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
/// switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
/// case ConnectionState.none: return new Text('Select lot');
/// case ConnectionState.waiting: return new Text('Awaiting bids...');
/// case return new Text('\$${}');
/// case ConnectionState.done: return new Text('\$${} (closed)');
/// }
/// },
/// )
/// ```
class StreamBuilder<T> extends StreamBuilderBase<T, AsyncSnapshot<T>> {
/// Creates a new [StreamBuilder] that builds itself based on the latest
/// snapshot of interaction with the specified [stream] and whose build
/// strategy is given by [builder]. The [initialData] is used to create the
/// initial snapshot. It is null by default.
const StreamBuilder({
Key key,
Stream<T> stream,
@required this.builder
: assert(builder != null),
super(key: key, stream: stream);
/// The build strategy currently used by this builder. Cannot be null.
final AsyncWidgetBuilder<T> builder;
/// The data that will be used to create the initial snapshot. Null by default.
final T initialData;
AsyncSnapshot<T> initial() => new AsyncSnapshot<T>.withData(ConnectionState.none, initialData);
AsyncSnapshot<T> afterConnected(AsyncSnapshot<T> current) => current.inState(ConnectionState.waiting);
AsyncSnapshot<T> afterData(AsyncSnapshot<T> current, T data) {
return new AsyncSnapshot<T>.withData(, data);
AsyncSnapshot<T> afterError(AsyncSnapshot<T> current, Object error) {
return new AsyncSnapshot<T>.withError(, error);
AsyncSnapshot<T> afterDone(AsyncSnapshot<T> current) => current.inState(ConnectionState.done);
AsyncSnapshot<T> afterDisconnected(AsyncSnapshot<T> current) => current.inState(ConnectionState.none);
Widget build(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<T> currentSummary) => builder(context, currentSummary);
/// Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with
/// a [Future].
/// Widget rebuilding is scheduled by the completion of the future, using
/// [State.setState], but is otherwise decoupled from the timing of the future.
/// The [builder] callback is called at the discretion of the Flutter pipeline, and
/// will thus receive a timing-dependent sub-sequence of the snapshots that
/// represent the interaction with the future.
/// For a future that completes successfully with data, assuming [initialData]
/// is null, the [builder] will be called with either both or only the latter of
/// the following snapshots:
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<String>.withData(ConnectionState.waiting, null)`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<String>.withData(ConnectionState.done, 'some data')`
/// If that same future instead completed with an error, the [builder] would be
/// called with either both or only the latter of:
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<String>.withData(ConnectionState.waiting, null)`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<String>.withError(ConnectionState.done, 'some error')`
/// The initial snapshot data can be controlled by specifying [initialData]. You
/// would use this facility to ensure that if the [builder] is invoked before
/// the future completes, the snapshot carries data of your choice rather than
/// the default null value.
/// The data and error fields of the snapshot change only as the connection
/// state field transitions from `waiting` to `done`, and they will be retained
/// when changing the [FutureBuilder] configuration to another future. If the
/// old future has already completed successfully with data as above, changing
/// configuration to a new future results in snapshot pairs of the form:
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<String>.withData(ConnectionState.none, 'data of first future')`
/// * `new AsyncSnapshot<String>.withData(ConnectionState.waiting, 'data of second future')`
/// In general, the latter will be produced only when the new future is
/// non-null, and the former only when the old future is non-null.
/// A [FutureBuilder] behaves identically to a [StreamBuilder] configured with
/// `future?.asStream()`, except that snapshots with ``
/// may appear for the latter, depending on how the stream is implemented.
/// ## Sample code
/// This sample shows a [FutureBuilder] configuring a text label to show the
/// state of an asynchronous calculation returning a string. Assume the
/// `_calculation` field is set by pressing a button elsewhere in the UI.
/// ```dart
/// new FutureBuilder<String>(
/// future: _calculation, // a Future<String> or null
/// builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) {
/// switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
/// case ConnectionState.none: return new Text('Press button to start');
/// case ConnectionState.waiting: return new Text('Awaiting result...');
/// default:
/// if (snapshot.hasError)
/// return new Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
/// else
/// return new Text('Result: ${}');
/// }
/// },
/// )
/// ```
class FutureBuilder<T> extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of
/// interaction with a [Future].
/// The [builder] must not be null.
const FutureBuilder({
Key key,
@required this.builder
}) : assert(builder != null),
super(key: key);
/// The asynchronous computation to which this builder is currently connected,
/// possibly null.
/// If no future has yet completed, including in the case where [future] is
/// null, the data provided to the [builder] will be set to [initialData].
final Future<T> future;
/// The build strategy currently used by this builder.
/// The builder is provided with an [AsyncSnapshot] object whose
/// [AsyncSnapshot.connectionState] property will be one of the following
/// values:
/// * [ConnectionState.none]: [future] is null. The [] will
/// be set to [initialData], unless a future has previously completed, in
/// which case the previous result persists.
/// * [ConnectionState.waiting]: [future] is not null, but has not yet
/// completed. The [] will be set to [initialData],
/// unless a future has previously completed, in which case the previous
/// result persists.
/// * [ConnectionState.done]: [future] is not null, and has completed. If the
/// future completed successfully, the [] will be set to
/// the value to which the future completed. If it completed with an error,
/// [AsyncSnapshot.hasError] will be true and [AsyncSnapshot.error] will be
/// set to the error object.
final AsyncWidgetBuilder<T> builder;
/// The data that will be used to create the snapshots provided until a
/// non-null [future] has completed.
/// If the future completes with an error, the data in the [AsyncSnapshot]
/// provided to the [builder] will become null, regardless of [initialData].
/// (The error itself will be available in [AsyncSnapshot.error], and
/// [AsyncSnapshot.hasError] will be true.)
final T initialData;
State<FutureBuilder<T>> createState() => new _FutureBuilderState<T>();
/// State for [FutureBuilder].
class _FutureBuilderState<T> extends State<FutureBuilder<T>> {
/// An object that identifies the currently active callbacks. Used to avoid
/// calling setState from stale callbacks, e.g. after disposal of this state,
/// or after widget reconfiguration to a new Future.
Object _activeCallbackIdentity;
AsyncSnapshot<T> _snapshot;
void initState() {
_snapshot = new AsyncSnapshot<T>.withData(ConnectionState.none, widget.initialData);
void didUpdateWidget(FutureBuilder<T> oldWidget) {
if (oldWidget.future != widget.future) {
if (_activeCallbackIdentity != null) {
_snapshot = _snapshot.inState(ConnectionState.none);
Widget build(BuildContext context) => widget.builder(context, _snapshot);
void dispose() {
void _subscribe() {
if (widget.future != null) {
final Object callbackIdentity = new Object();
_activeCallbackIdentity = callbackIdentity;
widget.future.then<void>((T data) {
if (_activeCallbackIdentity == callbackIdentity) {
setState(() {
_snapshot = new AsyncSnapshot<T>.withData(ConnectionState.done, data);
}, onError: (Object error) {
if (_activeCallbackIdentity == callbackIdentity) {
setState(() {
_snapshot = new AsyncSnapshot<T>.withError(ConnectionState.done, error);
_snapshot = _snapshot.inState(ConnectionState.waiting);
void _unsubscribe() {
_activeCallbackIdentity = null;