blob: f9f01d4a9fa363dfca00cbb74e06b1311c2bc503 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'button_theme.dart';
import 'colors.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'ink_well.dart';
import 'material.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
import 'theme_data.dart';
/// Creates a button based on [Semantics], [Material], and [InkWell]
/// widgets.
/// This class does not use the current [Theme] or [ButtonTheme] to
/// compute default values for unspecified parameters. It's intended to
/// be used for custom Material buttons that optionally incorporate defaults
/// from the themes or from app-specific sources.
/// [RaisedButton] and [FlatButton] configure a [RawMaterialButton] based
/// on the current [Theme] and [ButtonTheme].
class RawMaterialButton extends StatefulWidget {
/// Create a button based on [Semantics], [Material], and [InkWell] widgets.
/// The [shape], [elevation], [padding], [constraints], and [clipBehavior]
/// arguments must not be null.
const RawMaterialButton({
Key key,
@required this.onPressed,
this.elevation = 2.0,
this.highlightElevation = 8.0,
this.disabledElevation = 0.0,
this.padding =,
this.constraints = const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 88.0, minHeight: 36.0),
this.shape = const RoundedRectangleBorder(),
this.animationDuration = kThemeChangeDuration,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize,
}) : this.materialTapTargetSize = materialTapTargetSize ?? MaterialTapTargetSize.padded,
assert(shape != null),
assert(elevation != null),
assert(highlightElevation != null),
assert(disabledElevation != null),
assert(padding != null),
assert(constraints != null),
assert(animationDuration != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null),
super(key: key);
/// Called when the button is tapped or otherwise activated.
/// If this is set to null, the button will be disabled, see [enabled].
final VoidCallback onPressed;
/// Called by the underlying [InkWell] widget's [InkWell.onHighlightChanged]
/// callback.
final ValueChanged<bool> onHighlightChanged;
/// Defines the default text style, with [Material.textStyle], for the
/// button's [child].
final TextStyle textStyle;
/// The color of the button's [Material].
final Color fillColor;
/// The highlight color for the button's [InkWell].
final Color highlightColor;
/// The splash color for the button's [InkWell].
final Color splashColor;
/// The elevation for the button's [Material] when the button
/// is [enabled] but not pressed.
/// Defaults to 2.0.
/// See also:
/// * [highlightElevation], the default elevation.
/// * [disabledElevation], the elevation when the button is disabled.
final double elevation;
/// The elevation for the button's [Material] when the button
/// is [enabled] and pressed.
/// Defaults to 8.0.
/// See also:
/// * [elevation], the default elevation.
/// * [disabledElevation], the elevation when the button is disabled.
final double highlightElevation;
/// The elevation for the button's [Material] when the button
/// is not [enabled].
/// Defaults to 0.0.
/// * [elevation], the default elevation.
/// * [highlightElevation], the elevation when the button is pressed.
final double disabledElevation;
/// The internal padding for the button's [child].
final EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
/// Defines the button's size.
/// Typically used to constrain the button's minimum size.
final BoxConstraints constraints;
/// The shape of the button's [Material].
/// The button's highlight and splash are clipped to this shape. If the
/// button has an elevation, then its drop shadow is defined by this shape.
final ShapeBorder shape;
/// Defines the duration of animated changes for [shape] and [elevation].
/// The default value is [kThemeChangeDuration].
final Duration animationDuration;
/// Typically the button's label.
final Widget child;
/// Whether the button is enabled or disabled.
/// Buttons are disabled by default. To enable a button, set its [onPressed]
/// property to a non-null value.
bool get enabled => onPressed != null;
/// Configures the minimum size of the tap target.
/// Defaults to [MaterialTapTargetSize.padded].
/// See also:
/// * [MaterialTapTargetSize], for a description of how this affects tap targets.
final MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.Clip}
final Clip clipBehavior;
_RawMaterialButtonState createState() => new _RawMaterialButtonState();
class _RawMaterialButtonState extends State<RawMaterialButton> {
bool _highlight = false;
void _handleHighlightChanged(bool value) {
setState(() {
_highlight = value;
if (widget.onHighlightChanged != null)
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final double elevation = widget.enabled
? (_highlight ? widget.highlightElevation : widget.elevation)
: widget.disabledElevation;
final Widget result = new ConstrainedBox(
constraints: widget.constraints,
child: new Material(
elevation: elevation,
textStyle: widget.textStyle,
shape: widget.shape,
color: widget.fillColor,
type: widget.fillColor == null ? MaterialType.transparency : MaterialType.button,
animationDuration: widget.animationDuration,
clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior,
child: new InkWell(
onHighlightChanged: _handleHighlightChanged,
splashColor: widget.splashColor,
highlightColor: widget.highlightColor,
onTap: widget.onPressed,
customBorder: widget.shape,
child: IconTheme.merge(
data: new IconThemeData(color: widget.textStyle?.color),
child: new Container(
padding: widget.padding,
child: new Center(
widthFactor: 1.0,
heightFactor: 1.0,
child: widget.child,
Size minSize;
switch (widget.materialTapTargetSize) {
case MaterialTapTargetSize.padded:
minSize = const Size(48.0, 48.0);
case MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap:
minSize =;
return new Semantics(
container: true,
button: true,
enabled: widget.enabled,
child: new _InputPadding(
minSize: minSize,
child: result,
/// A utility class for building Material buttons that depend on the
/// ambient [ButtonTheme] and [Theme].
/// The button's size will expand to fit the child widget, if necessary.
/// MaterialButtons whose [onPressed] handler is null will be disabled. To have
/// an enabled button, make sure to pass a non-null value for onPressed.
/// Rather than using this class directly, consider using [FlatButton] or
/// [RaisedButton], which configure this class with appropriate defaults that
/// match the material design specification.
/// To create a button directly, without inheriting theme defaults, use
/// [RawMaterialButton].
/// If you want an ink-splash effect for taps, but don't want to use a button,
/// consider using [InkWell] directly.
/// See also:
/// * [IconButton], to create buttons that contain icons rather than text.
class MaterialButton extends StatelessWidget {
/// Creates a material button.
/// Rather than creating a material button directly, consider using
/// [FlatButton] or [RaisedButton]. To create a custom Material button
/// consider using [RawMaterialButton].
/// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be null.
const MaterialButton({
Key key,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
@required this.onPressed,
}) : assert(clipBehavior != null), super(key: key);
/// The theme brightness to use for this button.
/// Defaults to the brightness from [ThemeData.brightness].
final Brightness colorBrightness;
/// Defines the button's base colors, and the defaults for the button's minimum
/// size, internal padding, and shape.
final ButtonTextTheme textTheme;
/// The color to use for this button's text.
final Color textColor;
/// The button's fill color, displayed by its [Material], while the button
/// is in its default (unpressed, enabled) state.
/// Defaults to null, meaning that the color is automatically derived from the [Theme].
/// Typically, a material design color will be used, as follows:
/// ```dart
/// new MaterialButton(
/// color:[500],
/// onPressed: _handleTap,
/// child: new Text('DEMO'),
/// ),
/// ```
final Color color;
/// The primary color of the button when the button is in the down (pressed)
/// state.
/// The splash is represented as a circular overlay that appears above the
/// [highlightColor] overlay. The splash overlay has a center point that
/// matches the hit point of the user touch event. The splash overlay will
/// expand to fill the button area if the touch is held for long enough time.
/// If the splash color has transparency then the highlight and button color
/// will show through.
/// Defaults to the Theme's splash color, [ThemeData.splashColor].
final Color splashColor;
/// The secondary color of the button when the button is in the down (pressed)
/// state.
/// The highlight color is represented as a solid color that is overlaid over
/// the button color (if any). If the highlight color has transparency, the
/// button color will show through. The highlight fades in quickly as the
/// button is held down.
/// Defaults to the Theme's highlight color, [ThemeData.highlightColor].
final Color highlightColor;
/// The z-coordinate at which to place this button. This controls the size of
/// the shadow below the button.
/// Defaults to 0.
/// See also:
/// * [FlatButton], a material button specialized for the case where the
/// elevation is zero.
/// * [RaisedButton], a material button specialized for the case where the
/// elevation is non-zero.
final double elevation;
/// The z-coordinate at which to place this button when highlighted. This
/// controls the size of the shadow below the button.
/// Defaults to 0.
/// See also:
/// * [elevation], the default elevation.
final double highlightElevation;
/// The smallest horizontal extent that the button will occupy.
/// Defaults to the value from the current [ButtonTheme].
final double minWidth;
/// The vertical extent of the button.
/// Defaults to the value from the current [ButtonTheme].
final double height;
/// The internal padding for the button's [child].
/// Defaults to the value from the current [ButtonTheme],
/// [ButtonThemeData.padding].
final EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
/// The callback that is called when the button is tapped or otherwise activated.
/// If this is set to null, the button will be disabled.
final VoidCallback onPressed;
/// The widget below this widget in the tree.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.child}
final Widget child;
/// Configures the minimum size of the tap target.
/// Defaults to [ThemeData.materialTapTargetSize].
/// See also:
/// * [MaterialTapTargetSize], for a description of how this affects tap targets.
final MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.Clip}
final Clip clipBehavior;
/// Whether the button is enabled or disabled. Buttons are disabled by default. To
/// enable a button, set its [onPressed] property to a non-null value.
bool get enabled => onPressed != null;
Brightness _getBrightness(ThemeData theme) {
return colorBrightness ?? theme.brightness;
ButtonTextTheme _getTextTheme(ButtonThemeData buttonTheme) {
return textTheme ?? buttonTheme.textTheme;
Color _getTextColor(ThemeData theme, ButtonThemeData buttonTheme, Color fillColor) {
if (textColor != null)
return textColor;
final bool themeIsDark = _getBrightness(theme) == Brightness.dark;
final bool fillIsDark = fillColor != null
? ThemeData.estimateBrightnessForColor(fillColor) == Brightness.dark
: themeIsDark;
switch (_getTextTheme(buttonTheme)) {
case ButtonTextTheme.normal:
return enabled
? (themeIsDark ? Colors.white : Colors.black87)
: (themeIsDark ? Colors.white30 : Colors.black26);
case ButtonTextTheme.accent:
return enabled
? theme.accentColor
: (themeIsDark ? Colors.white30 : Colors.black26);
case ButtonTextTheme.primary:
return enabled
? (fillIsDark ? Colors.white :
: (themeIsDark ? Colors.white30 : Colors.black38);
return null;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
final ButtonThemeData buttonTheme = ButtonTheme.of(context);
final Color textColor = _getTextColor(theme, buttonTheme, color);
return new RawMaterialButton(
onPressed: onPressed,
fillColor: color,
textStyle: theme.textTheme.button.copyWith(color: textColor),
highlightColor: highlightColor ?? theme.highlightColor,
splashColor: splashColor ?? theme.splashColor,
elevation: elevation ?? 2.0,
highlightElevation: highlightElevation ?? 8.0,
padding: padding ?? buttonTheme.padding,
constraints: buttonTheme.constraints.copyWith(
minWidth: minWidth,
minHeight: height,
shape: buttonTheme.shape,
child: child,
materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize ?? theme.materialTapTargetSize,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new FlagProperty('enabled', value: enabled, ifFalse: 'disabled'));
/// A widget to pad the area around a [MaterialButton]'s inner [Material].
/// Redirect taps that occur in the padded area around the child to the center
/// of the child. This increases the size of the button and the button's
/// "tap target", but not its material or its ink splashes.
class _InputPadding extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
const _InputPadding({
Key key,
Widget child,
}) : super(key: key, child: child);
final Size minSize;
RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new _RenderInputPadding(minSize);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, covariant _RenderInputPadding renderObject) {
renderObject.minSize = minSize;
class _RenderInputPadding extends RenderShiftedBox {
_RenderInputPadding(this._minSize, [RenderBox child]) : super(child) ;
Size get minSize => _minSize;
Size _minSize;
set minSize(Size value) {
if (_minSize == value)
_minSize = value;
double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
if (child != null)
return math.max(child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height), minSize.width);
return 0.0;
double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
if (child != null)
return math.max(child.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width), minSize.height);
return 0.0;
double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
if (child != null)
return math.max(child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height), minSize.width);
return 0.0;
double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
if (child != null)
return math.max(child.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width), minSize.height);
return 0.0;
void performLayout() {
if (child != null) {
child.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true);
final double height = math.max(child.size.width, minSize.width);
final double width = math.max(child.size.height, minSize.height);
size = constraints.constrain(new Size(height, width));
final BoxParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
childParentData.offset = - child.size);
} else {
size =;
bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, {Offset position}) {
return super.hitTest(result, position: position) ||
child.hitTest(result, position:;