blob: d52e53949b7429c1afc2ea6fcded3b5e33c95f93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
/// Embeds an Android view in the Widget hierarchy.
/// Requires Android API level 20 or greater.
/// Embedding Android views is an expensive operation and should be avoided when a Flutter
/// equivalent is possible.
/// The embedded Android view is painted just like any other Flutter widget and transformations
/// apply to it as well.
/// The widget fill all available space, the parent of this object must provide bounded layout
/// constraints.
/// AndroidView participates in Flutter's [GestureArena]s, and dispatches touch events to the
/// Android view iff it won the arena. Specific gestures that should be dispatched to the Android
/// view can be specified in [AndroidView.gestureRecognizers]. If
/// [AndroidView.gestureRecognizers] is empty, the gesture will be dispatched to the Android
/// view iff it was not claimed by any other gesture recognizer.
/// The Android view object is created using a [PlatformViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html).
/// Plugins can register platform view factories with [PlatformViewRegistry#registerViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewRegistry.html#registerViewFactory-java.lang.String-io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory-).
/// Registration is typically done in the plugin's registerWith method, e.g:
/// ```java
/// public static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
/// registrar.platformViewRegistry().registerViewFactory("webview", new WebViewFactory(registrar.messenger()));
/// }
/// ```
/// The Android view's lifetime is the same as the lifetime of the [State] object for this widget.
/// When the [State] is disposed the platform view (and auxiliary resources) are lazily
/// released (some resources are immediately released and some by platform garbage collector).
/// A stateful widget's state is disposed the the widget is removed from the tree or when it is
/// moved within the tree. If the stateful widget has a key and it's only moved relative to its siblings,
/// or it has a [GlobalKey] and it's moved within the tree, it will not be disposed.
class AndroidView extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a widget that embeds an Android view.
/// The `viewType`, `hitTestBehavior`, and `gestureRecognizers` parameters must not be null.
/// If `creationParams` is not null then `creationParamsCodec` must not be null.
AndroidView({ // ignore: prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables
// TODO(aam): Remove lint ignore above once is fixed
Key key,
@required this.viewType,
this.hitTestBehavior = PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque,
this.gestureRecognizers = const <OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> [],
}) : assert(viewType != null),
assert(hitTestBehavior != null),
assert(gestureRecognizers != null),
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null),
super(key: key);
/// The unique identifier for Android view type to be embedded by this widget.
/// A [PlatformViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html)
/// for this type must have been registered.
/// See also: [AndroidView] for an example of registering a platform view factory.
final String viewType;
/// Callback to invoke after the Android view has been created.
/// May be null.
final PlatformViewCreatedCallback onPlatformViewCreated;
/// How this widget should behave during hit testing.
/// This defaults to [PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque].
final PlatformViewHitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior;
/// The text direction to use for the embedded view.
/// If this is null, the ambient [Directionality] is used instead.
final TextDirection layoutDirection;
/// Which gestures should be forwarded to the Android view.
/// The gesture recognizers on this list participate in the gesture arena for each pointer
/// that was put down on the widget. If any of the recognizers on this list wins the
/// gesture arena, the entire pointer event sequence starting from the pointer down event
/// will be dispatched to the Android view.
/// For example, with the following setup vertical drags will not be dispatched to the Android
/// view as the vertical drag gesture is claimed by the parent [GestureDetector].
/// ```dart
/// GestureDetector(
/// onVerticalDragStart: (DragStartDetails d) {},
/// child: AndroidView(
/// viewType: 'webview',
/// gestureRecognizers: <OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>[],
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// To get the [AndroidView] to claim the vertical drag gestures we can pass a vertical drag
/// gesture recognizer in [gestureRecognizers] e.g:
/// ```dart
/// GestureDetector(
/// onVerticalDragStart: (DragStartDetails d) {},
/// child: SizedBox(
/// width: 200.0,
/// height: 100.0,
/// child: AndroidView(
/// viewType: 'webview',
/// gestureRecognizers: <OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>[ new VerticalDragGestureRecognizer() ],
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// An [AndroidView] can be configured to consume all pointers that were put down in its bounds
/// by passing an [EagerGestureRecognizer] in [gestureRecognizers]. [EagerGestureRecognizer] is a
/// special gesture recognizer that immediately claims the gesture after a pointer down event.
// We use OneSequenceGestureRecognizers as they support gesture arena teams.
// TODO(amirh): get a list of GestureRecognizers here.
final List<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> gestureRecognizers;
/// Passed as the args argument of [PlatformViewFactory#create](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html#create-android.content.Context-int-java.lang.Object-)
/// This can be used by plugins to pass constructor parameters to the embedded Android view.
final dynamic creationParams;
/// The codec used to encode `creationParams` before sending it to the
/// platform side. It should match the codec passed to the constructor of [PlatformViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html#PlatformViewFactory-io.flutter.plugin.common.MessageCodec-).
/// This is typically one of: [StandardMessageCodec], [JSONMessageCodec], [StringCodec], or [BinaryCodec].
/// This must not be null if [creationParams] is not null.
final MessageCodec<dynamic> creationParamsCodec;
State createState() => new _AndroidViewState();
class _AndroidViewState extends State<AndroidView> {
int _id;
AndroidViewController _controller;
TextDirection _layoutDirection;
bool _initialized = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new _AndroidPlatformView(
controller: _controller,
hitTestBehavior: widget.hitTestBehavior,
gestureRecognizers: widget.gestureRecognizers,
void _initializeOnce() {
if (_initialized) {
_initialized = true;
_layoutDirection = _findLayoutDirection();
void didChangeDependencies() {
final TextDirection newLayoutDirection = _findLayoutDirection();
final bool didChangeLayoutDirection = _layoutDirection != newLayoutDirection;
_layoutDirection = newLayoutDirection;
if (didChangeLayoutDirection) {
// The native view will update asynchronously, in the meantime we don't want
// to block the framework. (so this is intentionally not awaiting).
void didUpdateWidget(AndroidView oldWidget) {
final TextDirection newLayoutDirection = _findLayoutDirection();
final bool didChangeLayoutDirection = _layoutDirection != newLayoutDirection;
_layoutDirection = newLayoutDirection;
if (widget.viewType != oldWidget.viewType) {
if (didChangeLayoutDirection) {
TextDirection _findLayoutDirection() {
assert(widget.layoutDirection != null || debugCheckHasDirectionality(context));
return widget.layoutDirection ?? Directionality.of(context);
void dispose() {
void _createNewAndroidView() {
_id = platformViewsRegistry.getNextPlatformViewId();
_controller = PlatformViewsService.initAndroidView(
id: _id,
viewType: widget.viewType,
layoutDirection: _layoutDirection,
onPlatformViewCreated: widget.onPlatformViewCreated,
creationParams: widget.creationParams,
creationParamsCodec: widget.creationParamsCodec,
class _AndroidPlatformView extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
const _AndroidPlatformView({
Key key,
@required this.controller,
@required this.hitTestBehavior,
@required this.gestureRecognizers,
}) : assert(controller != null),
assert(hitTestBehavior != null),
assert(gestureRecognizers != null),
super(key: key);
final AndroidViewController controller;
final PlatformViewHitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior;
final List<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> gestureRecognizers;
RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) =>
new RenderAndroidView(
viewController: controller,
hitTestBehavior: hitTestBehavior,
gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderAndroidView renderObject) {
renderObject.viewController = controller;
renderObject.hitTestBehavior = hitTestBehavior;
renderObject.gestureRecognizers = gestureRecognizers;