blob: 21073b5875263b0b13a0548ba39efe4cbe8e2ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
/// Builds a [Widget] when given a concrete value of a [ValueListenable<T>].
/// If the `child` parameter provided to the [ValueListenableBuilder] is not
/// null, the same `child` widget is passed back to this [ValueWidgetBuilder]
/// and should typically be incorporated in the returned widget tree.
/// See also:
/// * [ValueListenableBuilder], a widget which invokes this builder each time
/// a [ValueListenable] changes value.
typedef ValueWidgetBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T value, Widget child);
/// A widget whose content stays sync'ed with a [ValueListenable].
/// Given a [ValueListenable<T>] and a [builder] which builds widgets from
/// concrete values of `T`, this class will automatically register itself as a
/// listener of the [ValueListenable] and call the [builder] with updated values
/// when the value changes.
/// ## Performance optimizations
/// If your [builder] function contains a subtree that does not depend on the
/// value of the [ValueListenable], it's more efficient to build that subtree
/// once instead of rebuilding it on every animation tick.
/// If you pass the pre-built subtree as the [child] parameter, the
/// [ValueListenableBuilder] will pass it back to your [builder] function so
/// that you can incorporate it into your build.
/// Using this pre-built child is entirely optional, but can improve
/// performance significantly in some cases and is therefore a good practice.
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedBuilder], which also triggers rebuilds from a [Listenable]
/// without passing back a specific value from a [ValueListenable].
/// * [NotificationListener], which lets you rebuild based on [Notification]
/// coming from its descendent widgets rather than a [ValueListenable] that
/// you have a direct reference to.
/// * [StreamBuilder], where a builder can depend on a [Stream] rather than
/// a [ValueListenable] for more advanced use cases.
class ValueListenableBuilder<T> extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a [ValueListenableBuilder].
/// The [valueListenable] and [builder] arguments must not be null.
/// The [child] is optional but is good practice to use if part of the widget
/// subtree does not depend on the value of the [valueListenable].
const ValueListenableBuilder({
@required this.valueListenable,
@required this.builder,
}) : assert(valueListenable != null),
assert(builder != null);
/// The [ValueListenable] whose value you depend on in order to build.
/// This widget does not ensure that the [ValueListenable]'s value is not
/// null, therefore your [builder] may need to handle null values.
/// This [ValueListenable] itself must not be null.
final ValueListenable<T> valueListenable;
/// A [ValueWidgetBuilder] which builds a widget depending on the
/// [valueListenable]'s value.
/// Can incorporate a [valueListenable] value-independent widget subtree
/// from the [child] parameter into the returned widget tree.
/// Must not be null.
final ValueWidgetBuilder<T> builder;
/// A [valueListenable]-independent widget which is passed back to the [builder].
/// This argument is optional and can be null if the entire widget subtree
/// the [builder] builds depends on the value of the [valueListenable]. For
/// example, if the [valueListenable] is a [String] and the [builder] simply
/// returns a [Text] widget with the [String] value.
final Widget child;
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _ValueListenableBuilderState<T>();
class _ValueListenableBuilderState<T> extends State<ValueListenableBuilder<T>> {
T value;
void initState() {
value = widget.valueListenable.value;
void didUpdateWidget(ValueListenableBuilder<T> oldWidget) {
if (oldWidget.valueListenable != widget.valueListenable) {
value = widget.valueListenable.value;
void dispose() {
void _valueChanged() {
setState(() { value = widget.valueListenable.value; });
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.builder(context, value, widget.child);