blob: 3bb7b23702c07b79f42ceb5a4f9004116bbf924b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'base/io.dart';
import 'base/process.dart';
import 'convert.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
const String _kManifest = 'MANIFEST.txt';
const String _kRequest = 'request';
const String _kResponse = 'response';
const String _kId = 'id';
const String _kType = 'type';
const String _kData = 'data';
/// A [StreamChannel] that expects VM service (JSON-rpc) protocol messages and
/// serializes all such messages to the file system for later playback.
class RecordingVMServiceChannel extends DelegatingStreamChannel<String> {
RecordingVMServiceChannel(StreamChannel<String> delegate, Directory location)
: super(delegate) {
addShutdownHook(() {
// Sort the messages such that they are ordered
// `[request1, response1, request2, response2, ...]`. This serves no
// purpose other than to make the serialized format more human-readable.
final File file = _getManifest(location);
final String json = const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(_messages);
file.writeAsStringSync(json, flush: true);
final List<_Message> _messages = <_Message>[];
_RecordingStream _streamRecorder;
_RecordingSink _sinkRecorder;
Stream<String> get stream {
_streamRecorder ??= _RecordingStream(, _messages);
StreamSink<String> get sink => _sinkRecorder ??= _RecordingSink(super.sink, _messages);
/// Base class for request and response JSON-rpc messages.
abstract class _Message implements Comparable<_Message> {
factory _Message.fromRecording(Map<String, dynamic> recordingData) {
return recordingData[_kType] == _kRequest
? _Request(recordingData[_kData])
: _Response(recordingData[_kData]);
final String type;
final Map<String, dynamic> data;
int get id => data[_kId];
/// Allows [JsonEncoder] to properly encode objects of this type.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return <String, dynamic>{
_kType: type,
_kData: data,
int compareTo(_Message other) {
if (id == null) {
printError('Invalid VMService message data detected: $data');
return -1;
final int result = id.compareTo(;
if (result != 0) {
return result;
} else if (type == _kRequest) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
/// A VM service JSON-rpc request (sent to the VM).
class _Request extends _Message {
_Request(Map<String, dynamic> data) : super(_kRequest, data);
_Request.fromString(String data) : this(json.decoder.convert(data));
/// A VM service JSON-rpc response (from the VM).
class _Response extends _Message {
_Response(Map<String, dynamic> data) : super(_kResponse, data);
_Response.fromString(String data) : this(json.decoder.convert(data));
/// A matching request/response pair.
/// A request and response match by virtue of having matching
/// [IDs](
class _Transaction {
_Request request;
_Response response;
/// A helper class that monitors a [Stream] of VM service JSON-rpc responses
/// and saves the responses to a recording.
class _RecordingStream {
_RecordingStream(Stream<String> stream, this._recording)
: _delegate = stream,
_controller = stream.isBroadcast
? StreamController<String>.broadcast()
: StreamController<String>() {
_controller.onListen = () {
assert(_subscription == null);
_subscription = _listenToStream();
_controller.onCancel = () async {
assert(_subscription != null);
await _subscription.cancel();
_subscription = null;
_controller.onPause = () {
assert(_subscription != null && !_subscription.isPaused);
_controller.onResume = () {
assert(_subscription != null && _subscription.isPaused);
final Stream<String> _delegate;
final StreamController<String> _controller;
final List<_Message> _recording;
StreamSubscription<String> _subscription;
StreamSubscription<String> _listenToStream() {
return _delegate.listen(
(String element) {
onError: _controller.addError, // We currently don't support recording of errors.
onDone: _controller.close,
/// The wrapped [Stream] to expose to callers.
Stream<String> get stream =>;
/// A [StreamSink] that monitors VM service JSON-rpc requests and saves the
/// requests to a recording.
class _RecordingSink implements StreamSink<String> {
_RecordingSink(this._delegate, this._recording);
final StreamSink<String> _delegate;
final List<_Message> _recording;
Future<dynamic> close() => _delegate.close();
Future<dynamic> get done => _delegate.done;
void add(String data) {
void addError(dynamic errorEvent, [ StackTrace stackTrace ]) {
throw UnimplementedError('Add support for this if the need ever arises');
Future<dynamic> addStream(Stream<String> stream) {
throw UnimplementedError('Add support for this if the need ever arises');
/// A [StreamChannel] that expects VM service (JSON-rpc) requests to be written
/// to its [StreamChannel.sink], looks up those requests in a recording, and
/// replays the corresponding responses back from the recording.
class ReplayVMServiceChannel extends StreamChannelMixin<String> {
ReplayVMServiceChannel(Directory location)
: _transactions = _loadTransactions(location);
final Map<int, _Transaction> _transactions;
final StreamController<String> _controller = StreamController<String>();
_ReplaySink _replaySink;
static Map<int, _Transaction> _loadTransactions(Directory location) {
final File file = _getManifest(location);
final String jsonData = file.readAsStringSync();
final Iterable<_Message> messages = json.decoder.convert(jsonData).map<_Message>(_toMessage);
final Map<int, _Transaction> transactions = <int, _Transaction>{};
for (_Message message in messages) {
final _Transaction transaction =
transactions.putIfAbsent(, () => _Transaction());
if (message.type == _kRequest) {
assert(transaction.request == null);
transaction.request = message;
} else {
assert(transaction.response == null);
transaction.response = message;
return transactions;
static _Message _toMessage(Map<String, dynamic> jsonData) {
return _Message.fromRecording(jsonData);
void send(_Request request) {
if (!_transactions.containsKey( {
throw ArgumentError('No matching invocation found');
final _Transaction transaction = _transactions.remove(;
// TODO(tvolkert): validate that `transaction.request` matches `request`
if (transaction.response == null) {
// This signals that when we were recording, the VM shut down before
// we received the response. This is typically due to the user quitting
// the app runner. We follow suit here and exit.
printStatus('Exiting due to dangling request');
} else {
if (_transactions.isEmpty) {
StreamSink<String> get sink => _replaySink ??= _ReplaySink(this);
Stream<String> get stream =>;
class _ReplaySink implements StreamSink<String> {
final ReplayVMServiceChannel channel;
final Completer<void> _completer = Completer<void>();
Future<dynamic> close() {
return _completer.future;
Future<dynamic> get done => _completer.future;
void add(String data) {
if (_completer.isCompleted) {
throw StateError('Sink already closed');
void addError(dynamic errorEvent, [ StackTrace stackTrace ]) {
throw UnimplementedError('Add support for this if the need ever arises');
Future<dynamic> addStream(Stream<String> stream) {
throw UnimplementedError('Add support for this if the need ever arises');
File _getManifest(Directory location) {
final String path = location.fileSystem.path.join(location.path, _kManifest);
return location.fileSystem.file(path);