blob: 726a0c15258381b880d14211006c4fc6c2a331ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'material.dart';
import 'material_localizations.dart';
/// Asserts that the given context has a [Material] ancestor.
/// Used by many material design widgets to make sure that they are
/// only used in contexts where they can print ink onto some material.
/// To call this function, use the following pattern, typically in the
/// relevant Widget's build method:
/// ```dart
/// assert(debugCheckHasMaterial(context));
/// ```
/// Does nothing if asserts are disabled. Always returns true.
bool debugCheckHasMaterial(BuildContext context) {
assert(() {
if (context.widget is! Material && context.ancestorWidgetOfExactType(Material) == null) {
final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
message.writeln('No Material widget found.');
'${context.widget.runtimeType} widgets require a Material '
'widget ancestor.'
'In material design, most widgets are conceptually "printed" on '
'a sheet of material. In Flutter\'s material library, that '
'material is represented by the Material widget. It is the '
'Material widget that renders ink splashes, for instance. '
'Because of this, many material library widgets require that '
'there be a Material widget in the tree above them.'
'To introduce a Material widget, you can either directly '
'include one, or use a widget that contains Material itself, '
'such as a Card, Dialog, Drawer, or Scaffold.'
'The specific widget that could not find a Material ancestor was:'
message.writeln(' ${context.widget}');
final List<Widget> ancestors = <Widget>[];
context.visitAncestorElements((Element element) {
return true;
if (ancestors.isNotEmpty) {
message.write('The ancestors of this widget were:');
for (Widget ancestor in ancestors)
message.write('\n $ancestor');
} else {
'This widget is the root of the tree, so it has no '
'ancestors, let alone a "Material" ancestor.'
throw FlutterError(message.toString());
return true;
return true;
/// Asserts that the given context has a [Localizations] ancestor that contains
/// a [MaterialLocalizations] delegate.
/// Used by many material design widgets to make sure that they are
/// only used in contexts where they have access to localizations.
/// To call this function, use the following pattern, typically in the
/// relevant Widget's build method:
/// ```dart
/// assert(debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context));
/// ```
/// Does nothing if asserts are disabled. Always returns true.
bool debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(BuildContext context) {
assert(() {
if (Localizations.of<MaterialLocalizations>(context, MaterialLocalizations) == null) {
final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
message.writeln('No MaterialLocalizations found.');
'${context.widget.runtimeType} widgets require MaterialLocalizations '
'to be provided by a Localizations widget ancestor.'
'Localizations are used to generate many different messages, labels,'
'and abbreviations which are used by the material library. '
'To introduce a MaterialLocalizations, either use a '
' MaterialApp at the root of your application to include them '
'automatically, or add a Localization widget with a '
'MaterialLocalizations delegate.'
'The specific widget that could not find a MaterialLocalizations ancestor was:'
message.writeln(' ${context.widget}');
final List<Widget> ancestors = <Widget>[];
context.visitAncestorElements((Element element) {
return true;
if (ancestors.isNotEmpty) {
message.write('The ancestors of this widget were:');
for (Widget ancestor in ancestors)
message.write('\n $ancestor');
} else {
'This widget is the root of the tree, so it has no '
'ancestors, let alone a "Localizations" ancestor.'
throw FlutterError(message.toString());
return true;
return true;