blob: 7cc1f3525ca5c5c5ee3c11db7bdcedaf4a5f87d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'asset_bundle.dart';
import 'binary_messenger.dart';
/// Listens for platform messages and directs them to the [defaultBinaryMessenger].
/// The [ServicesBinding] also registers a [LicenseEntryCollector] that exposes
/// the licenses found in the `LICENSE` file stored at the root of the asset
/// bundle, and implements the `ext.flutter.evict` service extension (see
/// [evict]).
mixin ServicesBinding on BindingBase {
void initInstances() {
_instance = this;
..onPlatformMessage = defaultBinaryMessenger.handlePlatformMessage;
/// The current [ServicesBinding], if one has been created.
static ServicesBinding get instance => _instance;
static ServicesBinding _instance;
/// Adds relevant licenses to the [LicenseRegistry].
/// By default, the [ServicesBinding]'s implementation of [initLicenses] adds
/// all the licenses collected by the `flutter` tool during compilation.
void initLicenses() {
Stream<LicenseEntry> _addLicenses() async* {
// We use timers here (rather than scheduleTask from the scheduler binding)
// because the services layer can't use the scheduler binding (the scheduler
// binding uses the services layer to manage its lifecycle events). Timers
// are what scheduleTask uses under the hood anyway. The only difference is
// that these will just run next, instead of being prioritized relative to
// the other tasks that might be running. Using _something_ here to break
// this into two parts is important because isolates take a while to copy
// data at the moment, and if we receive the data in the same event loop
// iteration as we send the data to the next isolate, we are definitely
// going to miss frames. Another solution would be to have the work all
// happen in one isolate, and we may go there eventually, but first we are
// going to see if isolate communication can be made cheaper.
// See:
// TODO(ianh): Remove this complexity once these bugs are fixed.
final Completer<String> rawLicenses = Completer<String>(); async {
rawLicenses.complete(rootBundle.loadString('LICENSE', cache: false));
await rawLicenses.future;
final Completer<List<LicenseEntry>> parsedLicenses = Completer<List<LicenseEntry>>(); async {
parsedLicenses.complete(compute(_parseLicenses, await rawLicenses.future, debugLabel: 'parseLicenses'));
await parsedLicenses.future;
yield* Stream<LicenseEntry>.fromIterable(await parsedLicenses.future);
// This is run in another isolate created by _addLicenses above.
static List<LicenseEntry> _parseLicenses(String rawLicenses) {
final String _licenseSeparator = '\n' + ('-' * 80) + '\n';
final List<LicenseEntry> result = <LicenseEntry>[];
final List<String> licenses = rawLicenses.split(_licenseSeparator);
for (String license in licenses) {
final int split = license.indexOf('\n\n');
if (split >= 0) {
license.substring(0, split).split('\n'),
license.substring(split + 2),
} else {
result.add(LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(const <String>[], license));
return result;
void initServiceExtensions() {
assert(() {
// ext.flutter.evict value=foo.png will cause foo.png to be evicted from
// the rootBundle cache and cause the entire image cache to be cleared.
// This is used by hot reload mode to clear out the cache of resources
// that have changed.
name: 'evict',
getter: () async => '',
setter: (String value) async {
return true;
/// Called in response to the `ext.flutter.evict` service extension.
/// This is used by the `flutter` tool during hot reload so that any images
/// that have changed on disk get cleared from caches.
void evict(String asset) {