blob: 6d95531523951f33da2c06024559c8b834062441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:google_maps_flutter_platform_interface/google_maps_flutter_platform_interface.dart';
/// Function that gets the [MapConfiguration] for a given `mapId`.
typedef ConfigurationProvider = MapConfiguration Function(int mapId);
/// This platform implementation allows inspecting the running maps.
class GoogleMapsInspectorWeb extends GoogleMapsInspectorPlatform {
/// Build an "inspector" that is able to look into maps.
GoogleMapsInspectorWeb(ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider)
: _configurationProvider = configurationProvider;
final ConfigurationProvider _configurationProvider;
Future<bool> areBuildingsEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // Not supported on the web
Future<bool> areRotateGesturesEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // Not supported on the web
Future<bool> areScrollGesturesEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return _configurationProvider(mapId).scrollGesturesEnabled ?? false;
Future<bool> areTiltGesturesEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // Not supported on the web
Future<bool> areZoomControlsEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return _configurationProvider(mapId).zoomControlsEnabled ?? false;
Future<bool> areZoomGesturesEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return _configurationProvider(mapId).zoomGesturesEnabled ?? false;
Future<MinMaxZoomPreference> getMinMaxZoomLevels({required int mapId}) async {
final MapConfiguration config = _configurationProvider(mapId);
assert(config.minMaxZoomPreference != null);
return config.minMaxZoomPreference!;
Future<TileOverlay?> getTileOverlayInfo(
TileOverlayId tileOverlayId, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
return null; // Custom tiles not supported on the web
Future<bool> isCompassEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // There's no compass on the web
Future<bool> isLiteModeEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // There's no lite mode on the web
Future<bool> isMapToolbarEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // There's no Map Toolbar on the web
Future<bool> isMyLocationButtonEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return false; // My Location widget not supported on the web
Future<bool> isTrafficEnabled({required int mapId}) async {
return _configurationProvider(mapId).trafficEnabled ?? false;