blob: 5100fdb753d30d4db7dae16f90a75d55ab976963 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v4.2.12), do not edit directly.
// See also:
#include <flutter/basic_message_channel.h>
#include <flutter/binary_messenger.h>
#include <flutter/encodable_value.h>
#include <flutter/standard_message_codec.h>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
namespace core_tests_pigeontest {
class CoreTestsTest;
// Generated class from Pigeon.
enum class AnEnum { one = 0, two = 1, three = 2 };
class FlutterError {
explicit FlutterError(const std::string& code) : code_(code) {}
explicit FlutterError(const std::string& code, const std::string& message)
: code_(code), message_(message) {}
explicit FlutterError(const std::string& code, const std::string& message,
const flutter::EncodableValue& details)
: code_(code), message_(message), details_(details) {}
const std::string& code() const { return code_; }
const std::string& message() const { return message_; }
const flutter::EncodableValue& details() const { return details_; }
std::string code_;
std::string message_;
flutter::EncodableValue details_;
template <class T>
class ErrorOr {
ErrorOr(const T& rhs) { new (&v_) T(rhs); }
ErrorOr(const T&& rhs) { v_ = std::move(rhs); }
ErrorOr(const FlutterError& rhs) { new (&v_) FlutterError(rhs); }
ErrorOr(const FlutterError&& rhs) { v_ = std::move(rhs); }
bool has_error() const { return std::holds_alternative<FlutterError>(v_); }
const T& value() const { return std::get<T>(v_); };
const FlutterError& error() const { return std::get<FlutterError>(v_); };
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class HostTrivialApi;
ErrorOr() = default;
T TakeValue() && { return std::get<T>(std::move(v_)); }
std::variant<T, FlutterError> v_;
// Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.
class AllTypes {
bool a_bool() const;
void set_a_bool(bool value_arg);
int64_t an_int() const;
void set_an_int(int64_t value_arg);
double a_double() const;
void set_a_double(double value_arg);
const std::string& a_string() const;
void set_a_string(std::string_view value_arg);
const std::vector<uint8_t>& a_byte_array() const;
void set_a_byte_array(const std::vector<uint8_t>& value_arg);
const std::vector<int32_t>& a4_byte_array() const;
void set_a4_byte_array(const std::vector<int32_t>& value_arg);
const std::vector<int64_t>& a8_byte_array() const;
void set_a8_byte_array(const std::vector<int64_t>& value_arg);
const std::vector<double>& a_float_array() const;
void set_a_float_array(const std::vector<double>& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableList& a_list() const;
void set_a_list(const flutter::EncodableList& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableMap& a_map() const;
void set_a_map(const flutter::EncodableMap& value_arg);
const AnEnum& an_enum() const;
void set_an_enum(const AnEnum& value_arg);
AllTypes(const flutter::EncodableList& list);
flutter::EncodableList ToEncodableList() const;
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer;
friend class HostTrivialApi;
friend class HostTrivialApiCodecSerializer;
friend class CoreTestsTest;
bool a_bool_;
int64_t an_int_;
double a_double_;
std::string a_string_;
std::vector<uint8_t> a_byte_array_;
std::vector<int32_t> a4_byte_array_;
std::vector<int64_t> a8_byte_array_;
std::vector<double> a_float_array_;
flutter::EncodableList a_list_;
flutter::EncodableMap a_map_;
AnEnum an_enum_;
// Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.
class AllNullableTypes {
const bool* a_nullable_bool() const;
void set_a_nullable_bool(const bool* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_bool(bool value_arg);
const int64_t* a_nullable_int() const;
void set_a_nullable_int(const int64_t* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_int(int64_t value_arg);
const double* a_nullable_double() const;
void set_a_nullable_double(const double* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_double(double value_arg);
const std::string* a_nullable_string() const;
void set_a_nullable_string(const std::string_view* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_string(std::string_view value_arg);
const std::vector<uint8_t>* a_nullable_byte_array() const;
void set_a_nullable_byte_array(const std::vector<uint8_t>* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_byte_array(const std::vector<uint8_t>& value_arg);
const std::vector<int32_t>* a_nullable4_byte_array() const;
void set_a_nullable4_byte_array(const std::vector<int32_t>* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable4_byte_array(const std::vector<int32_t>& value_arg);
const std::vector<int64_t>* a_nullable8_byte_array() const;
void set_a_nullable8_byte_array(const std::vector<int64_t>* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable8_byte_array(const std::vector<int64_t>& value_arg);
const std::vector<double>* a_nullable_float_array() const;
void set_a_nullable_float_array(const std::vector<double>* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_float_array(const std::vector<double>& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableList* a_nullable_list() const;
void set_a_nullable_list(const flutter::EncodableList* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_list(const flutter::EncodableList& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableMap* a_nullable_map() const;
void set_a_nullable_map(const flutter::EncodableMap* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_map(const flutter::EncodableMap& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableList* nullable_nested_list() const;
void set_nullable_nested_list(const flutter::EncodableList* value_arg);
void set_nullable_nested_list(const flutter::EncodableList& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableMap* nullable_map_with_annotations() const;
void set_nullable_map_with_annotations(
const flutter::EncodableMap* value_arg);
void set_nullable_map_with_annotations(
const flutter::EncodableMap& value_arg);
const flutter::EncodableMap* nullable_map_with_object() const;
void set_nullable_map_with_object(const flutter::EncodableMap* value_arg);
void set_nullable_map_with_object(const flutter::EncodableMap& value_arg);
const AnEnum* a_nullable_enum() const;
void set_a_nullable_enum(const AnEnum* value_arg);
void set_a_nullable_enum(const AnEnum& value_arg);
AllNullableTypes(const flutter::EncodableList& list);
flutter::EncodableList ToEncodableList() const;
friend class AllNullableTypesWrapper;
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer;
friend class HostTrivialApi;
friend class HostTrivialApiCodecSerializer;
friend class CoreTestsTest;
std::optional<bool> a_nullable_bool_;
std::optional<int64_t> a_nullable_int_;
std::optional<double> a_nullable_double_;
std::optional<std::string> a_nullable_string_;
std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> a_nullable_byte_array_;
std::optional<std::vector<int32_t>> a_nullable4_byte_array_;
std::optional<std::vector<int64_t>> a_nullable8_byte_array_;
std::optional<std::vector<double>> a_nullable_float_array_;
std::optional<flutter::EncodableList> a_nullable_list_;
std::optional<flutter::EncodableMap> a_nullable_map_;
std::optional<flutter::EncodableList> nullable_nested_list_;
std::optional<flutter::EncodableMap> nullable_map_with_annotations_;
std::optional<flutter::EncodableMap> nullable_map_with_object_;
std::optional<AnEnum> a_nullable_enum_;
// Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.
class AllNullableTypesWrapper {
const AllNullableTypes& values() const;
void set_values(const AllNullableTypes& value_arg);
AllNullableTypesWrapper(const flutter::EncodableList& list);
flutter::EncodableList ToEncodableList() const;
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class HostIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApi;
friend class FlutterIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer;
friend class HostTrivialApi;
friend class HostTrivialApiCodecSerializer;
friend class CoreTestsTest;
AllNullableTypes values_;
class HostIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer
: public flutter::StandardCodecSerializer {
inline static HostIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer& GetInstance() {
static HostIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer sInstance;
return sInstance;
void WriteValue(const flutter::EncodableValue& value,
flutter::ByteStreamWriter* stream) const override;
flutter::EncodableValue ReadValueOfType(
uint8_t type, flutter::ByteStreamReader* stream) const override;
// The core interface that each host language plugin must implement in
// platform_test integration tests.
// Generated interface from Pigeon that represents a handler of messages from
// Flutter.
class HostIntegrationCoreApi {
HostIntegrationCoreApi(const HostIntegrationCoreApi&) = delete;
HostIntegrationCoreApi& operator=(const HostIntegrationCoreApi&) = delete;
virtual ~HostIntegrationCoreApi(){};
// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
// test basic calling.
virtual std::optional<FlutterError> Noop() = 0;
// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
virtual ErrorOr<AllTypes> EchoAllTypes(const AllTypes& everything) = 0;
// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<AllNullableTypes>> EchoAllNullableTypes(
const AllNullableTypes* everything) = 0;
// Returns an error, to test error handling.
virtual std::optional<FlutterError> ThrowError() = 0;
// Returns passed in int.
virtual ErrorOr<int64_t> EchoInt(int64_t an_int) = 0;
// Returns passed in double.
virtual ErrorOr<double> EchoDouble(double a_double) = 0;
// Returns the passed in boolean.
virtual ErrorOr<bool> EchoBool(bool a_bool) = 0;
// Returns the passed in string.
virtual ErrorOr<std::string> EchoString(const std::string& a_string) = 0;
// Returns the passed in Uint8List.
virtual ErrorOr<std::vector<uint8_t>> EchoUint8List(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& a_uint8_list) = 0;
// Returns the inner `aString` value from the wrapped object, to test
// sending of nested objects.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<std::string>> ExtractNestedNullableString(
const AllNullableTypesWrapper& wrapper) = 0;
// Returns the inner `aString` value from the wrapped object, to test
// sending of nested objects.
virtual ErrorOr<AllNullableTypesWrapper> CreateNestedNullableString(
const std::string* nullable_string) = 0;
// Returns passed in arguments of multiple types.
virtual ErrorOr<AllNullableTypes> SendMultipleNullableTypes(
const bool* a_nullable_bool, const int64_t* a_nullable_int,
const std::string* a_nullable_string) = 0;
// Returns passed in int.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<int64_t>> EchoNullableInt(
const int64_t* a_nullable_int) = 0;
// Returns passed in double.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<double>> EchoNullableDouble(
const double* a_nullable_double) = 0;
// Returns the passed in boolean.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<bool>> EchoNullableBool(
const bool* a_nullable_bool) = 0;
// Returns the passed in string.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<std::string>> EchoNullableString(
const std::string* a_nullable_string) = 0;
// Returns the passed in Uint8List.
virtual ErrorOr<std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>> EchoNullableUint8List(
const std::vector<uint8_t>* a_nullable_uint8_list) = 0;
// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
// test basic asynchronous calling.
virtual void NoopAsync(
std::function<void(std::optional<FlutterError> reply)> result) = 0;
// Returns the passed string asynchronously.
virtual void EchoAsyncString(
const std::string& a_string,
std::function<void(ErrorOr<std::string> reply)> result) = 0;
virtual void CallFlutterNoop(
std::function<void(std::optional<FlutterError> reply)> result) = 0;
virtual void CallFlutterEchoString(
const std::string& a_string,
std::function<void(ErrorOr<std::string> reply)> result) = 0;
// The codec used by HostIntegrationCoreApi.
static const flutter::StandardMessageCodec& GetCodec();
// Sets up an instance of `HostIntegrationCoreApi` to handle messages through
// the `binary_messenger`.
static void SetUp(flutter::BinaryMessenger* binary_messenger,
HostIntegrationCoreApi* api);
static flutter::EncodableList WrapError(std::string_view error_message);
static flutter::EncodableList WrapError(const FlutterError& error);
HostIntegrationCoreApi() = default;
class FlutterIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer
: public flutter::StandardCodecSerializer {
inline static FlutterIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer& GetInstance() {
static FlutterIntegrationCoreApiCodecSerializer sInstance;
return sInstance;
void WriteValue(const flutter::EncodableValue& value,
flutter::ByteStreamWriter* stream) const override;
flutter::EncodableValue ReadValueOfType(
uint8_t type, flutter::ByteStreamReader* stream) const override;
// The core interface that the Dart platform_test code implements for host
// integration tests to call into.
// Generated class from Pigeon that represents Flutter messages that can be
// called from C++.
class FlutterIntegrationCoreApi {
flutter::BinaryMessenger* binary_messenger_;
FlutterIntegrationCoreApi(flutter::BinaryMessenger* binary_messenger);
static const flutter::StandardMessageCodec& GetCodec();
// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
// test basic calling.
void noop(std::function<void(void)>&& callback);
// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
void echoAllTypes(const AllTypes& everything_arg,
std::function<void(const AllTypes&)>&& callback);
// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
void echoAllNullableTypes(
const AllNullableTypes& everything_arg,
std::function<void(const AllNullableTypes&)>&& callback);
// Returns the passed string, to test serialization and deserialization.
void echoString(const std::string& a_string_arg,
std::function<void(const std::string&)>&& callback);
// An API that can be implemented for minimal, compile-only tests.
// Generated interface from Pigeon that represents a handler of messages from
// Flutter.
class HostTrivialApi {
HostTrivialApi(const HostTrivialApi&) = delete;
HostTrivialApi& operator=(const HostTrivialApi&) = delete;
virtual ~HostTrivialApi(){};
virtual std::optional<FlutterError> Noop() = 0;
// The codec used by HostTrivialApi.
static const flutter::StandardMessageCodec& GetCodec();
// Sets up an instance of `HostTrivialApi` to handle messages through the
// `binary_messenger`.
static void SetUp(flutter::BinaryMessenger* binary_messenger,
HostTrivialApi* api);
static flutter::EncodableList WrapError(std::string_view error_message);
static flutter::EncodableList WrapError(const FlutterError& error);
HostTrivialApi() = default;
} // namespace core_tests_pigeontest