blob: 7598a99afede003e28a6fcedce9137ce34fb4f6a [file] [log] [blame]
# The list of external dependencies that are allowed as pinned dependencies.
# See
# All entries here should have an explanation for why they are here, either
# via being part of one of the default-allowed groups, or a specific reason.
## Legacy allowances, for dependencies that predate the tooling.
# TODO(stuartmorgan): Audit these. See
- equatable
- xml
## Explicit allowances
# Owned by individual Flutter Team members.
# Ideally we would not do this, since there's no clear plan for what
# would happen if the individuals left the Flutter Team, and the
# repositories may or may not meet Flutter's security standards. Be
# cautious about adding to this list.
- build_verify
- google_maps
- path_to_regexp
- source_gen_test
- win32
## Allowed by default
# Dart-team-owned packages
- analyzer
- args
- async
- build
- build_config
- build_runner
- collection
- convert
- crypto
- fake_async
- ffi
- gcloud
- html
- http
- intl
- js
- json_serializable
- lints
- logging
- markdown
- meta
- path
- shelf
- shelf_static
- source_gen
- stream_transform
- test
- test_api
- vm_service
- wasm
- yaml
# Google-owned packages
- adaptive_navigation
- file
- googleapis
- googleapis_auth
- json_annotation
- platform
- process
- quiver
- sanitize_html
- source_helper
- vector_math
- webkit_inspection_protocol