| script: .ci/scripts/prepare_tool.sh |
| script: .ci/scripts/create_simulator.sh |
| script: script/tool_runner.sh |
| args: ["build-examples", "--ios"] |
| script: script/tool_runner.sh |
| args: ["xcode-analyze", "--ios"] |
| - name: xcode analyze deprecation |
| # Ensure we don't accidentally introduce deprecated code. |
| script: script/tool_runner.sh |
| args: ["xcode-analyze", "--ios", "--ios-min-version=13.0"] |
| script: script/tool_runner.sh |
| args: ["native-test", "--ios", "--ios-destination", "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13,OS=latest"] |
| # `drive-examples` contains integration tests, which changes the UI of the application. |
| # This UI change sometimes affects `xctest`. |
| # So we run `drive-examples` after `native-test`; changing the order will result ci failure. |
| script: script/tool_runner.sh |
| args: ["drive-examples", "--ios", "--exclude=script/configs/exclude_integration_ios.yaml"] |
| script: .ci/scripts/remove_simulator.sh |