blob: 5145d73baffbf925fed8f28eed61c731757ef914 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// The names for the metrics collected by the benchmark recorder.
enum BenchmarkMetric {
/// The name for the benchmark metric that includes frame-related computations
/// prior to submitting layer and picture operations to the underlying
/// renderer, such as HTML and CanvasKit.
/// During this phase we compute transforms, clips, and other information
/// needed for rendering.
/// The name for the benchmark metric that includes submitting layer and
/// picture information to the renderer.
/// The name for the benchmark metric that measures the time spent in
/// [PlatformDispatcher]'s onDrawFrame callback.
/// The name for the benchmark metric that tracks the timespan between vsync
/// start and raster finish for a Flutter frame.
/// This value corresponds to [FrameTiming.totalSpan] from the Flutter Engine.
/// The name for the benchmark metric that tracks the duration to build the
/// Flutter frame on the Dart UI thread.
/// This value corresponds to [FrameTiming.buildDuration] from the Flutter
/// Engine.
/// The name for the benchmark metric that tracks the duration to rasterize
/// the Flutter frame on the Dart raster thread.
/// This value corresponds to [FrameTiming.rasterDuration] from the Flutter
/// Engine.
const BenchmarkMetric(this.label);
/// The metric name used in the recorded benchmark data.
final String label;
/// The name for the benchmark metric that records the 'averageTotalUIFrameTime'
/// from the Blink trace summary.
const String totalUiFrameAverage = 'totalUiFrame.average';
/// Describes the values computed for each [BenchmarkMetric].
sealed class BenchmarkMetricComputation {
const BenchmarkMetricComputation(;
/// The name of each metric computation.
final String name;
/// The name for the computed value tracking the average value of the measured
/// samples without outliers.
static const NamedMetricComputation average =
/// The name for the computed value tracking the average of outlier samples.
static const NamedMetricComputation outlierAverage =
/// The name for the computed value tracking the outlier average divided by
/// the clean average.
static const NamedMetricComputation outlierRatio =
/// The name for the computed value tracking the noise as a multiple of the
/// [average] value takes from clean samples.
static const NamedMetricComputation noise = NamedMetricComputation._('noise');
/// The name for the computed value tracking the 50th percentile value from
/// the samples with outliers.
static const PercentileMetricComputation p50 =
PercentileMetricComputation._('p50', 0.5);
/// The name for the computed value tracking the 90th percentile value from
/// the samples with outliers.
static const PercentileMetricComputation p90 =
PercentileMetricComputation._('p90', 0.9);
/// The name for the computed value tracking the 95th percentile value from
/// the samples with outliers.
static const PercentileMetricComputation p95 =
PercentileMetricComputation._('p95', 0.95);
/// All of the computed vales for each [BenchmarkMetric].
static const List<BenchmarkMetricComputation> values =
/// A [BenchmarkMetricComputation] with a descriptive name.
final class NamedMetricComputation extends BenchmarkMetricComputation {
const NamedMetricComputation._(;
/// A [BenchmarkMetricComputation] describing a percentile (p50, p90, etc.).
final class PercentileMetricComputation extends BenchmarkMetricComputation {
const PercentileMetricComputation._(, this.percentile)
: assert(percentile >= 0.0 && percentile <= 1.0);
/// The percentile value as a double.
/// This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
final double percentile;
/// The percentile [BenchmarkMetricComputation]s computed for each benchmark
/// metric.
static const List<PercentileMetricComputation> values =
/// The percentile values as doubles computed for each benchmark metric.
static List<double> percentilesAsDoubles = PercentileMetricComputation.values
.map((PercentileMetricComputation value) => value.percentile)
/// The list of expected benchmark metrics for the current compilation mode, as
/// determined by the value of [useWasm].
List<BenchmarkMetric> expectedBenchmarkMetrics({required bool useWasm}) {
return <BenchmarkMetric>[
// The skwasm renderer doesn't have preroll or apply frame steps in its
// rendering.
if (!useWasm) ...<BenchmarkMetric>[