blob: bb4f94f59029e3e214b5d0f1f4f7af07ace80c5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <flutter/binary_messenger.h>
#include <flutter/encodable_value.h>
#include <flutter/message_codec.h>
#include <map>
namespace testing {
typedef std::function<void(const flutter::EncodableValue& reply)>
// A BinaryMessenger that allows tests to act as the engine to call host APIs.
class FakeHostMessenger : public flutter::BinaryMessenger {
// Creates an messenger that can send and receive responses with the given
// codec.
const flutter::MessageCodec<flutter::EncodableValue>* codec);
virtual ~FakeHostMessenger();
// Calls the registered handler for the given channel, and calls reply_handler
// with the response.
// This allows a test to simulate a message from the Dart side, exercising the
// encoding and decoding logic generated for a host API.
void SendHostMessage(const std::string& channel,
const flutter::EncodableValue& message,
HostMessageReply reply_handler);
// flutter::BinaryMessenger:
void Send(const std::string& channel, const uint8_t* message,
size_t message_size,
flutter::BinaryReply reply = nullptr) const override;
void SetMessageHandler(const std::string& channel,
flutter::BinaryMessageHandler handler) override;
const flutter::MessageCodec<flutter::EncodableValue>* codec_;
std::map<std::string, flutter::BinaryMessageHandler> handlers_;
} // namespace testing