blob: a9b9781d98bad86c0b84cee67541c34d8441bd86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../base/command.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/project.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../environment.dart';
import '../flutter_project_metadata.dart';
import '../manifest.dart';
import '../update_locks.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// Migrate subcommand that checks the migrate working directory for unresolved conflicts and
/// applies the staged changes to the project.
class MigrateApplyCommand extends MigrateCommand {
bool verbose = false,
required this.logger,
required this.fileSystem,
required this.terminal,
required ProcessManager processManager,
}) : _verbose = verbose,
_processManager = processManager,
migrateUtils = MigrateUtils(
logger: logger,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
processManager: processManager,
) {
help: 'Specifies the custom migration working directory used to stage '
'and edit proposed changes. This path can be absolute or relative '
'to the flutter project root. This defaults to '
valueHelp: 'path',
help: 'The root directory of the flutter project. This defaults to the '
'current working directory if omitted.',
valueHelp: 'path',
abbr: 'f',
help: 'Ignore unresolved merge conflicts and uncommitted changes and '
'apply staged changes by force.',
help: 'Do not delete the working directory.',
'Enable when using the flutter tool as a subcommand. This changes the '
'wording of log messages to indicate the correct suggested commands to use.',
final bool _verbose;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
final Logger logger;
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Terminal terminal;
final MigrateUtils migrateUtils;
final String name = 'apply';
final String description = r'Accepts the changes produced by `$ flutter '
'migrate start` and copies the changed files into '
'your project files. All merge conflicts should '
'be resolved before apply will complete '
'successfully. If conflicts still exist, this '
'command will print the remaining conflicted files.';
Future<CommandResult> runCommand() async {
final String? projectDirectory = stringArg('project-directory');
final FlutterProjectFactory flutterProjectFactory = FlutterProjectFactory();
final FlutterProject project = projectDirectory == null
? FlutterProject.current(fileSystem)
: flutterProjectFactory
final FlutterToolsEnvironment environment =
await FlutterToolsEnvironment.initializeFlutterToolsEnvironment(
_processManager, logger);
final bool isSubcommand = boolArg('flutter-subcommand') ?? false;
if (!await gitRepoExists(, logger, migrateUtils)) {
logger.printStatus('No git repo found. Please run in a project with an '
'initialized git repo or initialize one with:');
printCommandText('git init', logger, standalone: null);
return const CommandResult(;
final bool force = boolArg('force') ?? false;
Directory stagingDirectory =;
final String? customStagingDirectoryPath = stringArg('staging-directory');
if (customStagingDirectoryPath != null) {
if (fileSystem.path.isAbsolute(customStagingDirectoryPath)) {
stagingDirectory =;
} else {
stagingDirectory =;
if (!stagingDirectory.existsSync()) {
'No migration in progress at $stagingDirectory. Please run:');
printCommandText('start', logger, standalone: !isSubcommand);
return const CommandResult(;
final File manifestFile =
final MigrateManifest manifest = MigrateManifest.fromFile(manifestFile);
if (!checkAndPrintMigrateStatus(manifest, stagingDirectory,
warnConflict: true, logger: logger) &&
!force) {
'Conflicting files found. Resolve these conflicts and try again.');
logger.printStatus('Guided conflict resolution wizard:');
printCommandText('resolve-conflicts', logger, standalone: !isSubcommand);
return const CommandResult(;
if (await hasUncommittedChanges(, logger, migrateUtils) &&
!force) {
return const CommandResult(;
logger.printStatus('Applying migration.');
// Copy files from working directory to project root
final List<String> allFilesToCopy = <String>[];
if (allFilesToCopy.isNotEmpty && _verbose) {
logger.printStatus('Modifying ${allFilesToCopy.length} files.',
indent: 2);
for (final String localPath in allFilesToCopy) {
if (_verbose) {
logger.printStatus('Writing $localPath');
final File workingFile = stagingDirectory.childFile(localPath);
final File targetFile =;
if (!workingFile.existsSync()) {
if (!targetFile.existsSync()) {
targetFile.createSync(recursive: true);
try {
flush: true);
} on FileSystemException {
targetFile.writeAsBytesSync(workingFile.readAsBytesSync(), flush: true);
// Delete files slated for deletion.
if (manifest.deletedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
logger.printStatus('Deleting ${manifest.deletedFiles.length} files.',
indent: 2);
for (final String localPath in manifest.deletedFiles) {
final File targetFile =;
// Update the migrate config files to reflect latest migration.
if (_verbose) {
logger.printStatus('Updating .migrate_configs');
final FlutterProjectMetadata metadata = FlutterProjectMetadata('.metadata'), logger);
final String currentGitHash =
environment.getString('FlutterVersion.frameworkRevision') ?? '';
currentRevision: currentGitHash,
logger: logger,
// Clean up the working directory
final bool keepWorkingDirectory =
boolArg('keep-working-directory') ?? false;
if (!keepWorkingDirectory) {
stagingDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
// Detect pub dependency locking. Run flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
await updatePubspecDependencies(project, migrateUtils, logger, terminal);
// Detect gradle lockfiles in android directory. Delete lockfiles and regenerate with ./gradlew tasks (any gradle task that requires a build).
await updateGradleDependencyLocking(
project, migrateUtils, logger, terminal, _verbose, fileSystem);
logger.printStatus('Migration complete. You may use commands like `git '
'status`, `git diff` and `git restore <file>` to continue '
'working with the migrated files.');
return const CommandResult(ExitStatus.success);