| .DS_Store |
| .atom/ |
| .idea |
| .packages |
| .pub/ |
| .dart_tool/ |
| .vscode/ |
| *.iml |
| |
| # Gradle? |
| .uuid |
| |
| pubspec.lock |
| |
| # iOS and macOS dependencies |
| .build/ |
| Podfile.lock |
| Pods/ |
| .swiftpm/ |
| .symlinks/ |
| |
| *instrumentscli*.trace |
| *.cipd |
| |
| # Build directories are produced when building using the Flutter CLI. |
| build |
| |
| # This file is produced as a back-up when web_benchmarks fails to parse a |
| # Chrome trace. |
| chrome-trace.json |
| |
| # Generated files on example apps |
| flutter_export_environment.sh |
| .flutter-plugins* |
| local.properties |
| keystore.properties |
| **/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig |
| **/Flutter/App.framework/ |
| **/Flutter/ephemeral/ |
| **/Flutter/Flutter.podspec |
| **/Flutter/Flutter.framework/ |
| **/Flutter/flutter_assets/ |
| |
| ServiceDefinitions.json |
| xcuserdata/ |
| **/DerivedData/ |
| |
| generated_plugin_registrant.* |
| GeneratedPluginRegistrant.* |
| |
| # Gradle |
| **/gradle-wrapper.jar |
| .gradle/ |
| gradlew |
| gradlew.bat |
| |
| .project |
| .classpath |
| .settings |