blob: e8258bcb57321300184c8f98da00209263a9af98 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
gcp_credentials: ENCRYPTED[!9c8e92e8da192ce2a51b7d4ed9948c4250d0bae3660193d9b901196c9692abbebe784d4a32e9f38b328571d65f6e7aed!]
# Run on PRs and main branch post submit only. Don't run tests when tagging.
only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == '' && ($CIRRUS_PR != '' || $CIRRUS_BRANCH == 'main')
CHANNEL: "master" # Default to master when not explicitly set by a task.
PLUGIN_TOOL_COMMAND: "dart ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart"
setup_template: &SETUP_TEMPLATE
# Channels that are part of our normal test matrix use a pinned,
# auto-rolled version to prevent out-of-band CI failures due to changes in
# Flutter.
- if [[ "$CHANNEL" == "master" || "$CHANNEL" == "stable" ]]; then
- TARGET_TREEISH=$(< .ci/flutter_$CHANNEL.version)
- fi
# Ensure that the repository has all the branches.
- git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
- git fetch origin
# Switch to the requested channel.
- git checkout $TARGET_TREEISH
# When using a branch rather than a hash or version tag, reset to the
# upstream branch rather than using pull, since the base image can sometimes
# be in a state where it has diverged from upstream (!).
- if [[ "$TARGET_TREEISH" == "$CHANNEL" ]] && [[ "$CHANNEL" != *"."* ]]; then
- git reset --hard @{u}
- fi
# Run doctor to allow auditing of what version of Flutter the run is using.
- flutter doctor -v
- .ci/scripts/
# Light-workload Linux tasks.
# These use default machines, with fewer CPUs, to reduce pressure on the
# concurrency limits.
dockerfile: .ci/Dockerfile
builder_image_name: docker-builder-linux # gce vm image
builder_image_project: flutter-cirrus
cluster_name: test-cluster
zone: us-central1-a
namespace: default
# Repository rules and best-practice enforcement.
# Only channel-agnostic tests should go here since it is only run once
# (on Flutter master).
- name: repo_checks
# For pre-submit, pass the PR labels to the script to allow for
# check overrides.
# For post-submit, ignore platform version breaking version changes
# and missing version/CHANGELOG detection since the labels aren't
# available outside of the context of the PR.
- if [[ $CIRRUS_PR == "" ]]; then
- ./script/ version-check --ignore-platform-interface-breaks
- else
- ./script/ version-check --check-for-missing-changes --pr-labels="$CIRRUS_PR_LABELS"
- fi
# This check is only meaningful for PRs, as it validates changes
# rather than state.
- if [[ $CIRRUS_PR == "" ]]; then
- echo "Only run in presubmit"
- else
- ./script/ federation-safety-check
- fi
# Heavy-workload Linux tasks.
# These use machines with more CPUs and memory, so will reduce parallelization
# for non-credit runs.
dockerfile: .ci/Dockerfile
builder_image_name: docker-builder-linux # gce vm image
builder_image_project: flutter-cirrus
cluster_name: test-cluster
zone: us-central1-a
namespace: default
cpu: 4
memory: 16G
### Android tasks ###
- name: android-platform_tests
# Don't run full platform tests on both channels in pre-submit.
skip: $CIRRUS_PR != '' && $CHANNEL == 'stable'
PACKAGE_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 6"
PACKAGE_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 1 --shardCount 6"
PACKAGE_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 2 --shardCount 6"
PACKAGE_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 3 --shardCount 6"
PACKAGE_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 4 --shardCount 6"
PACKAGE_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 5 --shardCount 6"
CHANNEL: "master"
CHANNEL: "stable"
MAPS_API_KEY: ENCRYPTED[d6583b08f79f91ea4844c77460f04539965e46ad2fd97fb7c062b4dfe88016228b86ebe8c220ab4187e0c4bd773dc1e7]
GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY: ENCRYPTED[1a2eebf9367197bbe812d9a0ea83a53a05aeba4bb5e4964fe6a69727883cd87e51238d39237b1f80b0894c48419ac268]
- if [[ -n "$GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY" ]]; then
- echo $GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY > ${HOME}/gcloud-service-key.json
- ./script/ firebase-test-lab --device model=redfin,version=30 --exclude=script/configs/exclude_integration_android.yaml
- else
- echo "This user does not have permission to run Firebase Test Lab tests."
- fi