blob: 8a349dec1c7da64f0ec0b29fc391aa87d60b6fab [file] [log] [blame]
- name: prepare tool
script: .ci/scripts/
infra_step: true # Note infra steps failing prevents "always" from running.
- name: update pods repo
script: .ci/scripts/
infra_step: true # Note infra steps failing prevents "always" from running.
- name: Swift format
script: .ci/scripts/
# Non-Swift languages are formatted on Linux builders.
# Skip them on Mac builder to avoid duplication.
args: ["format", "--fail-on-change", "--no-dart", "--no-clang-format", "--no-kotlin", "--no-java" ]
always: true
- name: validate iOS and macOS podspecs
script: .ci/scripts/
args: ["podspec-check"]
always: true