blob: 0a36c82be9bcc3ce667f38a5d1624a3d365ed148 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file_selector_platform_interface/file_selector_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
void main() {
group('XTypeGroup', () {
test('toJSON() creates correct map', () {
const List<String> extensions = <String>['txt', 'jpg'];
const List<String> mimeTypes = <String>['text/plain'];
const List<String> uniformTypeIdentifiers = <String>['public.plain-text'];
const List<String> webWildCards = <String>['image/*'];
const String label = 'test group';
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
label: label,
extensions: extensions,
mimeTypes: mimeTypes,
uniformTypeIdentifiers: uniformTypeIdentifiers,
webWildCards: webWildCards,
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = group.toJSON();
expect(jsonMap['label'], label);
expect(jsonMap['extensions'], extensions);
expect(jsonMap['mimeTypes'], mimeTypes);
expect(jsonMap['uniformTypeIdentifiers'], uniformTypeIdentifiers);
expect(jsonMap['webWildCards'], webWildCards);
// Validate the legacy key for backwards compatibility.
expect(jsonMap['macUTIs'], uniformTypeIdentifiers);
test('a wildcard group can be created', () {
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
label: 'Any',
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = group.toJSON();
expect(jsonMap['extensions'], null);
expect(jsonMap['mimeTypes'], null);
expect(jsonMap['uniformTypeIdentifiers'], null);
expect(jsonMap['webWildCards'], null);
expect(group.allowsAny, true);
test('allowsAny treats empty arrays the same as null', () {
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
label: 'Any',
extensions: <String>[],
mimeTypes: <String>[],
uniformTypeIdentifiers: <String>[],
webWildCards: <String>[],
expect(group.allowsAny, true);
test('allowsAny returns false if anything is set', () {
const XTypeGroup extensionOnly =
XTypeGroup(label: 'extensions', extensions: <String>['txt']);
const XTypeGroup mimeOnly =
XTypeGroup(label: 'mime', mimeTypes: <String>['text/plain']);
const XTypeGroup utiOnly = XTypeGroup(
label: 'utis', uniformTypeIdentifiers: <String>['public.text']);
const XTypeGroup webOnly =
XTypeGroup(label: 'web', webWildCards: <String>['.txt']);
expect(extensionOnly.allowsAny, false);
expect(mimeOnly.allowsAny, false);
expect(utiOnly.allowsAny, false);
expect(webOnly.allowsAny, false);
group('macUTIs -> uniformTypeIdentifiers transition', () {
test('passing only macUTIs should fill uniformTypeIdentifiers', () {
const List<String> uniformTypeIdentifiers = <String>[
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
macUTIs: uniformTypeIdentifiers,
expect(group.uniformTypeIdentifiers, uniformTypeIdentifiers);
'passing only uniformTypeIdentifiers should fill uniformTypeIdentifiers',
() {
const List<String> uniformTypeIdentifiers = <String>[
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
uniformTypeIdentifiers: uniformTypeIdentifiers,
expect(group.uniformTypeIdentifiers, uniformTypeIdentifiers);
test('macUTIs getter return macUTIs value passed in constructor', () {
const List<String> uniformTypeIdentifiers = <String>[
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
macUTIs: uniformTypeIdentifiers,
expect(group.macUTIs, uniformTypeIdentifiers);
'macUTIs getter returns uniformTypeIdentifiers value passed in constructor',
() {
const List<String> uniformTypeIdentifiers = <String>[
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(
uniformTypeIdentifiers: uniformTypeIdentifiers,
expect(group.macUTIs, uniformTypeIdentifiers);
test('passing both uniformTypeIdentifiers and macUTIs should throw', () {
() => XTypeGroup(
macUTIs: const <String>['public.plain-text'],
uniformTypeIdentifiers: const <String>['public.plain-images']),
throwsA(predicate((Object? e) =>
e is AssertionError &&
e.message ==
'Only one of uniformTypeIdentifiers or macUTIs can be non-null')));
'having uniformTypeIdentifiers and macUTIs as null should leave uniformTypeIdentifiers as null',
() {
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup();
expect(group.uniformTypeIdentifiers, null);
test('leading dots are removed from extensions', () {
const List<String> extensions = <String>['.txt', '.jpg'];
const XTypeGroup group = XTypeGroup(extensions: extensions);
expect(group.extensions, <String>['txt', 'jpg']);