blob: eba3ef0c8011541fd7affa2507f1c34478a39494 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'builder.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'match.dart';
import 'misc/errors.dart';
import 'route.dart';
/// GoRouter implementation of [RouterDelegate].
class GoRouterDelegate extends RouterDelegate<RouteMatchList>
with ChangeNotifier {
/// Constructor for GoRouter's implementation of the RouterDelegate base
/// class.
required RouteConfiguration configuration,
required GoRouterBuilderWithNav builderWithNav,
required GoRouterPageBuilder? errorPageBuilder,
required GoRouterWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder,
required List<NavigatorObserver> observers,
required this.routerNeglect,
String? restorationScopeId,
bool requestFocus = true,
}) : _configuration = configuration {
builder = RouteBuilder(
configuration: configuration,
builderWithNav: builderWithNav,
errorPageBuilder: errorPageBuilder,
errorBuilder: errorBuilder,
restorationScopeId: restorationScopeId,
observers: observers,
onPopPageWithRouteMatch: _handlePopPageWithRouteMatch,
requestFocus: requestFocus,
/// Builds the top-level Navigator given a configuration and location.
late final RouteBuilder builder;
/// Set to true to disable creating history entries on the web.
final bool routerNeglect;
final RouteConfiguration _configuration;
Future<bool> popRoute() async {
NavigatorState? state = navigatorKey.currentState;
if (state == null) {
return false;
if (!state.canPop()) {
state = null;
RouteMatchBase walker = currentConfiguration.matches.last;
while (walker is ShellRouteMatch) {
if (walker.navigatorKey.currentState?.canPop() ?? false) {
state = walker.navigatorKey.currentState;
walker = walker.matches.last;
assert(walker is RouteMatch);
if (state != null) {
return state.maybePop();
// This should be the only place where the last GoRoute exit the screen.
final GoRoute lastRoute = currentConfiguration.last.route;
if (lastRoute.onExit != null && navigatorKey.currentContext != null) {
return !(await lastRoute.onExit!(
walker.buildState(_configuration, currentConfiguration),
return false;
/// Returns `true` if the active Navigator can pop.
bool canPop() {
if (navigatorKey.currentState?.canPop() ?? false) {
return true;
RouteMatchBase walker = currentConfiguration.matches.last;
while (walker is ShellRouteMatch) {
if (walker.navigatorKey.currentState?.canPop() ?? false) {
return true;
walker = walker.matches.last;
return false;
/// Pops the top-most route.
void pop<T extends Object?>([T? result]) {
NavigatorState? state;
if (navigatorKey.currentState?.canPop() ?? false) {
state = navigatorKey.currentState;
RouteMatchBase walker = currentConfiguration.matches.last;
while (walker is ShellRouteMatch) {
if (walker.navigatorKey.currentState?.canPop() ?? false) {
state = walker.navigatorKey.currentState;
walker = walker.matches.last;
if (state == null) {
throw GoError('There is nothing to pop');
void _debugAssertMatchListNotEmpty() {
'You have popped the last page off of the stack,'
' there are no pages left to show',
bool _handlePopPageWithRouteMatch(
Route<Object?> route, Object? result, RouteMatchBase match) {
if (route.willHandlePopInternally) {
final bool popped = route.didPop(result);
return popped;
final RouteBase routeBase = match.route;
if (routeBase is! GoRoute || routeBase.onExit == null) {
_completeRouteMatch(result, match);
return true;
// The _handlePopPageWithRouteMatch is called during draw frame, schedule
// a microtask in case the onExit callback want to launch dialog or other
// navigator operations.
scheduleMicrotask(() async {
final bool onExitResult = await routeBase.onExit!(
match.buildState(_configuration, currentConfiguration),
if (onExitResult) {
_completeRouteMatch(result, match);
return false;
void _completeRouteMatch(Object? result, RouteMatchBase match) {
RouteMatchBase walker = match;
while (walker is ShellRouteMatch) {
walker = walker.matches.last;
if (walker is ImperativeRouteMatch) {
currentConfiguration = currentConfiguration.remove(match);
assert(() {
return true;
/// For use by the Router architecture as part of the RouterDelegate.
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> get navigatorKey => _configuration.navigatorKey;
/// For use by the Router architecture as part of the RouterDelegate.
RouteMatchList currentConfiguration = RouteMatchList.empty;
/// For use by the Router architecture as part of the RouterDelegate.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// For use by the Router architecture as part of the RouterDelegate.
// This class avoids using async to make sure the route is processed
// synchronously if possible.
Future<void> setNewRoutePath(RouteMatchList configuration) {
if (currentConfiguration == configuration) {
return SynchronousFuture<void>(null);
assert(configuration.isNotEmpty || configuration.isError);
final BuildContext? navigatorContext = navigatorKey.currentContext;
// If navigator is not built or disposed, the GoRoute.onExit is irrelevant.
if (navigatorContext != null) {
final List<RouteMatch> currentGoRouteMatches = <RouteMatch>[];
currentConfiguration.visitRouteMatches((RouteMatchBase match) {
if (match is RouteMatch) {
return true;
final List<RouteMatch> newGoRouteMatches = <RouteMatch>[];
configuration.visitRouteMatches((RouteMatchBase match) {
if (match is RouteMatch) {
return true;
final int compareUntil = math.min(
int indexOfFirstDiff = 0;
for (; indexOfFirstDiff < compareUntil; indexOfFirstDiff++) {
if (currentGoRouteMatches[indexOfFirstDiff] !=
newGoRouteMatches[indexOfFirstDiff]) {
if (indexOfFirstDiff < currentGoRouteMatches.length) {
final List<RouteMatch> exitingMatches =
return _callOnExitStartsAt(
exitingMatches.length - 1,
context: navigatorContext,
matches: exitingMatches,
).then<void>((bool exit) {
if (!exit) {
return SynchronousFuture<void>(null);
return _setCurrentConfiguration(configuration);
return _setCurrentConfiguration(configuration);
/// Calls [GoRoute.onExit] starting from the index
/// The returned future resolves to true if all routes below the index all
/// return true. Otherwise, the returned future resolves to false.
Future<bool> _callOnExitStartsAt(
int index, {
required BuildContext context,
required List<RouteMatch> matches,
}) {
if (index < 0) {
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(true);
final RouteMatch match = matches[index];
final GoRoute goRoute = match.route;
if (goRoute.onExit == null) {
return _callOnExitStartsAt(
index - 1,
context: context,
matches: matches,
Future<bool> handleOnExitResult(bool exit) {
if (exit) {
return _callOnExitStartsAt(
index - 1,
context: context,
matches: matches,
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(false);
final FutureOr<bool> exitFuture = goRoute.onExit!(
match.buildState(_configuration, currentConfiguration),
if (exitFuture is bool) {
return handleOnExitResult(exitFuture);
return exitFuture.then<bool>(handleOnExitResult);
Future<void> _setCurrentConfiguration(RouteMatchList configuration) {
currentConfiguration = configuration;
return SynchronousFuture<void>(null);