blob: 8222db4928e88275907d659aca66764be9113ed4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fake_async/fake_async.dart';
import 'package:gcloud/storage.dart';
import 'package:googleapis/storage/v1.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';
import 'package:metrics_center/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:metrics_center/src/gcs_lock.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'gcs_lock_test.mocks.dart';
import 'utility.dart';
enum TestPhase {
], customMocks: <MockSpec<dynamic>>[
MockSpec<ObjectsResource>(onMissingStub: OnMissingStub.returnDefault)
void main() {
const Duration kDelayStep = Duration(milliseconds: 10);
final Map<String, dynamic>? credentialsJson = getTestGcpCredentialsJson();
test('GcsLock prints warnings for long waits', () {
// Capture print to verify error messages.
final List<String> prints = <String>[];
final ZoneSpecification spec =
ZoneSpecification(print: (_, __, ___, String msg) => prints.add(msg));
Zone.current.fork(specification: spec).run<void>(() {
fakeAsync((FakeAsync fakeAsync) {
final MockAuthClient mockClient = MockAuthClient();
final GcsLock lock = GcsLock(StorageApi(mockClient), 'mockBucket');
when(mockClient.send(any)).thenThrow(DetailedApiRequestError(412, ''));
final Future<void> runFinished =
lock.protectedRun('mock.lock', () async {});
fakeAsync.elapse(const Duration(seconds: 10));
runFinished.catchError((dynamic e) {
final AssertionError error = e as AssertionError;
expect(error.message, 'Stop!');
// TODO(goderbauer): We should not be printing from a test.
// ignore: avoid_print
fakeAsync.elapse(const Duration(seconds: 20));
const String kExpectedErrorMessage = 'The lock is waiting for a long time: '
'0:00:10.240000. If the lock file mock.lock in bucket mockBucket '
'seems to be stuck (i.e., it was created a long time ago and no one '
'seems to be owning it currently), delete it manually to unblock this.';
expect(prints, equals(<String>[kExpectedErrorMessage, 'Stop!']));
test('GcsLock integration test: single protectedRun is successful', () async {
final AutoRefreshingAuthClient client = await clientViaServiceAccount(
ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(credentialsJson), Storage.SCOPES);
final GcsLock lock = GcsLock(StorageApi(client), kTestBucketName);
int testValue = 0;
await lock.protectedRun('test.lock', () async {
testValue = 1;
expect(testValue, 1);
}, skip: credentialsJson == null);
test('GcsLock integration test: protectedRun is exclusive', () async {
final AutoRefreshingAuthClient client = await clientViaServiceAccount(
ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(credentialsJson), Storage.SCOPES);
final GcsLock lock1 = GcsLock(StorageApi(client), kTestBucketName);
final GcsLock lock2 = GcsLock(StorageApi(client), kTestBucketName);
TestPhase phase = TestPhase.run1;
final Completer<void> started1 = Completer<void>();
final Future<void> finished1 = lock1.protectedRun('test.lock', () async {
while (phase == TestPhase.run1) {
await Future<void>.delayed(kDelayStep);
await started1.future;
final Completer<void> started2 = Completer<void>();
final Future<void> finished2 = lock2.protectedRun('test.lock', () async {
// started2 should not be set even after a long wait because lock1 is
// holding the GCS lock file.
await Future<void>.delayed(kDelayStep * 10);
expect(started2.isCompleted, false);
// When phase is switched to run2, lock1 should be released soon and
// lock2 should soon be able to proceed its protectedRun.
phase = TestPhase.run2;
await started2.future;
await finished1;
await finished2;
}, skip: credentialsJson == null);
test('GcsLock attempts to unlock again on a DetailedApiRequestError',
() async {
fakeAsync((FakeAsync fakeAsync) {
final StorageApi mockStorageApi = MockStorageApi();
final ObjectsResource mockObjectsResource = MockObjectsResource();
final GcsLock gcsLock = GcsLock(mockStorageApi, kTestBucketName);
const String lockFileName = 'test.lock';
// Simulate a failure to delete a lock file.
when(mockObjectsResource.delete(kTestBucketName, lockFileName))
.thenThrow(DetailedApiRequestError(504, ''));
gcsLock.protectedRun(lockFileName, () async {});
// Allow time to pass by to ensure deleting the lock file is retried multiple times.
fakeAsync.elapse(const Duration(milliseconds: 30));
verify(mockObjectsResource.delete(kTestBucketName, lockFileName))
// Simulate a successful deletion of the lock file.
when(mockObjectsResource.delete(kTestBucketName, lockFileName))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future<void>(
() {
// At this point, there should only be one more (successful) attempt to delete the lock file.
fakeAsync.elapse(const Duration(minutes: 2));
verify(mockObjectsResource.delete(kTestBucketName, lockFileName))