blob: a9a84b73f3338e61de427ed3886b6107a94c1b7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
/// Person data class.
class Person {
/// Creates a [Person].
Person({required, required, required this.age});
/// The id of the person.
final String id;
/// The name of the person.
final String name;
/// The age of the person.
final int age;
/// Family data class.
class Family {
/// Creates a [Family].
Family({required, required, required this.people});
/// The id of the family.
final String id;
/// The name of the family.
final String name;
/// The list of [Person]s in the family.
final List<Person> people;
/// Gets the [Person] with the given id in this family.
Person person(String pid) => people.singleWhere(
(Person p) => == pid,
orElse: () => throw Exception('unknown person $pid for family $id'),
/// The mock of families data.
class Families {
/// The data.
static final List<Family> data = <Family>[
id: 'f1',
name: 'Sells',
people: <Person>[
Person(id: 'p1', name: 'Chris', age: 52),
Person(id: 'p2', name: 'John', age: 27),
Person(id: 'p3', name: 'Tom', age: 26),
id: 'f2',
name: 'Addams',
people: <Person>[
Person(id: 'p1', name: 'Gomez', age: 55),
Person(id: 'p2', name: 'Morticia', age: 50),
Person(id: 'p3', name: 'Pugsley', age: 10),
Person(id: 'p4', name: 'Wednesday', age: 17),
id: 'f3',
name: 'Hunting',
people: <Person>[
Person(id: 'p1', name: 'Mom', age: 54),
Person(id: 'p2', name: 'Dad', age: 55),
Person(id: 'p3', name: 'Will', age: 20),
Person(id: 'p4', name: 'Marky', age: 21),
Person(id: 'p5', name: 'Ricky', age: 22),
Person(id: 'p6', name: 'Danny', age: 23),
Person(id: 'p7', name: 'Terry', age: 24),
Person(id: 'p8', name: 'Mikey', age: 25),
Person(id: 'p9', name: 'Davey', age: 26),
Person(id: 'p10', name: 'Timmy', age: 27),
Person(id: 'p11', name: 'Tommy', age: 28),
Person(id: 'p12', name: 'Joey', age: 29),
Person(id: 'p13', name: 'Robby', age: 30),
Person(id: 'p14', name: 'Johnny', age: 31),
Person(id: 'p15', name: 'Brian', age: 32),
/// Looks up a family in the data.
static Family family(String fid) =>;
extension on List<Family> {
Family family(String fid) => singleWhere(
(Family f) => == fid,
orElse: () => throw Exception('unknown family $fid'),
/// The login information.
class LoginInfo extends ChangeNotifier {
/// The username of login.
String get userName => _userName;
String _userName = '';
/// Whether a user has logged in.
bool get loggedIn => _userName.isNotEmpty;
/// Logs in a user.
void login(String userName) {
_userName = userName;
/// Logs out the current user.
void logout() {
_userName = '';
/// The login information.
class LoginInfo2 extends ChangeNotifier {
/// The username of login.
String get userName => _userName;
String _userName = '';
/// Whether a user has logged in.
bool get loggedIn => _userName.isNotEmpty;
/// Logs in a user.
Future<void> login(String userName) async {
_userName = userName;
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(microseconds: 2500));
/// Logs out the current user.
Future<void> logout() async {
_userName = '';
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(microseconds: 2500));
/// The relation of a person in a family.
class FamilyPerson {
/// Creates a [FamilyPerson].
FamilyPerson({required, required this.person});
/// The family.
final Family family;
/// the person.
final Person person;
/// The repository.
class Repository {
/// A random number generator.
static final Random rnd = Random();
/// Gets the families data.
Future<List<Family>> getFamilies() async {
// simulate network delay
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
// simulate error
// if (rnd.nextBool()) throw Exception('error fetching families');
// return data "fetched over the network"
/// Gets a family from the repository.
Future<Family> getFamily(String fid) async =>
(await getFamilies()).family(fid);
/// Gets a person from the repository.
Future<FamilyPerson> getPerson(String fid, String pid) async {
final Family family = await getFamily(fid);
return FamilyPerson(family: family, person: family.person(pid));
/// The repository.
class Repository2 {
/// The username.
final String userName;
/// Gets a repository with the username.
static Future<Repository2> get(String userName) async {
// simulate network delay
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
return Repository2._(userName);
/// A random number generator.
static final Random rnd = Random();
/// Gets the families data.
Future<List<Family>> getFamilies() async {
// simulate network delay
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
// simulate error
// if (rnd.nextBool()) throw Exception('error fetching families');
// return data "fetched over the network"
/// Gets a family from the repository.
Future<Family> getFamily(String fid) async =>
(await getFamilies()).family(fid);
/// Gets a person from the repository.
Future<FamilyPerson> getPerson(String fid, String pid) async {
final Family family = await getFamily(fid);
return FamilyPerson(family: family, person: family.person(pid));
/// A state stream.
abstract class StateStream<T> {
/// Creates a [StateStream].
/// Creates a [StateStream] with an initial value.
StateStream.seeded(T value) : state = value {
final StreamController<T> _controller = StreamController<T>();
/// The state.
late T state;
/// The [Stream] object.
Stream<T> get stream =>;
/// Pipes a new state into the stream.
void emit(T state) {
this.state = state;
/// Disposes the stream.
void dispose() {
/// Stream for whether the user is currently logged in.
class LoggedInState extends StateStream<bool> {
/// Creates a [LoggedInState].
/// Creates a [LoggedInState] with an initial value.
LoggedInState.seeded(bool value) : super.seeded(value);