blob: f91828d2cc65ea83348256dab730138c67d45467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:pigeon/java_generator.dart';
import 'ast.dart';
import 'dart_generator.dart';
import 'generator_tools.dart';
import 'objc_generator.dart';
const List<String> _validTypes = <String>[
/// Metadata to annotate a Pigeon API implemented by the host-platform.
/// The abstract class with this annotation groups a collection of Dart↔host
/// interop methods. These methods are invoked by Dart and are received by a
/// host-platform (such as in Android or iOS) by a class implementing the
/// generated host-platform interface.
class HostApi {
/// Parametric constructor for [HostApi].
const HostApi({this.dartHostTestHandler});
/// The name of an interface generated next to the [HostApi] class. Implement
/// this interface and invoke `[name of this handler].setup` to receive calls
/// from your real [HostApi] class in Dart instead of the host platform code,
/// as is typical.
/// Prefer to use a mock of the real [HostApi] with a mocking library for unit
/// tests. Generating this Dart handler is sometimes useful in integration
/// testing.
/// Defaults to `null` in which case no handler will be generated.
final String dartHostTestHandler;
/// Metadata to annotate a Pigeon API implemented by Flutter.
/// The abstract class with this annotation groups a collection of Dart↔host
/// interop methods. These methods are invoked by the host-platform (such as in
/// Android or iOS) and are received by Flutter by a class implementing the
/// generated Dart interface.
class FlutterApi {
/// Parametric constructor for [FlutterApi].
const FlutterApi();
/// Represents an error as a result of parsing and generating code.
class Error {
/// Parametric constructor for Error.
Error({this.message, this.filename, this.lineNumber});
/// A description of the error.
String message;
/// What file caused the [Error].
String filename;
/// What line the error happened on.
int lineNumber;
bool _isApi(ClassMirror classMirror) {
return classMirror.isAbstract &&
(_getHostApi(classMirror) != null || _isFlutterApi(classMirror));
HostApi _getHostApi(ClassMirror apiMirror) {
for (InstanceMirror instance in apiMirror.metadata) {
if (instance.reflectee is HostApi) {
return instance.reflectee;
return null;
bool _isFlutterApi(ClassMirror apiMirror) {
for (InstanceMirror instance in apiMirror.metadata) {
if (instance.reflectee is FlutterApi) {
return true;
return false;
/// Options used when running the code generator.
class PigeonOptions {
/// Path to the file which will be processed.
String input;
/// Path to the dart file that will be generated.
String dartOut;
/// Path to the ".h" Objective-C file will be generated.
String objcHeaderOut;
/// Path to the ".m" Objective-C file will be generated.
String objcSourceOut;
/// Options that control how Objective-C will be generated.
ObjcOptions objcOptions = ObjcOptions();
/// Path to the java file that will be generated.
String javaOut;
/// Options that control how Java will be generated.
JavaOptions javaOptions = JavaOptions();
/// A collection of an AST represented as a [Root] and [Error]'s.
class ParseResults {
/// Parametric constructor for [ParseResults].
ParseResults({this.root, this.errors});
/// The resulting AST.
final Root root;
/// Errors generated while parsing input.
final List<Error> errors;
/// Tool for generating code to facilitate platform channels usage.
class Pigeon {
/// Create and setup a [Pigeon] instance.
static Pigeon setup() {
return Pigeon();
Class _parseClassMirror(ClassMirror klassMirror) {
final List<Field> fields = <Field>[];
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in klassMirror.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
fields.add(Field() = MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.simpleName)
..dataType = MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.type.simpleName));
final Class klass = Class() = MirrorSystem.getName(klassMirror.simpleName)
..fields = fields;
return klass;
/// Use reflection to parse the [types] provided.
ParseResults parse(List<Type> types) {
final Root root = Root();
final Set<ClassMirror> classes = <ClassMirror>{};
final List<ClassMirror> apis = <ClassMirror>[];
for (Type type in types) {
final ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(type);
if (_isApi(classMirror)) {
} else {
for (ClassMirror apiMirror in apis) {
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in apiMirror.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is MethodMirror && !declaration.isConstructor) {
if (!isVoid(declaration.returnType)) {
if (declaration.parameters.isNotEmpty) {
root.classes =;
root.apis = <Api>[];
for (ClassMirror apiMirror in apis) {
final List<Method> functions = <Method>[];
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in apiMirror.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is MethodMirror && !declaration.isConstructor) {
functions.add(Method() = MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.simpleName)
..argType = declaration.parameters.isEmpty
? 'void'
: MirrorSystem.getName(
..returnType =
final HostApi hostApi = _getHostApi(apiMirror);
name: MirrorSystem.getName(apiMirror.simpleName),
location: hostApi != null ? : ApiLocation.flutter,
methods: functions,
dartHostTestHandler: hostApi?.dartHostTestHandler));
final List<Error> validateErrors = _validateAst(root);
return ParseResults(root: root, errors: validateErrors);
/// String that describes how the tool is used.
static String get usage {
return '''
Pigeon is a tool for generating type-safe communication code between Flutter
and the host platform.
usage: pigeon --input <pigeon path> --dart_out <dart path> [option]*
''' +
static final ArgParser _argParser = ArgParser()
..addOption('input', help: 'REQUIRED: Path to pigeon file.')
help: 'REQUIRED: Path to generated dart source file (.dart).')
help: 'Path to generated Objective-C source file (.m).')
..addOption('java_out', help: 'Path to generated Java file (.java).')
help: 'The package that generated Java code will be in.')
help: 'Path to generated Objective-C header file (.h).')
help: 'Prefix for generated Objective-C classes and protocols.');
/// Convert command-line arugments to [PigeonOptions].
static PigeonOptions parseArgs(List<String> args) {
final ArgResults results = _argParser.parse(args);
final PigeonOptions opts = PigeonOptions();
opts.input = results['input'];
opts.dartOut = results['dart_out'];
opts.objcHeaderOut = results['objc_header_out'];
opts.objcSourceOut = results['objc_source_out'];
opts.objcOptions.prefix = results['objc_prefix'];
opts.javaOut = results['java_out'];
opts.javaOptions.package = results['java_package'];
return opts;
static Future<void> _runGenerator(
String output, void Function(IOSink sink) func) async {
IOSink sink;
File file;
if (output == 'stdout') {
sink = stdout;
} else {
file = File(output);
sink = file.openWrite();
await sink.flush();
List<Error> _validateAst(Root root) {
final List<Error> result = <Error>[];
final List<String> customClasses = x) =>;
for (Class klass in root.classes) {
for (Field field in klass.fields) {
if (!(_validTypes.contains(field.dataType) ||
customClasses.contains(field.dataType))) {
'Unsupported datatype:"${field.dataType}" in class "${}".'));
return result;
/// Crawls through the reflection system looking for a configurePigeon method and
/// executing it.
static void _executeConfigurePigeon(PigeonOptions options) {
for (LibraryMirror library in currentMirrorSystem().libraries.values) {
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in library.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is MethodMirror &&
MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.simpleName) == 'configurePigeon') {
if (declaration.parameters.length == 1 &&
declaration.parameters[0].type == reflectClass(PigeonOptions)) {
library.invoke(declaration.simpleName, <dynamic>[options]);
} else {
print('warning: invalid \'configurePigeon\' method defined.');
/// The 'main' entrypoint used by the command-line tool. [args] are the
/// command-line arguments.
static Future<int> run(List<String> args) async {
final Pigeon pigeon = Pigeon.setup();
final PigeonOptions options = Pigeon.parseArgs(args);
if (options.input == null || options.dartOut == null) {
return 0;
final List<Error> errors = <Error>[];
final List<Type> apis = <Type>[];
if (options.objcHeaderOut != null) {
options.objcOptions.header = basename(options.objcHeaderOut);
if (options.javaOut != null) {
options.javaOptions.className = basenameWithoutExtension(options.javaOut);
for (LibraryMirror library in currentMirrorSystem().libraries.values) {
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in library.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is ClassMirror && _isApi(declaration)) {
if (apis.isNotEmpty) {
final ParseResults parseResults = pigeon.parse(apis);
for (Error err in parseResults.errors) {
errors.add(Error(message: err.message, filename: options.input));
if (options.dartOut != null) {
await _runGenerator(options.dartOut,
(StringSink sink) => generateDart(parseResults.root, sink));
if (options.objcHeaderOut != null) {
await _runGenerator(
(StringSink sink) => generateObjcHeader(
options.objcOptions, parseResults.root, sink));
if (options.objcSourceOut != null) {
await _runGenerator(
(StringSink sink) => generateObjcSource(
options.objcOptions, parseResults.root, sink));
if (options.javaOut != null) {
await _runGenerator(
(StringSink sink) =>
generateJava(options.javaOptions, parseResults.root, sink));
} else {
errors.add(Error(message: 'No pigeon classes found, nothing generated.'));
return errors.isNotEmpty ? 1 : 0;
/// Print a list of errors to stderr.
static void printErrors(List<Error> errors) {
for (Error err in errors) {
if (err.filename != null) {
if (err.lineNumber != null) {
'Error: ${err.filename}:${err.lineNumber}: ${err.message}');
} else {
stderr.writeln('Error: ${err.filename}: ${err.message}');
} else {
stderr.writeln('Error: ${err.message}');