blob: d1cc7be95cacfd6318e800f567a6bb37bae37ed2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
/// Class that represents the CPU and GPU usage percentage.
/// See also: [IosTraceParser.parseCpuGpu]
class CpuGpuResult {
CpuGpuResult(this.gpuPercentage, this.cpuPercentage);
final double gpuPercentage;
final double cpuPercentage;
String toString() {
return 'gpu: $gpuPercentage%, cpu: $cpuPercentage%';
void writeToJsonFile(String filename) {
final String output = json.encode(<String, double>{
'gpu_percentage': gpuPercentage,
'cpu_percentage': cpuPercentage
/// Parser that distills the output from TraceUtility.
/// See also:
class IosTraceParser {
/// Creates a [IosTraceParser] that runs the TraceUtility executable at
/// [traceUtilityPath], verbosely if [isVerbose] is true.
IosTraceParser(this.isVerbose, this.traceUtilityPath);
final bool isVerbose;
final String traceUtilityPath;
List<String> _lines;
List<String> _gpuMeasurements;
List<String> _cpuMeasurements;
/// Runs TraceUtility on the file at [filename] and parses the output for the
/// process named [processName] that is needed for [CpuGpuResult].
CpuGpuResult parseCpuGpu(String filename, String processName) {
final ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
print('TraceUtility stdout:\n${result.stdout.toString}\n\n');
print('TraceUtility stderr:\n${result.stderr.toString}\n\n');
throw Exception('TraceUtility failed with exit code ${result.exitCode}');
_lines = result.stderr.toString().split('\n');
// toSet to remove duplicates
_gpuMeasurements =
_lines.where((String s) => s.contains('GPU')).toSet().toList();
_cpuMeasurements =
_lines.where((String s) => s.contains(processName)).toSet().toList();
if (isVerbose) {
return CpuGpuResult(_computeGpuPercent(), _computeCpuPercent());
static final RegExp _percentagePattern = RegExp(r'(\d+(\.\d*)?)%');
double _parseSingleGpuMeasurement(String line) {
return double.parse(_percentagePattern.firstMatch(line).group(1));
double _computeGpuPercent() {
return _average(;
// The return is a list of 2: the 1st is the time key string, the 2nd is the
// double percentage
List<dynamic> _parseSingleCpuMeasurement(String line) {
final String timeKey = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(','));
final RegExpMatch match = _percentagePattern.firstMatch(line);
return <dynamic>[
match == null
? 0
: double.parse(_percentagePattern.firstMatch(line).group(1))
double _computeCpuPercent() {
final Iterable<List<dynamic>> results =;
final Map<String, double> sums = <String, double>{};
for (List<dynamic> pair in results) {
sums[pair[0]] = 0;
for (List<dynamic> pair in results) {
sums[pair[0]] += pair[1];
// This key always has 0% usage. Remove it.
assert(sums['00:00.000.000'] == 0);
if (isVerbose) {
print('CPU maps: $sums');
return _average(sums.values);
double _average(Iterable<double> values) {
if (values == null || values.isEmpty) {
print('TraceUtility output:\n${_lines.join('\n')}\n\n');
print('GPU measurements:\n${_gpuMeasurements.join('\n')}\n\n');
print('CPU measurements:\n${_cpuMeasurements.join('\n')}\n\n');
throw Exception('No valid measurements found.');
return values.reduce((double a, double b) => a + b) / values.length;