blob: 76fd9c4ae5c013507236855896427980363b7c21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show BinaryMessenger;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show immutable;
import 'camerax_library.g.dart';
import 'instance_manager.dart';
import 'java_object.dart';
import 'resolution_selector.dart';
import 'use_case.dart';
/// Use case for picture taking.
/// See
class ImageCapture extends UseCase {
/// Creates an [ImageCapture].
BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger,
InstanceManager? instanceManager,
}) : super.detached(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: instanceManager,
) {
_api = ImageCaptureHostApiImpl(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, instanceManager: instanceManager);
_api.createFromInstance(this, targetFlashMode, resolutionSelector);
/// Constructs a [ImageCapture] that is not automatically attached to a native object.
BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger,
InstanceManager? instanceManager,
}) : super.detached(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: instanceManager,
) {
_api = ImageCaptureHostApiImpl(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, instanceManager: instanceManager);
late final ImageCaptureHostApiImpl _api;
/// Flash mode used to take a picture.
final int? targetFlashMode;
/// Target resolution of the image output from taking a picture.
/// If not set, this [UseCase] will default to the behavior described in:
final ResolutionSelector? resolutionSelector;
/// Constant for automatic flash mode.
/// See
static const int flashModeAuto = 0;
/// Constant for on flash mode.
/// See
static const int flashModeOn = 1;
/// Constant for no flash mode.
/// See
static const int flashModeOff = 2;
/// Sets the flash mode to use for image capture.
Future<void> setFlashMode(int newFlashMode) async {
return _api.setFlashModeFromInstance(this, newFlashMode);
/// Takes a picture and returns the absolute path of where the capture image
/// was saved.
/// This method is not a direct mapping of the takePicture method in the CameraX,
/// as it also:
/// * Configures an instance of the ImageCapture.OutputFileOptions to specify
/// how to handle the captured image.
/// * Configures an instance of ImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback to receive
/// the results of the image capture as an instance of
/// ImageCapture.OutputFileResults.
/// * Converts the ImageCapture.OutputFileResults output instance to a String
/// that represents the full path where the captured image was saved in
/// memory to return.
/// See
/// for more information.
Future<String> takePicture() async {
return _api.takePictureFromInstance(this);
/// Host API implementation of [ImageCapture].
class ImageCaptureHostApiImpl extends ImageCaptureHostApi {
/// Constructs a [ImageCaptureHostApiImpl].
/// If [binaryMessenger] is null, the default [BinaryMessenger] will be used,
/// which routes to the host platform.
/// An [instanceManager] is typically passed when a copy of an instance
/// contained by an [InstanceManager] is being created. If left null, it
/// will default to the global instance defined in [JavaObject].
{this.binaryMessenger, InstanceManager? instanceManager}) {
this.instanceManager = instanceManager ?? JavaObject.globalInstanceManager;
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
/// If it is null, the default [BinaryMessenger] will be used which routes to
/// the host platform.
final BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
late final InstanceManager instanceManager;
/// Creates an [ImageCapture] instance with the flash mode and target resolution
/// if specified.
void createFromInstance(ImageCapture instance, int? targetFlashMode,
ResolutionSelector? resolutionSelector) {
final int identifier = instanceManager.addDartCreatedInstance(instance,
onCopy: (ImageCapture original) {
return ImageCapture.detached(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: instanceManager,
targetFlashMode: original.targetFlashMode,
resolutionSelector: original.resolutionSelector);
resolutionSelector == null
? null
: instanceManager.getIdentifier(resolutionSelector));
/// Sets the flash mode for the specified [ImageCapture] instance to take
/// a picture with.
Future<void> setFlashModeFromInstance(
ImageCapture instance, int flashMode) async {
final int? identifier = instanceManager.getIdentifier(instance);
assert(identifier != null,
'No ImageCapture has the identifer of that requested to get the resolution information for.');
await setFlashMode(identifier!, flashMode);
/// Takes a picture with the specified [ImageCapture] instance.
Future<String> takePictureFromInstance(ImageCapture instance) async {
final int? identifier = instanceManager.getIdentifier(instance);
assert(identifier != null,
'No ImageCapture has the identifer of that requested to get the resolution information for.');
final String picturePath = await takePicture(identifier!);
return picturePath;