blob: 40dc5fed693beb62b4953c55f4c1769f73e8f4bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'camera_state.dart';
import 'camerax_library.g.dart';
import 'instance_manager.dart';
import 'java_object.dart';
import 'observer.dart';
import 'zoom_state.dart';
/// A data holder class that can be observed.
/// For this wrapped class, observation can only fall within the lifecycle of the
/// Android Activity to which this plugin is attached.
/// See
class LiveData<T extends Object> extends JavaObject {
/// Constructs a [LiveData] that is not automatically attached to a native object.
LiveData.detached({this.binaryMessenger, this.instanceManager})
: _api = _LiveDataHostApiImpl(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, instanceManager: instanceManager),
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, instanceManager: instanceManager);
final _LiveDataHostApiImpl _api;
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
final BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
final InstanceManager? instanceManager;
/// Error message indicating a [LiveData] instance was constructed with a type
/// currently unsupported by the wrapping of this class.
static const String unsupportedLiveDataTypeErrorMessage =
'The type of LiveData passed to this method is current unspported; please see LiveDataSupportedTypeData in pigeons/camerax_library.dart if you wish to support a new type.';
/// Adds specified [Observer] to the list of observers of this instance.
Future<void> observe(Observer<T> observer) {
return _api.observeFromInstances(this, observer);
/// Removes all observers of this instance.
Future<void> removeObservers() {
return _api.removeObserversFromInstances(this);
/// Returns the current value.
Future<T?>? getValue() {
return _api.getValueFromInstances<T>(this);
/// Host API implementation of [LiveData].
class _LiveDataHostApiImpl extends LiveDataHostApi {
/// Constructs a [_LiveDataHostApiImpl].
/// If [binaryMessenger] the default BinaryMessenger will be used which routes to
/// the host platform.
/// An [instanceManager] is typically passed when a copy of an instance
/// contained by an [InstanceManager] is being created. If left null, it
/// will default to the global instance defined in [JavaObject].
InstanceManager? instanceManager,
}) : instanceManager = instanceManager ?? JavaObject.globalInstanceManager,
super(binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger);
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
final BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
final InstanceManager instanceManager;
/// Adds specified [Observer] to the list of observers of the specified
/// [LiveData] instance.
Future<void> observeFromInstances(
LiveData<dynamic> instance,
Observer<dynamic> observer,
) {
return observe(
/// Removes all observers of the specified [LiveData] instance.
Future<void> removeObserversFromInstances(
LiveData<dynamic> instance,
) {
return removeObservers(
/// Gets current value of specified [LiveData] instance.
Future<T?>? getValueFromInstances<T extends Object>(
LiveData<T> instance) async {
LiveDataSupportedTypeData? typeData;
switch (T) {
case CameraState:
typeData =
LiveDataSupportedTypeData(value: LiveDataSupportedType.cameraState);
case ZoomState:
typeData =
LiveDataSupportedTypeData(value: LiveDataSupportedType.zoomState);
throw ArgumentError(LiveData.unsupportedLiveDataTypeErrorMessage);
final int? valueIdentifier =
await getValue(instanceManager.getIdentifier(instance)!, typeData);
return valueIdentifier == null
? null
: instanceManager.getInstanceWithWeakReference<T>(valueIdentifier);
/// Flutter API implementation for [LiveData].
/// This class may handle instantiating and adding Dart instances that are
/// attached to a native instance or receiving callback methods from an
/// overridden native class.
class LiveDataFlutterApiImpl implements LiveDataFlutterApi {
/// Constructs a [LiveDataFlutterApiImpl].
/// If [binaryMessenger] is null, the default [BinaryMessenger] will be used,
/// which routes to the host platform.
/// An [instanceManager] is typically passed when a copy of an instance
/// contained by an [InstanceManager] is being created. If left null, it
/// will default to the global instance defined in [JavaObject].
BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger,
InstanceManager? instanceManager,
}) : _binaryMessenger = binaryMessenger,
_instanceManager = instanceManager ?? JavaObject.globalInstanceManager;
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
final BinaryMessenger? _binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
final InstanceManager _instanceManager;
void create(
int identifier,
LiveDataSupportedTypeData typeData,
) {
switch (typeData.value) {
case LiveDataSupportedType.cameraState:
binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: _instanceManager,
onCopy: (LiveData<CameraState> original) =>
binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: _instanceManager,
case LiveDataSupportedType.zoomState:
binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: _instanceManager,
onCopy: (LiveData<ZoomState> original) =>
binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: _instanceManager,
// This ignore statement is safe beause this error will be useful when
// a new LiveDataSupportedType is being added, but the logic in this method
// has not yet been updated.
// ignore: no_default_cases
throw ArgumentError(LiveData.unsupportedLiveDataTypeErrorMessage);