blob: c0f0cad43eb227c857ee227e63ef2763b62ff48a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'camera_state.dart';
import 'camerax_library.g.dart';
import 'instance_manager.dart';
import 'java_object.dart';
/// The error that a camera has encountered.
/// See
class CameraStateError extends JavaObject {
/// Constructs a [CameraStateError] that is not automatically attached to a native object.
{super.binaryMessenger, super.instanceManager, required this.code})
: super.detached();
/// The code of this error.
/// Will map to one of the [CameraState] error codes that map to the CameraX
/// CameraState codes:
final int code;
/// Gets a description of this error corresponding to its [code].
/// This is not directly provided by the CameraX library, but is determined
/// based on the description of the [code].
/// Provided for developers to use for error handling.
String getDescription() {
String description = '';
switch (code) {
case CameraState.errorCameraInUse:
description =
'The camera was already in use, possibly by a higher-priority camera client.';
case CameraState.errorMaxCamerasInUse:
description =
'The limit number of open cameras has been reached, and more cameras cannot be opened until other instances are closed.';
case CameraState.errorOtherRecoverableError:
description =
'The camera device has encountered a recoverable error. CameraX will attempt to recover from the error.';
case CameraState.errorStreamConfig:
description = 'Configuring the camera has failed.';
case CameraState.errorCameraDisabled:
description =
'The camera device could not be opened due to a device policy. Thia may be caused by a client from a background process attempting to open the camera.';
case CameraState.errorCameraFatalError:
description =
'The camera was closed due to a fatal error. This may require the Android device be shut down and restarted to restore camera function or may indicate a persistent camera hardware problem.';
case CameraState.errorDoNotDisturbModeEnabled:
description =
'The camera could not be opened because "Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable this mode, and try opening the camera again.';
description =
'There was an unspecified issue with the current camera state.';
return '$code : $description';
/// Flutter API implementation for [CameraStateError].
/// This class may handle instantiating and adding Dart instances that are
/// attached to a native instance or receiving callback methods from an
/// overridden native class.
class CameraStateErrorFlutterApiImpl implements CameraStateErrorFlutterApi {
/// Constructs a [CameraStateErrorFlutterApiImpl].
/// If [binaryMessenger] is null, the default [BinaryMessenger] will be used,
/// which routes to the host platform.
/// An [instanceManager] is typically passed when a copy of an instance
/// contained by an [InstanceManager] is being created. If left null, it
/// will default to the global instance defined in [JavaObject]. If left null, it
/// will default to the global instance defined in [JavaObject].
BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger,
InstanceManager? instanceManager,
}) : _binaryMessenger = binaryMessenger,
_instanceManager = instanceManager ?? JavaObject.globalInstanceManager;
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
final BinaryMessenger? _binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
final InstanceManager _instanceManager;
void create(
int identifier,
int code,
) {
code: code,
binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: _instanceManager,
onCopy: (CameraStateError original) => CameraStateError.detached(
code: original.code,
binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: _instanceManager,