blob: ece29b3fa83fe7c97fd63272c8861e1290491529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show BinaryMessenger;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show immutable;
import 'android_camera_camerax_flutter_api_impls.dart';
import 'camerax_library.g.dart';
import 'instance_manager.dart';
import 'java_object.dart';
/// Wraps a CameraX recording class.
/// See
class Recording extends JavaObject {
/// Constructs a detached [Recording]
{BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger, InstanceManager? instanceManager})
: super.detached(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: instanceManager,
) {
_api = RecordingHostApiImpl(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, instanceManager: instanceManager);
late final RecordingHostApiImpl _api;
/// Closes this recording.
Future<void> close() {
return _api.closeFromInstance(this);
/// Pauses this recording if active.
Future<void> pause() {
return _api.pauseFromInstance(this);
/// Resumes the current recording if paused.
Future<void> resume() {
return _api.resumeFromInstance(this);
/// Stops the recording, as if calling close().
Future<void> stop() {
return _api.stopFromInstance(this);
/// Host API implementation of [Recording].
class RecordingHostApiImpl extends RecordingHostApi {
/// Creates a [RecordingHostApiImpl].
RecordingHostApiImpl({this.binaryMessenger, InstanceManager? instanceManager})
: super(binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger) {
this.instanceManager = instanceManager ?? JavaObject.globalInstanceManager;
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
/// If it is null, the default BinaryMessenger will be used which routes to
/// the host platform.
final BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
late final InstanceManager instanceManager;
/// Closes the specified recording instance.
Future<void> closeFromInstance(Recording recording) async {
await close(instanceManager.getIdentifier(recording)!);
/// Pauses the specified recording instance if active.
Future<void> pauseFromInstance(Recording recording) async {
await pause(instanceManager.getIdentifier(recording)!);
/// Resumes the specified recording instance if paused.
Future<void> resumeFromInstance(Recording recording) async {
await resume(instanceManager.getIdentifier(recording)!);
/// Stops the specified recording instance, as if calling closeFromInstance().
Future<void> stopFromInstance(Recording recording) async {
await stop(instanceManager.getIdentifier(recording)!);
/// Flutter API implementation of [Recording].
class RecordingFlutterApiImpl extends RecordingFlutterApi {
/// Constructs a [RecordingFlutterApiImpl].
InstanceManager? instanceManager,
}) : instanceManager = instanceManager ?? JavaObject.globalInstanceManager;
/// Receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
/// If it is null, the default BinaryMessenger will be used which routes to
/// the host platform.
final BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
final InstanceManager instanceManager;
void create(int identifier) {
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: instanceManager,
identifier, onCopy: (Recording original) {
return Recording.detached(
binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger,
instanceManager: instanceManager,