blob: 144a84eac13f424979713650045ab2a2ce92afcf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@import AVFoundation;
@import Foundation;
* @interface FLTCamMediaSettingsAVWrapper
* @abstract An interface for performing media settings operations.
* @discussion
* xctest-expectation-checking implementation (`TestMediaSettingsAVWrapper`) of this interface can
* be injected into `camera-avfoundation` plugin allowing to run media-settings tests without any
* additional mocking of AVFoundation classes.
@interface FLTCamMediaSettingsAVWrapper : NSObject
* @method lockDevice:error:
* @abstract Requests exclusive access to configure device hardware properties.
* @param captureDevice The capture device.
* @param outError The optional error.
* @result A BOOL indicating whether the device was successfully locked for configuration.
- (BOOL)lockDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)captureDevice error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)outError;
* @method unlockDevice:
* @abstract Release exclusive control over device hardware properties.
* @param captureDevice The capture device.
- (void)unlockDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)captureDevice;
* @method beginConfigurationForSession:
* @abstract When paired with commitConfiguration, allows a client to batch multiple configuration
* operations on a running session into atomic updates.
* @param videoCaptureSession The video capture session.
- (void)beginConfigurationForSession:(AVCaptureSession *)videoCaptureSession;
* @method commitConfigurationForSession:
* @abstract When preceded by beginConfiguration, allows a client to batch multiple configuration
* operations on a running session into atomic updates.
* @param videoCaptureSession The video capture session.
- (void)commitConfigurationForSession:(AVCaptureSession *)videoCaptureSession;
* @method setMinFrameDuration:onDevice:
* @abstract Set receiver's current active minimum frame duration (the reciprocal of its max frame
* rate).
* @param duration The frame duration.
* @param captureDevice The capture device
- (void)setMinFrameDuration:(CMTime)duration onDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)captureDevice;
* @method setMaxFrameDuration:onDevice:
* @abstract Set receiver's current active maximum frame duration (the reciprocal of its min frame
* rate).
* @param duration The frame duration.
* @param captureDevice The capture device
- (void)setMaxFrameDuration:(CMTime)duration onDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)captureDevice;
* @method assetWriterAudioInputWithOutputSettings:
* @abstract Creates a new input of the audio media type to receive sample buffers for writing to
* the output file.
* @param outputSettings The settings used for encoding the audio appended to the output.
* @result An instance of `AVAssetWriterInput`.
- (AVAssetWriterInput *)assetWriterAudioInputWithOutputSettings:
(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)outputSettings;
* @method assetWriterVideoInputWithOutputSettings:
* @abstract Creates a new input of the video media type to receive sample buffers for writing to
* the output file.
* @param outputSettings The settings used for encoding the video appended to the output.
* @result An instance of `AVAssetWriterInput`.
- (AVAssetWriterInput *)assetWriterVideoInputWithOutputSettings:
(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)outputSettings;
* @method addInput:toAssetWriter:
* @abstract Adds an input to the asset writer.
* @param writerInput The `AVAssetWriterInput` object to be added.
* @param writer The `AVAssetWriter` object.
- (void)addInput:(AVAssetWriterInput *)writerInput toAssetWriter:(AVAssetWriter *)writer;
* @method recommendedVideoSettingsForAssetWriterWithFileType:forOutput:
* @abstract Specifies the recommended video settings for `AVCaptureVideoDataOutput`.
* @param fileType Specifies the UTI of the file type to be written (see AVMediaFormat.h for a list
* of file format UTIs).
* @param output The `AVCaptureVideoDataOutput` instance.
* @result A fully populated dictionary of keys and values that are compatible with AVAssetWriter.
- (nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)
forOutput:(AVCaptureVideoDataOutput *)output;