blob: 8abbd2a02607946d33521493388d7eae625fee99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'breakpoints.dart';
/// A Widget that takes a mapping of [SlotLayoutConfig]s to [Breakpoint]s and
/// adds the appropriate Widget based on the current screen size.
/// See also:
/// * [AdaptiveLayout], where [SlotLayout]s are assigned to placements on the
/// screen called "slots".
class SlotLayout extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a [SlotLayout] widget.
const SlotLayout({required this.config, super.key});
/// Given a context and a config, it returns the [SlotLayoutConfig] that will g
/// be chosen from the config under the context's conditions.
static SlotLayoutConfig? pickWidget(
BuildContext context, Map<Breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig?> config) {
SlotLayoutConfig? chosenWidget;
config.forEach((Breakpoint breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig? pickedWidget) {
if (breakpoint.isActive(context)) {
chosenWidget = pickedWidget;
return chosenWidget;
/// Maps [Breakpoint]s to [SlotLayoutConfig]s to determine what Widget to
/// display on which condition of screens.
/// The [SlotLayoutConfig]s in this map are nullable since some breakpoints
/// apply to more open ranges and the nullability allows one to override the
/// value at that Breakpoint to be null.
/// [SlotLayout] picks the last [SlotLayoutConfig] whose corresponding
/// [Breakpoint.isActive] returns true.
/// If two [Breakpoint]s are active concurrently then the latter one defined
/// in the map takes priority.
final Map<Breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig?> config;
/// A wrapper for the children passed to [SlotLayout] to provide appropriate
/// config information.
/// Acts as a delegate to the abstract class [SlotLayoutConfig].
/// It first takes a builder which returns the child Widget that [SlotLayout]
/// eventually displays with an animation.
/// It also takes an inAnimation and outAnimation to describe how the Widget
/// should be animated as it is switched in or out from [SlotLayout]. These
/// are both defined as functions that takes a [Widget] and an [Animation] and
/// return a [Widget]. These functions are passed to the [AnimatedSwitcher]
/// inside [SlotLayout] and are to be played when the child enters/exits.
/// Last, it takes a required key. The key should be kept constant but unique
/// as this key is what is used to let the [SlotLayout] know that a change has
/// been made to its child.
/// If you define a given animation phase, there may be multiple
/// widgets being displayed depending on the phases you have chosen to animate.
/// If you are using GlobalKeys, this may cause issues with the
/// [AnimatedSwitcher].
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedWidget] and [ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget], which are commonly used
/// as the returned widget for the inAnimation and outAnimation functions.
/// * [AnimatedSwitcher.defaultTransitionBuilder], which is what takes the
/// inAnimation and outAnimation.
static SlotLayoutConfig from({
WidgetBuilder? builder,
Widget Function(Widget, Animation<double>)? inAnimation,
Widget Function(Widget, Animation<double>)? outAnimation,
required Key key,
}) =>
builder: builder,
inAnimation: inAnimation,
outAnimation: outAnimation,
key: key,
State<SlotLayout> createState() => _SlotLayoutState();
class _SlotLayoutState extends State<SlotLayout>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
SlotLayoutConfig? chosenWidget;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
chosenWidget = SlotLayout.pickWidget(context, widget.config);
bool hasAnimation = false;
return AnimatedSwitcher(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
layoutBuilder: (Widget? currentChild, List<Widget> previousChildren) {
final Stack elements = Stack(
children: <Widget>[
if (hasAnimation) ...previousChildren,
if (currentChild != null) currentChild,
return elements;
transitionBuilder: (Widget child, Animation<double> animation) {
final SlotLayoutConfig configChild = child as SlotLayoutConfig;
if (child.key == chosenWidget?.key) {
return (configChild.inAnimation != null)
? child.inAnimation!(child, animation)
: child;
} else {
if (configChild.outAnimation != null) {
hasAnimation = true;
return (configChild.outAnimation != null)
? child.outAnimation!(child, ReverseAnimation(animation))
: child;
child: chosenWidget ?? SlotLayoutConfig.empty());
/// Defines how [SlotLayout] should display under a certain [Breakpoint].
class SlotLayoutConfig extends StatelessWidget {
/// Creates a new [SlotLayoutConfig].
/// Returns the child widget as is but holds properties to be accessed by other
/// classes.
const SlotLayoutConfig._({
required this.builder,
/// The child Widget that [SlotLayout] eventually returns with an animation.
final WidgetBuilder? builder;
/// A function that provides the animation to be wrapped around the builder
/// child as it is being moved in during a switch in [SlotLayout].
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedWidget] and [ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget], which are commonly used
/// as the returned widget.
final Widget Function(Widget, Animation<double>)? inAnimation;
/// A function that provides the animation to be wrapped around the builder
/// child as it is being moved in during a switch in [SlotLayout].
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedWidget] and [ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget], which are commonly used
/// as the returned widget.
final Widget Function(Widget, Animation<double>)? outAnimation;
/// An empty [SlotLayoutConfig] to be placed in a slot to indicate that the slot
/// should show nothing.
static SlotLayoutConfig empty() {
return const SlotLayoutConfig._(key: Key(''), builder: null);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return (builder != null) ? builder!(context) : const SizedBox.shrink();