blob: 0bf49dccbbb05a8fb5bee336b28dd460e7ad934c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// The result of running a command or operation.
/// This loosely corresponds to a [ProcessResult], but is not necessarily the
/// result of running a process.
class OperationResult {
const OperationResult._(
this.success, { = '',
this.error = '',
/// A successful operation result with a non-null but potentially empty info
/// message, and an empty error message.
factory OperationResult.success({
String info = '',
}) {
assert(info != null);
return OperationResult._(true, info: info);
/// A failing operation result with a non-null but potentially empty error,
/// and a non-null but potentially empty info.
factory OperationResult.error(
String error, {
String info = '',
}) {
assert(error != null);
assert(info != null);
return OperationResult._(false, info: info, error: error);
/// Creates an [OperationResult] from a [ProcessResult].
factory OperationResult.fromProcessResult(
ProcessResult result, {
int expectedExitCode = 0,
}) {
assert(expectedExitCode != null);
return OperationResult._(
result.exitCode == expectedExitCode,
info: result.stdout.toString(),
error: result.stderr.toString(),
/// Whether the result was successful or not. Not null.
final bool success;
/// Information from the result, e.g. the stdout of a process.
final String info;
/// Error information from the result, e.g. the stderr of a process.
final String error;
String toString() =>
'$runtimeType{${success ? 'success' : 'failure'}, info: "$info", error: "$error"}';