blob: 41f6ef875cf70f30c337676f48fd084a9b74288c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'information_provider.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'match.dart';
import 'route.dart';
import 'router.dart';
/// The function signature of [GoRouteInformationParser.onParserException].
/// The `routeMatchList` parameter contains the exception explains the issue
/// occurred.
/// The returned [RouteMatchList] is used as parsed result for the
/// [GoRouterDelegate].
typedef ParserExceptionHandler = RouteMatchList Function(
BuildContext context,
RouteMatchList routeMatchList,
/// Converts between incoming URLs and a [RouteMatchList] using [RouteMatcher].
/// Also performs redirection using [RouteRedirector].
class GoRouteInformationParser extends RouteInformationParser<RouteMatchList> {
/// Creates a [GoRouteInformationParser].
required this.configuration,
required this.onParserException,
}) : _routeMatchListCodec = RouteMatchListCodec(configuration);
/// The route configuration used for parsing [RouteInformation]s.
final RouteConfiguration configuration;
/// The exception handler that is called when parser can't handle the incoming
/// uri.
/// This method must return a [RouteMatchList] for the parsed result.
final ParserExceptionHandler? onParserException;
final RouteMatchListCodec _routeMatchListCodec;
final Random _random = Random();
/// The future of current route parsing.
/// This is used for testing asynchronous redirection.
Future<RouteMatchList>? debugParserFuture;
/// Called by the [Router]. The
Future<RouteMatchList> parseRouteInformationWithDependencies(
RouteInformation routeInformation,
BuildContext context,
) {
assert(routeInformation.state != null);
final Object state = routeInformation.state!;
if (state is! RouteInformationState) {
// This is a result of browser backward/forward button or state
// restoration. In this case, the route match list is already stored in
// the state.
final RouteMatchList matchList =
_routeMatchListCodec.decode(state as Map<Object?, Object?>);
return debugParserFuture = _redirect(context, matchList)
.then<RouteMatchList>((RouteMatchList value) {
if (value.isError && onParserException != null) {
return onParserException!(context, value);
return value;
late final RouteMatchList initialMatches;
initialMatches =
// TODO(chunhtai): remove this ignore and migrate the code
// ignore: deprecated_member_use, unnecessary_non_null_assertion
configuration.findMatch(routeInformation.location!, extra: state.extra);
if (initialMatches.isError) {
// TODO(chunhtai): remove this ignore and migrate the code
// ignore: deprecated_member_use'No initial matches: ${routeInformation.location}');
return debugParserFuture = _redirect(
).then<RouteMatchList>((RouteMatchList matchList) {
if (matchList.isError && onParserException != null) {
return onParserException!(context, matchList);
assert(() {
if (matchList.isNotEmpty) {
assert(!(matchList.last.route as GoRoute).redirectOnly,
'A redirect-only route must redirect to location different from itself.\n The offending route: ${matchList.last.route}');
return true;
return _updateRouteMatchList(
baseRouteMatchList: state.baseRouteMatchList,
completer: state.completer,
type: state.type,
Future<RouteMatchList> parseRouteInformation(
RouteInformation routeInformation) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'use parseRouteInformationWithDependencies instead');
/// for use by the Router architecture as part of the RouteInformationParser
RouteInformation? restoreRouteInformation(RouteMatchList configuration) {
if (configuration.isEmpty) {
return null;
final String location;
if (GoRouter.optionURLReflectsImperativeAPIs &&
configuration.matches.last is ImperativeRouteMatch) {
location = (configuration.matches.last as ImperativeRouteMatch)
} else {
location = configuration.uri.toString();
return RouteInformation(
// TODO(chunhtai): remove this ignore and migrate the code
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
location: location,
state: _routeMatchListCodec.encode(configuration),
Future<RouteMatchList> _redirect(
BuildContext context, RouteMatchList routeMatch) {
final FutureOr<RouteMatchList> redirectedFuture = configuration
.redirect(context, routeMatch, redirectHistory: <RouteMatchList>[]);
if (redirectedFuture is RouteMatchList) {
return SynchronousFuture<RouteMatchList>(redirectedFuture);
return redirectedFuture;
RouteMatchList _updateRouteMatchList(
RouteMatchList newMatchList, {
required RouteMatchList? baseRouteMatchList,
required Completer<Object?>? completer,
required NavigatingType type,
}) {
switch (type) {
case NavigatingType.push:
return baseRouteMatchList!.push(
pageKey: _getUniqueValueKey(),
completer: completer!,
matches: newMatchList,
case NavigatingType.pushReplacement:
final RouteMatch routeMatch = baseRouteMatchList!.last;
return baseRouteMatchList.remove(routeMatch).push(
pageKey: _getUniqueValueKey(),
completer: completer!,
matches: newMatchList,
case NavigatingType.replace:
final RouteMatch routeMatch = baseRouteMatchList!.last;
return baseRouteMatchList.remove(routeMatch).push(
pageKey: routeMatch.pageKey,
completer: completer!,
matches: newMatchList,
case NavigatingType.go:
return newMatchList;
case NavigatingType.restore:
// Still need to consider redirection.
return baseRouteMatchList!.uri.toString() == newMatchList.uri.toString()
? baseRouteMatchList
: newMatchList;
ValueKey<String> _getUniqueValueKey() {
return ValueKey<String>(String.fromCharCodes(
List<int>.generate(32, (_) => _random.nextInt(33) + 89)));