blob: 644031cdab689930b36f5cdce33679b16932e486 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is an example pigeon file that is used in compilation, unit, mock
// handler, and e2e tests.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
javaOptions: JavaOptions(
className: 'MessagePigeon',
package: 'dev.flutter.aaclarke.pigeon',
objcOptions: ObjcOptions(
prefix: 'AC',
/// This comment is to test enum documentation comments.
/// This comment also tests multiple line comments.
enum MessageRequestState {
/// This comment is to test class documentation comments.
/// This comment also tests multiple line comments.
class MessageSearchRequest {
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
String? query;
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
int? anInt;
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
bool? aBool;
/// This comment is to test class documentation comments.
class MessageSearchReply {
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
/// This comment also tests multiple line comments.
String? result;
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
String? error;
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
MessageRequestState? state;
@HostApi(dartHostTestHandler: 'TestHostApi')
/// This comment is to test api documentation comments.
/// This comment also tests multiple line comments.
abstract class MessageApi {
/// This comment is to test documentation comments.
/// This comment also tests multiple line comments.
void initialize();
/// This comment is to test method documentation comments.
MessageSearchReply search(MessageSearchRequest request);
/// This comment is to test class documentation comments.
class MessageNested {
/// This comment is to test field documentation comments.
MessageSearchRequest? request;
@HostApi(dartHostTestHandler: 'TestNestedApi')
/// This comment is to test api documentation comments.
abstract class MessageNestedApi {
/// This comment is to test method documentation comments.
/// This comment also tests multiple line comments.
MessageSearchReply search(MessageNested nested);
/// This comment is to test api documentation comments.
abstract class MessageFlutterSearchApi {
/// This comment is to test method documentation comments.
MessageSearchReply search(MessageSearchRequest request);