blob: 3993a9c3f203d33ae3584db38c0948c9d5b909f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// Page with custom transition functionality.
/// To be used instead of MaterialPage or CupertinoPage, which provide
/// their own transitions.
class CustomTransitionPage<T> extends Page<T> {
/// Constructor for a page with custom transition functionality.
/// To be used instead of MaterialPage or CupertinoPage, which provide
/// their own transitions.
const CustomTransitionPage({
required this.child,
required this.transitionsBuilder,
this.transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
this.reverseTransitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
this.maintainState = true,
this.fullscreenDialog = false,
this.opaque = true,
this.barrierDismissible = false,
/// The content to be shown in the Route created by this page.
final Widget child;
/// A duration argument to customize the duration of the custom page
/// transition.
/// Defaults to 300ms.
final Duration transitionDuration;
/// A duration argument to customize the duration of the custom page
/// transition on pop.
/// Defaults to 300ms.
final Duration reverseTransitionDuration;
/// Whether the route should remain in memory when it is inactive.
/// If this is true, then the route is maintained, so that any futures it is
/// holding from the next route will properly resolve when the next route
/// pops. If this is not necessary, this can be set to false to allow the
/// framework to entirely discard the route's widget hierarchy when it is
/// not visible.
final bool maintainState;
/// Whether this page route is a full-screen dialog.
/// In Material and Cupertino, being fullscreen has the effects of making the
/// app bars have a close button instead of a back button. On iOS, dialogs
/// transitions animate differently and are also not closeable with the
/// back swipe gesture.
final bool fullscreenDialog;
/// Whether the route obscures previous routes when the transition is
/// complete.
/// When an opaque route's entrance transition is complete, the routes
/// behind the opaque route will not be built to save resources.
final bool opaque;
/// Whether you can dismiss this route by tapping the modal barrier.
final bool barrierDismissible;
/// The color to use for the modal barrier.
/// If this is null, the barrier will be transparent.
final Color? barrierColor;
/// The semantic label used for a dismissible barrier.
/// If the barrier is dismissible, this label will be read out if
/// accessibility tools (like VoiceOver on iOS) focus on the barrier.
final String? barrierLabel;
/// Override this method to wrap the child with one or more transition
/// widgets that define how the route arrives on and leaves the screen.
/// By default, the child (which contains the widget returned by buildPage) is
/// not wrapped in any transition widgets.
/// The transitionsBuilder method, is called each time the Route's state
/// changes while it is visible (e.g. if the value of canPop changes on the
/// active route).
/// The transitionsBuilder method is typically used to define transitions
/// that animate the new topmost route's comings and goings. When the
/// Navigator pushes a route on the top of its stack, the new route's
/// primary animation runs from 0.0 to 1.0. When the Navigator pops the
/// topmost route, e.g. because the use pressed the back button, the primary
/// animation runs from 1.0 to 0.0.
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) transitionsBuilder;
Route<T> createRoute(BuildContext context) =>
class _CustomTransitionPageRoute<T> extends PageRoute<T> {
_CustomTransitionPageRoute(CustomTransitionPage<T> page)
: super(settings: page);
CustomTransitionPage<T> get _page => settings as CustomTransitionPage<T>;
bool get barrierDismissible => _page.barrierDismissible;
Color? get barrierColor => _page.barrierColor;
String? get barrierLabel => _page.barrierLabel;
Duration get transitionDuration => _page.transitionDuration;
Duration get reverseTransitionDuration => _page.reverseTransitionDuration;
bool get maintainState => _page.maintainState;
bool get fullscreenDialog => _page.fullscreenDialog;
bool get opaque => _page.opaque;
Widget buildPage(
BuildContext context,
Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
) =>
scopesRoute: true,
explicitChildNodes: true,
child: _page.child,
Widget buildTransitions(
BuildContext context,
Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
Widget child,
) =>
/// Custom transition page with no transition.
class NoTransitionPage<T> extends CustomTransitionPage<T> {
/// Constructor for a page with no transition functionality.
const NoTransitionPage({
required super.child,,
}) : super(
transitionsBuilder: _transitionsBuilder,
transitionDuration: const Duration(microseconds: 1),
static Widget _transitionsBuilder(
BuildContext context,
Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
Widget child) =>