blob: d2ff611961e55ad26e7f098a98100fc3756184f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart';
import 'package:source_helper/source_helper.dart';
import 'path_utils.dart';
import 'type_helpers.dart';
/// Custom [Iterable] implementation with extra info.
class InfoIterable extends IterableBase<String> {
required this.members,
required this.routeGetterName,
/// Name of the getter associated with `this`.
final String routeGetterName;
/// The generated elements associated with `this`.
final List<String> members;
Iterator<String> get iterator => members.iterator;
/// The configuration to generate class declarations for a ShellRouteData.
class ShellRouteConfig extends RouteBaseConfig {
required this.navigatorKey,
required this.parentNavigatorKey,
required super.routeDataClass,
required super.parent,
}) : super._();
/// The command for calling the navigator key getter from the ShellRouteData.
final String? navigatorKey;
/// The parent navigator key.
final String? parentNavigatorKey;
Iterable<String> classDeclarations() {
if (routeDataClass.unnamedConstructor == null) {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The ShellRouteData "$_className" class must have an unnamed constructor.',
element: routeDataClass,
final bool isConst = routeDataClass.unnamedConstructor!.isConst;
return <String>[
extension $_extensionName on $_className {
static $_className _fromState(GoRouterState state) =>${isConst ? ' const' : ''} $_className();
String get routeConstructorParameters =>
'${navigatorKey == null ? '' : 'navigatorKey: $navigatorKey,'}'
'${parentNavigatorKey == null ? '' : 'parentNavigatorKey: $parentNavigatorKey,'}';
String get factorConstructorParameters =>
'factory: $_extensionName._fromState,';
String get routeDataClassName => 'ShellRouteData';
String get dataConvertionFunctionName => r'$route';
/// The configuration to generate class declarations for a StatefulShellRouteData.
class StatefulShellRouteConfig extends RouteBaseConfig {
required this.parentNavigatorKey,
required super.routeDataClass,
required super.parent,
required this.navigatorContainerBuilder,
required this.restorationScopeId,
}) : super._();
/// The parent navigator key.
final String? parentNavigatorKey;
/// The navigator container builder.
final String? navigatorContainerBuilder;
/// The restoration scope id.
final String? restorationScopeId;
Iterable<String> classDeclarations() => <String>[
extension $_extensionName on $_className {
static $_className _fromState(GoRouterState state) => const $_className();
String get routeConstructorParameters =>
'${parentNavigatorKey == null ? '' : 'parentNavigatorKey: $parentNavigatorKey,'}'
'${restorationScopeId == null ? '' : 'restorationScopeId: $restorationScopeId,'}'
'${navigatorContainerBuilder == null ? '' : 'navigatorContainerBuilder: $navigatorContainerBuilder,'}';
String get factorConstructorParameters =>
'factory: $_extensionName._fromState,';
String get routeDataClassName => 'StatefulShellRouteData';
String get dataConvertionFunctionName => r'$route';
/// The configuration to generate class declarations for a StatefulShellBranchData.
class StatefulShellBranchConfig extends RouteBaseConfig {
required this.navigatorKey,
required super.routeDataClass,
required super.parent,
}) : super._();
/// The command for calling the navigator key getter from the ShellRouteData.
final String? navigatorKey;
/// The restoration scope id.
final String? restorationScopeId;
/// The initial route.
final String? initialLocation;
Iterable<String> classDeclarations() => <String>[];
String get factorConstructorParameters => '';
String get routeConstructorParameters =>
'${navigatorKey == null ? '' : 'navigatorKey: $navigatorKey,'}'
'${restorationScopeId == null ? '' : 'restorationScopeId: $restorationScopeId,'}'
'${initialLocation == null ? '' : 'initialLocation: $initialLocation,'}';
String get routeDataClassName => 'StatefulShellBranchData';
String get dataConvertionFunctionName => r'$branch';
/// The configuration to generate class declarations for a GoRouteData.
class GoRouteConfig extends RouteBaseConfig {
required this.path,
required this.parentNavigatorKey,
required super.routeDataClass,
required super.parent,
}) : super._();
/// The path of the GoRoute to be created by this configuration.
final String path;
/// The name of the GoRoute to be created by this configuration.
final String? name;
/// The parent navigator key.
final String? parentNavigatorKey;
late final Set<String> _pathParams =
String get _rawJoinedPath {
final List<String> pathSegments = <String>[];
RouteBaseConfig? config = this;
while (config != null) {
if (config is GoRouteConfig) {
config = config.parent;
return p.url.joinAll(pathSegments.reversed);
// construct path bits using parent bits
// if there are any queryParam objects, add in the `queryParam` bits
String get _locationArgs {
final Map<String, String> pathParameters = Map<String, String>.fromEntries( pathParameter) {
// Enum types are encoded using a map, so we need a nullability check
// here to ensure it matches Uri.encodeComponent nullability
final DartType? type = _field(pathParameter)?.returnType;
final String value =
'\${Uri.encodeComponent(${_encodeFor(pathParameter)}${type?.isEnum ?? false ? '!' : ''})}';
return MapEntry<String, String>(pathParameter, value);
final String location = patternToPath(_rawJoinedPath, pathParameters);
return "'$location'";
ParameterElement? get _extraParam => _ctor.parameters
.singleWhereOrNull((ParameterElement element) => element.isExtraField);
String get _fromStateConstructor {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer('=>');
if (_ctor.isConst &&
_ctorParams.isEmpty &&
_ctorQueryParams.isEmpty &&
_extraParam == null) {
buffer.writeln('const ');
for (final ParameterElement param in <ParameterElement>[
if (_extraParam != null) _extraParam!,
]) {
return buffer.toString();
String _decodeFor(ParameterElement element) {
if (element.isRequired) {
if (element.type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question &&
_pathParams.contains( {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'Required parameters in the path cannot be nullable.',
element: element,
final String fromStateExpression = decodeParameter(element, _pathParams);
if (element.isPositional) {
return '$fromStateExpression,';
if (element.isNamed) {
return '${}: $fromStateExpression,';
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'$likelyIssueMessage (param not named or positional)',
element: element,
String _encodeFor(String fieldName) {
final PropertyAccessorElement? field = _field(fieldName);
if (field == null) {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'Could not find a field for the path parameter "$fieldName".',
element: routeDataClass,
return encodeField(field);
String get _locationQueryParams {
if (_ctorQueryParams.isEmpty) {
return '';
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer('queryParams: {\n');
for (final ParameterElement param in _ctorQueryParams) {
final String parameterName =;
final List<String> conditions = <String>[];
if (param.hasDefaultValue) {
if (param.type.isNullableType) {
throw NullableDefaultValueError(param);
conditions.add('$parameterName != ${param.defaultValueCode!}');
} else if (param.type.isNullableType) {
conditions.add('$parameterName != null');
String line = '';
if (conditions.isNotEmpty) {
line = 'if (${conditions.join(' && ')}) ';
line += '${escapeDartString(parameterName.kebab)}: '
return buffer.toString();
late final List<ParameterElement> _ctorParams =
_ctor.parameters.where((ParameterElement element) {
if (_pathParams.contains( {
return true;
return false;
late final List<ParameterElement> _ctorQueryParams = _ctor.parameters
.where((ParameterElement element) =>
!_pathParams.contains( && !element.isExtraField)
ConstructorElement get _ctor {
final ConstructorElement? ctor = routeDataClass.unnamedConstructor;
if (ctor == null) {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'Missing default constructor',
element: routeDataClass,
return ctor;
Iterable<String> classDeclarations() => <String>[
String get _extensionDefinition => '''
extension $_extensionName on $_className {
static $_className _fromState(GoRouterState state) $_fromStateConstructor
String get location => GoRouteData.\$location($_locationArgs,$_locationQueryParams);
void go(BuildContext context) =>
context.go(location${_extraParam != null ? ', extra: $extraFieldName' : ''});
Future<T?> push<T>(BuildContext context) =>
context.push<T>(location${_extraParam != null ? ', extra: $extraFieldName' : ''});
void pushReplacement(BuildContext context) =>
context.pushReplacement(location${_extraParam != null ? ', extra: $extraFieldName' : ''});
void replace(BuildContext context) =>
context.replace(location${_extraParam != null ? ', extra: $extraFieldName' : ''});
/// Returns code representing the constant maps that contain the `enum` to
/// [String] mapping for each referenced enum.
Iterable<String> _enumDeclarations() {
final Set<InterfaceType> enumParamTypes = <InterfaceType>{};
for (final ParameterElement ctorParam in <ParameterElement>[
]) {
DartType potentialEnumType = ctorParam.type;
if (potentialEnumType is ParameterizedType &&
(ctorParam.type as ParameterizedType).typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
potentialEnumType =
(ctorParam.type as ParameterizedType).typeArguments.first;
if (potentialEnumType.isEnum) {
enumParamTypes.add(potentialEnumType as InterfaceType);
String get factorConstructorParameters =>
'factory: $_extensionName._fromState,';
String get routeConstructorParameters => '''
path: ${escapeDartString(path)},
${name != null ? 'name: ${escapeDartString(name!)},' : ''}
${parentNavigatorKey == null ? '' : 'parentNavigatorKey: $parentNavigatorKey,'}
String get routeDataClassName => 'GoRouteData';
String get dataConvertionFunctionName => r'$route';
/// Represents a `TypedGoRoute` annotation to the builder.
abstract class RouteBaseConfig {
required this.routeDataClass,
required this.parent,
/// Creates a new [RouteBaseConfig] represented the annotation data in [reader].
factory RouteBaseConfig.fromAnnotation(
ConstantReader reader,
InterfaceElement element,
) {
final RouteBaseConfig definition =
RouteBaseConfig._fromAnnotation(reader, element, null);
if (element != definition.routeDataClass) {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The @TypedGoRoute annotation must have a type parameter that matches '
'the annotated element.',
element: element,
return definition;
factory RouteBaseConfig._fromAnnotation(
ConstantReader reader,
InterfaceElement element,
RouteBaseConfig? parent,
) {
assert(!reader.isNull, 'reader should not be null');
final InterfaceType type = reader.objectValue.type! as InterfaceType;
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this ignore once 'analyze' can be set to
// 5.2+ (when Flutter 3.4+ is on stable).
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
final String typeName =;
final DartType typeParamType = type.typeArguments.single;
if (typeParamType is! InterfaceType) {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The type parameter on one of the @TypedGoRoute declarations could not '
'be parsed.',
element: element,
// TODO(kevmoo): validate that this MUST be a subtype of `GoRouteData`
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this ignore once 'analyze' can be set to
// 5.2+ (when Flutter 3.4+ is on stable).
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
final InterfaceElement classElement = typeParamType.element;
final RouteBaseConfig value;
switch (typeName) {
case 'TypedShellRoute':
value = ShellRouteConfig._(
routeDataClass: classElement,
parent: parent,
navigatorKey: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$navigatorKey',
parentNavigatorKey: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$parentNavigatorKey',
case 'TypedStatefulShellRoute':
value = StatefulShellRouteConfig._(
routeDataClass: classElement,
parent: parent,
parentNavigatorKey: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$parentNavigatorKey',
restorationScopeId: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$restorationScopeId',
navigatorContainerBuilder: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$navigatorContainerBuilder',
case 'TypedStatefulShellBranch':
value = StatefulShellBranchConfig._(
routeDataClass: classElement,
parent: parent,
navigatorKey: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$navigatorKey',
restorationScopeId: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$restorationScopeId',
initialLocation: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$initialLocation',
case 'TypedGoRoute':
final ConstantReader pathValue ='path');
if (pathValue.isNull) {
throw InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'Missing `path` value on annotation.',
element: element,
final ConstantReader nameValue ='name');
value = GoRouteConfig._(
path: pathValue.stringValue,
name: nameValue.isNull ? null : nameValue.stringValue,
routeDataClass: classElement,
parent: parent,
parentNavigatorKey: _generateParameterGetterCode(
parameterName: r'$parentNavigatorKey',
throw UnsupportedError('Unrecognized type $typeName');
.map<RouteBaseConfig>((DartObject e) => RouteBaseConfig._fromAnnotation(
ConstantReader(e), element, value)));
return value;
final List<RouteBaseConfig> _children = <RouteBaseConfig>[];
/// The `RouteData` class this class represents.
final InterfaceElement routeDataClass;
/// The parent of this route config.
final RouteBaseConfig? parent;
static String _generateChildrenGetterName(String name) {
return (name == 'TypedStatefulShellRoute' ||
name == 'StatefulShellRouteData')
? 'branches'
: 'routes';
static String? _generateParameterGetterCode(InterfaceElement classElement,
{required String parameterName}) {
final String? fieldDisplayName = classElement.fields
.where((FieldElement element) {
if (!element.isStatic || != parameterName) {
return false;
if (parameterName.toLowerCase().contains('navigatorkey')) {
final DartType type = element.type;
if (type is! ParameterizedType) {
return false;
final List<DartType> typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments.length != 1) {
return false;
final DartType typeArgument = typeArguments.single;
if (typeArgument.getDisplayString(withNullability: false) !=
'NavigatorState') {
return false;
return true;
.map<String>((FieldElement e) => e.displayName)
if (fieldDisplayName != null) {
return '${}.$fieldDisplayName';
final String? methodDisplayName = classElement.methods
.where((MethodElement element) {
return element.isStatic && == parameterName;
.map<String>((MethodElement e) => e.displayName)
if (methodDisplayName != null) {
return '${}.$methodDisplayName';
return null;
/// Generates all of the members that correspond to `this`.
InfoIterable generateMembers() => InfoIterable._(
members: _generateMembers().toList(),
routeGetterName: _routeGetterName,
Iterable<String> _generateMembers() sync* {
final List<String> items = <String>[
for (final RouteBaseConfig def in _flatten()) {
yield* items;
yield* items
(String e) => helperNames.entries
(MapEntry<String, String> element) => e.contains(element.key))
.map((MapEntry<String, String> e) => e.value),
/// Returns this [GoRouteConfig] and all child [GoRouteConfig] instances.
Iterable<RouteBaseConfig> _flatten() sync* {
yield this;
for (final RouteBaseConfig child in _children) {
yield* child._flatten();
late final String _routeGetterName =
r'$' + _className.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + _className.substring(1);
/// Returns the `GoRoute` code for the annotated class.
String _rootDefinition() => '''
RouteBase get $_routeGetterName => ${_invokesRouteConstructor()};
String get _className =>;
String get _extensionName => '\$${_className}Extension';
String _invokesRouteConstructor() {
final String routesBit = _children.isEmpty
? ''
: '''
${_generateChildrenGetterName(routeDataClassName)}: [${ e) => '${e._invokesRouteConstructor()},').join()}],
return '''
PropertyAccessorElement? _field(String name) =>
/// The name of `RouteData` subclass this configuration represents.
String get routeDataClassName;
/// The function name of `RouteData` to get Routes or branches.
String get dataConvertionFunctionName;
/// Additional factory constructor.
String get factorConstructorParameters;
/// Additional constructor parameter for invoking route constructor.
String get routeConstructorParameters;
/// Returns all class declarations code.
Iterable<String> classDeclarations();
String _enumMapConst(InterfaceType type) {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this ignore once 'analyze' can be set to
// 5.2+ (when Flutter 3.4+ is on stable).
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
final String enumName =;
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer('const ${enumMapName(type)} = {');
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this ignore once 'analyze' can be set to
// 5.2+ (when Flutter 3.4+ is on stable).
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
for (final FieldElement enumField in type.element.fields
.where((FieldElement element) => element.isEnumConstant)) {
'$enumName.${}: ${escapeDartString(},',
return buffer.toString();
/// [Map] from the name of a generated helper to its definition.
const Map<String, String> helperNames = <String, String>{
convertMapValueHelperName: _convertMapValueHelper,
boolConverterHelperName: _boolConverterHelper,
enumExtensionHelperName: _enumConverterHelper,
const String _convertMapValueHelper = '''
T? $convertMapValueHelperName<T>(
String key,
Map<String, String> map,
T Function(String) converter,
) {
final value = map[key];
return value == null ? null : converter(value);
const String _boolConverterHelper = '''
bool $boolConverterHelperName(String value) {
switch (value) {
case 'true':
return true;
case 'false':
return false;
throw UnsupportedError('Cannot convert "\$value" into a bool.');
const String _enumConverterHelper = '''
extension<T extends Enum> on Map<T, String> {
T $enumExtensionHelperName(String value) =>
entries.singleWhere((element) => element.value == value).key;