blob: 50a06676e485e441f7edf8ed785b77c05c046c17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:google_identity_services_web/oauth2.dart';
import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'utils.dart' as utils;
void main() async {
setUpAll(() async {
// Load web/mock-gis.js in the page
await utils.installGisMock();
group('initTokenClient', () {
testWidgets('returns a tokenClient', (_) async {
final TokenClient client = oauth2.initTokenClient(TokenClientConfig(
client_id: 'for-tests',
callback: null,
scope: 'some_scope for_tests not_real',
expect(client, isNotNull);
group('requestAccessToken', () {
testWidgets('passes through configuration', (_) async {
final StreamController<TokenResponse> controller =
final List<String> scopes = <String>['some_scope', 'another', 'more'];
final TokenClient client = oauth2.initTokenClient(TokenClientConfig(
client_id: 'for-tests',
callback: allowInterop(controller.add),
scope: scopes.join(' '),
utils.setMockTokenResponse(client, 'some-non-null-auth-token-value');
final TokenResponse response = await;
expect(response, isNotNull);
expect(response.error, isNull);
expect(response.scope, scopes.join(' '));
testWidgets('configuration can be overridden', (_) async {
final StreamController<TokenResponse> controller =
final List<String> scopes = <String>['some_scope', 'another', 'more'];
final TokenClient client = oauth2.initTokenClient(TokenClientConfig(
client_id: 'for-tests',
callback: allowInterop(controller.add),
scope: 'blank',
utils.setMockTokenResponse(client, 'some-non-null-auth-token-value');
scope: scopes.join(' '),
final TokenResponse response = await;
expect(response, isNotNull);
expect(response.error, isNull);
expect(response.scope, scopes.join(' '));
group('hasGranted...Scopes', () {
// mock-gis.js returns false for scopes that start with "not-granted-".
const String notGranted = 'not-granted-scope';
testWidgets('all scopes granted', (_) async {
final List<String> scopes = <String>['some_scope', 'another', 'more'];
final TokenResponse response = await utils.fakeAuthZWithScopes(scopes);
final bool all = oauth2.hasGrantedAllScopes(response, scopes);
final bool any = oauth2.hasGrantedAnyScopes(response, scopes);
expect(all, isTrue);
expect(any, isTrue);
testWidgets('some scopes granted', (_) async {
final List<String> scopes = <String>['some_scope', notGranted, 'more'];
final TokenResponse response = await utils.fakeAuthZWithScopes(scopes);
final bool all = oauth2.hasGrantedAllScopes(response, scopes);
final bool any = oauth2.hasGrantedAnyScopes(response, scopes);
expect(all, isFalse, reason: 'Scope: $notGranted should not be granted!');
expect(any, isTrue);
testWidgets('no scopes granted', (_) async {
final List<String> scopes = <String>[notGranted, '$notGranted-2'];
final TokenResponse response = await utils.fakeAuthZWithScopes(scopes);
final bool all = oauth2.hasGrantedAllScopes(response, scopes);
final bool any = oauth2.hasGrantedAnyScopes(response, scopes);
expect(all, isFalse);
expect(any, isFalse, reason: 'No scopes were granted.');