blob: ff5dfc96a9acf651208c3ffa655095feb88e4e05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// DOM shim. This file contains everything we need from the DOM API written as
// @staticInterop, so we don't need dart:html
import 'package:js/js.dart';
/// Document interface
abstract class DomHtmlDocument {}
/// Some methods of document
extension DomHtmlDocumentExtension on DomHtmlDocument {
/// document.head
external DomHtmlElement get head;
/// document.createElement
external DomHtmlElement createElement(String tagName);
/// console interface
abstract class DomConsole {}
/// The interface of window.console
extension DomConsoleExtension on DomConsole {
/// console.debug
external DomConsoleDumpFn get debug;
external DomConsoleDumpFn get info;
/// console.log
external DomConsoleDumpFn get log;
/// console.warn
external DomConsoleDumpFn get warn;
/// console.error
external DomConsoleDumpFn get error;
/// Fakey variadic-type for console-dumping methods (like console.log or info).
typedef DomConsoleDumpFn = void Function(
Object? arg, [
Object? arg2,
Object? arg3,
Object? arg4,
Object? arg5,
Object? arg6,
Object? arg7,
Object? arg8,
Object? arg9,
Object? arg10,
/// An instance of an HTMLElement
abstract class DomHtmlElement {}
/// (Some) methods of HtmlElement
extension DomHtmlElementExtension on DomHtmlElement {
/// Node.appendChild
external DomHtmlElement appendChild(DomHtmlElement child);
/// An instance of an HTMLScriptElement
abstract class DomHtmlScriptElement extends DomHtmlElement {}
/// Some methods exclusive of Script elements
extension DomHtmlScriptElementExtension on DomHtmlScriptElement {
external set src(Object stringOrSafeScriptURL);
external set async(bool async);
external set defer(bool defer);
/// Error object
abstract class DomError {}
/// Methods on the error object
extension DomErrorExtension on DomError {
/// Error message.
external String? get message;
/// Stack trace.
external String? get stack;
/// Error name. This is determined by the constructor function.
external String get name;
/// Error cause indicating the reason why the current error is thrown.
/// This is usually another caught error, or the value provided as the `cause`
/// property of the Error constructor's second argument.
external Object? get cause;
// Trusted Types API (TrustedTypePolicy, TrustedScript, TrustedScriptURL)
/// A factory to create `TrustedTypePolicy` objects.
abstract class DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory {}
/// (Some) methods of the [DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory]:
extension DomTrustedTypePolicyFactoryExtension on DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory {
/// createPolicy
external DomTrustedTypePolicy createPolicy(
String policyName,
DomTrustedTypePolicyOptions? policyOptions,
/// Options to create a trusted type policy.
abstract class DomTrustedTypePolicyOptions {
/// Constructs a TrustedPolicyOptions object in JavaScript.
/// The following properties need to be manually wrapped in [allowInterop]
/// before being passed to this constructor: [createScriptURL].
external factory DomTrustedTypePolicyOptions({
DomCreateScriptUrlOptionFn? createScriptURL,
/// Type of the function to configure createScriptURL
typedef DomCreateScriptUrlOptionFn = String Function(String input);
/// An instance of a TrustedTypePolicy
abstract class DomTrustedTypePolicy {}
/// (Some) methods of the [DomTrustedTypePolicy]
extension DomTrustedTypePolicyExtension on DomTrustedTypePolicy {
/// Create a `TrustedScriptURL` for the given [input].
external DomTrustedScriptUrl createScriptURL(String input);
/// An instance of a DomTrustedScriptUrl
abstract class DomTrustedScriptUrl {}
// Getters
/// window.document
external DomHtmlDocument get document;
/// window.trustedTypes (may or may not be supported by the browser)
external DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory? get trustedTypes;
/// window.console
external DomConsole get console;