blob: 83061d0b9deddb30c96c7cf5740ca78d37ee1187 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Authorization. API reference:
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// * non_constant_identifier_names required to be able to use the same parameter
// names as the underlying library.
library google_accounts_oauth2;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'dom.dart';
import 'shared.dart';
/// Binding to the `google.accounts.oauth2` JS global.
/// See:
external GoogleAccountsOauth2 get oauth2;
/// The Dart definition of the `google.accounts.oauth2` global.
abstract class GoogleAccountsOauth2 {}
/// The `google.accounts.oauth2` methods
extension GoogleAccountsOauth2Extension on GoogleAccountsOauth2 {
/// Initializes and returns a code client, with the passed-in [config].
/// Method: google.accounts.oauth2.initCodeClient
external CodeClient initCodeClient(CodeClientConfig config);
/// Initializes and returns a token client, with the passed-in [config].
/// Method: google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient
external TokenClient initTokenClient(TokenClientConfig config);
// Method: google.accounts.oauth2.hasGrantedAllScopes
external bool _hasGrantedScope(TokenResponse token, String scope);
/// Checks if hte user has granted **all** the specified [scopes].
/// [scopes] is a space-separated list of scope names.
/// Method: google.accounts.oauth2.hasGrantedAllScopes
bool hasGrantedAllScopes(TokenResponse tokenResponse, List<String> scopes) {
return scopes
.every((String scope) => _hasGrantedScope(tokenResponse, scope));
/// Checks if hte user has granted **all** the specified [scopes].
/// [scopes] is a space-separated list of scope names.
/// Method: google.accounts.oauth2.hasGrantedAllScopes
bool hasGrantedAnyScopes(TokenResponse tokenResponse, List<String> scopes) {
return scopes.any((String scope) => _hasGrantedScope(tokenResponse, scope));
/// Revokes all of the scopes that the user granted to the app.
/// A valid [accessToken] is required to revoke permissions.
/// The [done] callback is called once the revoke action is done. It must be
/// manually wrapped in [allowInterop] before being passed to this method.
/// Method: google.accounts.oauth2.revoke
external void revoke(
String accessToken, [
RevokeTokenDoneFn done,
/// The configuration object for the [initCodeClient] method.
/// Data type: CodeClientConfig
abstract class CodeClientConfig {
/// Constructs a CodeClientConfig object in JavaScript.
/// The [callback] property must be wrapped in [allowInterop] before it's
/// passed to this constructor.
external factory CodeClientConfig({
required String client_id,
required String scope,
String? redirect_uri,
bool? auto_select,
CodeClientCallbackFn? callback,
ErrorCallbackFn? error_callback,
String? state,
bool? enable_serial_consent,
String? hint,
String? hosted_domain,
UxMode? ux_mode,
bool? select_account,
/// A client that can start the OAuth 2.0 Code UX flow.
/// See:
/// Data type: CodeClient
abstract class CodeClient {}
/// The methods available on the [CodeClient].
extension CodeClientExtension on CodeClient {
/// Starts the OAuth 2.0 Code UX flow.
external void requestCode();
/// The object passed as the parameter of your [CodeClientCallbackFn].
/// Data type: CodeResponse
abstract class CodeResponse {}
/// The fields that are contained in the code response object.
extension CodeResponseExtension on CodeResponse {
/// The authorization code of a successful token response.
external String get code;
/// A space-delimited list of scopes that are approved by the user.
external String get scope;
/// The string value that your application uses to maintain state between your
/// authorization request and the response.
external String get state;
/// A single ASCII error code.
external String? get error;
/// Human-readable ASCII text providing additional information, used to assist
/// the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
external String? get error_description;
/// A URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the
/// error, used to provide the client developer with additional information
/// about the error.
external String? get error_uri;
/// The type of the `callback` function passed to [CodeClientConfig].
typedef CodeClientCallbackFn = void Function(CodeResponse response);
/// The configuration object for the [initTokenClient] method.
/// Data type: TokenClientConfig
abstract class TokenClientConfig {
/// Constructs a TokenClientConfig object in JavaScript.
/// The [callback] property must be wrapped in [allowInterop] before it's
/// passed to this constructor.
external factory TokenClientConfig({
required String client_id,
required TokenClientCallbackFn? callback,
required String scope,
ErrorCallbackFn? error_callback,
String? prompt,
bool? enable_serial_consent,
String? hint,
String? hosted_domain,
String? state,
/// A client that can start the OAuth 2.0 Token UX flow.
/// See:
/// Data type: TokenClient
abstract class TokenClient {}
/// The methods available on the [TokenClient].
extension TokenClientExtension on TokenClient {
/// Starts the OAuth 2.0 Code UX flow.
external void requestAccessToken([
OverridableTokenClientConfig overrideConfig,
/// The overridable configuration object for the [TokenClientExtension.requestAccessToken] method.
/// Data type: OverridableTokenClientConfig
abstract class OverridableTokenClientConfig {
/// Constructs an OverridableTokenClientConfig object in JavaScript.
/// The [callback] property must be wrapped in [allowInterop] before it's
/// passed to this constructor.
external factory OverridableTokenClientConfig({
/// A space-delimited, case-sensitive list of prompts to present the user.
/// See `prompt` in [TokenClientConfig].
String? prompt,
/// For clients created before 2019, when set to `false`, disables "more
/// granular Google Account permissions".
/// This setting has no effect in newer clients.
/// See:
bool? enable_serial_consent,
/// When your app knows which user it is trying to authenticate, it can
/// provide this parameter as a hint to the authentication server. Passing
/// this hint suppresses the account chooser and either pre-fills the email
/// box on the sign-in form, or selects the proper session (if the user is
/// using multiple sign-in), which can help you avoid problems that occur if
/// your app logs in the wrong user account.
/// The value can be either an email address or the `sub` string, which is
/// equivalent to the user's Google ID.
/// About Multiple Sign-in:
String? hint,
/// A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your
/// application could access on the user's behalf. These values inform the
/// consent screen that Google displays to the user.
// b/251971390
String? scope,
/// **Not recommended.** Specifies any string value that your application
/// uses to maintain state between your authorization request and the
/// authorization server's response.
String? state,
/// Preserves previously requested scopes in this new request.
/// (Undocumented)
bool? include_granted_scopes,
/// The object passed as the parameter of your [TokenClientCallbackFn].
/// Data type: TokenResponse
abstract class TokenResponse {}
/// The fields that are contained in the code response object.
extension TokenResponseExtension on TokenResponse {
/// The access token of a successful token response.
external String get access_token;
/// The lifetime in seconds of the access token.
external int get expires_in;
/// The hosted domain the signed-in user belongs to.
external String get hd;
/// The prompt value that was used from the possible list of values specified
/// by [TokenClientConfig] or [OverridableTokenClientConfig].
external String get prompt;
/// The type of the token issued.
external String get token_type;
/// A space-delimited list of scopes that are approved by the user.
external String get scope;
/// The string value that your application uses to maintain state between your
/// authorization request and the response.
external String get state;
/// A single ASCII error code.
external String? get error;
/// Human-readable ASCII text providing additional information, used to assist
/// the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
external String? get error_description;
/// A URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the
/// error, used to provide the client developer with additional information
/// about the error.
external String? get error_uri;
/// The type of the `callback` function passed to [TokenClientConfig].
typedef TokenClientCallbackFn = void Function(TokenResponse response);
/// The type of the `error_callback` in both oauth2 initXClient calls.
/// (Currently undocumented)
/// `error` should be of type [GoogleIdentityServicesError]?, but it cannot be
/// because of this DDC bug:
typedef ErrorCallbackFn = void Function(Object? error);
/// An error returned by `initTokenClient` or `initDataClient`.
/// Cannot be used:
abstract class GoogleIdentityServicesError extends DomError {}
/// Methods of the GoogleIdentityServicesError object.
/// Cannot be used:
extension GoogleIdentityServicesErrorExtension on GoogleIdentityServicesError {
external String get _type;
// String get _type => js_util.getProperty<String>(this, 'type');
/// The type of error
GoogleIdentityServicesErrorType get type =>
/// The signature of the `done` function for [revoke].
typedef RevokeTokenDoneFn = void Function(TokenRevocationResponse response);
/// The parameter passed to the `callback` of the [revoke] function.
/// Data type: RevocationResponse
abstract class TokenRevocationResponse {}
/// The fields that are contained in the [TokenRevocationResponse] object.
extension TokenRevocationResponseExtension on TokenRevocationResponse {
/// This field is a boolean value set to true if the revoke method call
/// succeeded or false on failure.
external bool get successful;
/// This field is a string value and contains a detailed error message if the
/// revoke method call failed, it is undefined on success.
external String? get error;
/// The description of the error.
external String? get error_description;