blob: 3c4ce1871345375a36b3c26f49c81cfefae5937b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
/// The state of a [CameraController].
class CameraValue {
/// Creates a new camera controller state.
const CameraValue({
required this.isInitialized,
required this.isRecordingVideo,
required this.isTakingPicture,
required this.isStreamingImages,
required this.isRecordingPaused,
required this.flashMode,
required this.exposureMode,
required this.focusMode,
required this.deviceOrientation,
required this.description,
this.isPreviewPaused = false,
/// Creates a new camera controller state for an uninitialized controller.
const CameraValue.uninitialized(CameraDescription description)
: this(
isInitialized: false,
isRecordingVideo: false,
isTakingPicture: false,
isStreamingImages: false,
isRecordingPaused: false,
deviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation.portraitUp,
isPreviewPaused: false,
description: description,
/// True after [CameraController.initialize] has completed successfully.
final bool isInitialized;
/// True when a picture capture request has been sent but as not yet returned.
final bool isTakingPicture;
/// True when the camera is recording (not the same as previewing).
final bool isRecordingVideo;
/// True when images from the camera are being streamed.
final bool isStreamingImages;
/// True when video recording is paused.
final bool isRecordingPaused;
/// True when the preview widget has been paused manually.
final bool isPreviewPaused;
/// Set to the orientation the preview was paused in, if it is currently paused.
final DeviceOrientation? previewPauseOrientation;
/// The size of the preview in pixels.
/// Is `null` until [isInitialized] is `true`.
final Size? previewSize;
/// The flash mode the camera is currently set to.
final FlashMode flashMode;
/// The exposure mode the camera is currently set to.
final ExposureMode exposureMode;
/// The focus mode the camera is currently set to.
final FocusMode focusMode;
/// The current device UI orientation.
final DeviceOrientation deviceOrientation;
/// The currently locked capture orientation.
final DeviceOrientation? lockedCaptureOrientation;
/// Whether the capture orientation is currently locked.
bool get isCaptureOrientationLocked => lockedCaptureOrientation != null;
/// The orientation of the currently running video recording.
final DeviceOrientation? recordingOrientation;
/// The properties of the camera device controlled by this controller.
final CameraDescription description;
/// Creates a modified copy of the object.
/// Explicitly specified fields get the specified value, all other fields get
/// the same value of the current object.
CameraValue copyWith({
bool? isInitialized,
bool? isRecordingVideo,
bool? isTakingPicture,
bool? isStreamingImages,
Size? previewSize,
bool? isRecordingPaused,
FlashMode? flashMode,
ExposureMode? exposureMode,
FocusMode? focusMode,
bool? exposurePointSupported,
bool? focusPointSupported,
DeviceOrientation? deviceOrientation,
Optional<DeviceOrientation>? lockedCaptureOrientation,
Optional<DeviceOrientation>? recordingOrientation,
bool? isPreviewPaused,
CameraDescription? description,
Optional<DeviceOrientation>? previewPauseOrientation,
}) {
return CameraValue(
isInitialized: isInitialized ?? this.isInitialized,
previewSize: previewSize ?? this.previewSize,
isRecordingVideo: isRecordingVideo ?? this.isRecordingVideo,
isTakingPicture: isTakingPicture ?? this.isTakingPicture,
isStreamingImages: isStreamingImages ?? this.isStreamingImages,
isRecordingPaused: isRecordingPaused ?? this.isRecordingPaused,
flashMode: flashMode ?? this.flashMode,
exposureMode: exposureMode ?? this.exposureMode,
focusMode: focusMode ?? this.focusMode,
deviceOrientation: deviceOrientation ?? this.deviceOrientation,
lockedCaptureOrientation: lockedCaptureOrientation == null
? this.lockedCaptureOrientation
: lockedCaptureOrientation.orNull,
recordingOrientation: recordingOrientation == null
? this.recordingOrientation
: recordingOrientation.orNull,
isPreviewPaused: isPreviewPaused ?? this.isPreviewPaused,
description: description ?? this.description,
previewPauseOrientation: previewPauseOrientation == null
? this.previewPauseOrientation
: previewPauseOrientation.orNull,
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'CameraValue')}('
'isRecordingVideo: $isRecordingVideo, '
'isInitialized: $isInitialized, '
'previewSize: $previewSize, '
'isStreamingImages: $isStreamingImages, '
'flashMode: $flashMode, '
'exposureMode: $exposureMode, '
'focusMode: $focusMode, '
'deviceOrientation: $deviceOrientation, '
'lockedCaptureOrientation: $lockedCaptureOrientation, '
'recordingOrientation: $recordingOrientation, '
'isPreviewPaused: $isPreviewPaused, '
'previewPausedOrientation: $previewPauseOrientation)';
/// Controls a device camera.
/// This is a stripped-down version of the app-facing controller to serve as a
/// utility for the example and integration tests. It wraps only the calls that
/// have state associated with them, to consolidate tracking of camera state
/// outside of the overall example code.
class CameraController extends ValueNotifier<CameraValue> {
/// Creates a new camera controller in an uninitialized state.
CameraDescription cameraDescription,
this.resolutionPreset, {
this.enableAudio = true,
}) : super(CameraValue.uninitialized(cameraDescription));
/// The properties of the camera device controlled by this controller.
CameraDescription get description => value.description;
/// The resolution this controller is targeting.
/// This resolution preset is not guaranteed to be available on the device,
/// if unavailable a lower resolution will be used.
/// See also: [ResolutionPreset].
final ResolutionPreset resolutionPreset;
/// Whether to include audio when recording a video.
final bool enableAudio;
/// The [ImageFormatGroup] describes the output of the raw image format.
/// When null the imageFormat will fallback to the platforms default.
final ImageFormatGroup? imageFormatGroup;
late int _cameraId;
bool _isDisposed = false;
StreamSubscription<CameraImageData>? _imageStreamSubscription;
FutureOr<bool>? _initCalled;
/// The camera identifier with which the controller is associated.
int get cameraId => _cameraId;
/// Initializes the camera on the device.
Future<void> initialize() => _initializeWithDescription(description);
Future<void> _initializeWithDescription(CameraDescription description) async {
final Completer<CameraInitializedEvent> initializeCompleter =
_deviceOrientationSubscription = CameraPlatform.instance
.listen((DeviceOrientationChangedEvent event) {
value = value.copyWith(
deviceOrientation: event.orientation,
_cameraId = await CameraPlatform.instance.createCamera(
enableAudio: enableAudio,
.then((CameraInitializedEvent event) {
await CameraPlatform.instance.initializeCamera(
imageFormatGroup: imageFormatGroup ?? ImageFormatGroup.unknown,
value = value.copyWith(
isInitialized: true,
description: description,
previewSize: await initializeCompleter.future
.then((CameraInitializedEvent event) => Size(
exposureMode: await initializeCompleter.future
.then((CameraInitializedEvent event) => event.exposureMode),
focusMode: await initializeCompleter.future
.then((CameraInitializedEvent event) => event.focusMode),
exposurePointSupported: await initializeCompleter.future
.then((CameraInitializedEvent event) => event.exposurePointSupported),
focusPointSupported: await initializeCompleter.future
.then((CameraInitializedEvent event) => event.focusPointSupported),
_initCalled = true;
/// Prepare the capture session for video recording.
Future<void> prepareForVideoRecording() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.prepareForVideoRecording();
/// Pauses the current camera preview
Future<void> pausePreview() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.pausePreview(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(
isPreviewPaused: true,
previewPauseOrientation: Optional<DeviceOrientation>.of(
value.lockedCaptureOrientation ?? value.deviceOrientation));
/// Resumes the current camera preview
Future<void> resumePreview() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.resumePreview(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(
isPreviewPaused: false,
previewPauseOrientation: const Optional<DeviceOrientation>.absent());
/// Sets the description of the camera.
Future<void> setDescription(CameraDescription description) async {
if (value.isRecordingVideo) {
await CameraPlatform.instance.setDescriptionWhileRecording(description);
value = value.copyWith(description: description);
} else {
await _initializeWithDescription(description);
/// Captures an image and returns the file where it was saved.
/// Throws a [CameraException] if the capture fails.
Future<XFile> takePicture() async {
value = value.copyWith(isTakingPicture: true);
final XFile file = await CameraPlatform.instance.takePicture(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(isTakingPicture: false);
return file;
/// Start streaming images from platform camera.
Future<void> startImageStream(
void Function(CameraImageData image) onAvailable) async {
_imageStreamSubscription = CameraPlatform.instance
.listen((CameraImageData imageData) {
value = value.copyWith(isStreamingImages: true);
/// Stop streaming images from platform camera.
Future<void> stopImageStream() async {
value = value.copyWith(isStreamingImages: false);
await _imageStreamSubscription?.cancel();
_imageStreamSubscription = null;
/// Start a video recording.
/// The video is returned as a [XFile] after calling [stopVideoRecording].
/// Throws a [CameraException] if the capture fails.
Future<void> startVideoRecording(
{void Function(CameraImageData image)? streamCallback}) async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.startVideoCapturing(
VideoCaptureOptions(_cameraId, streamCallback: streamCallback));
value = value.copyWith(
isRecordingVideo: true,
isRecordingPaused: false,
isStreamingImages: streamCallback != null,
recordingOrientation: Optional<DeviceOrientation>.of(
value.lockedCaptureOrientation ?? value.deviceOrientation));
/// Stops the video recording and returns the file where it was saved.
/// Throws a [CameraException] if the capture failed.
Future<XFile> stopVideoRecording() async {
if (value.isStreamingImages) {
await stopImageStream();
final XFile file =
await CameraPlatform.instance.stopVideoRecording(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(
isRecordingVideo: false,
isRecordingPaused: false,
recordingOrientation: const Optional<DeviceOrientation>.absent(),
return file;
/// Pause video recording.
/// This feature is only available on iOS and Android sdk 24+.
Future<void> pauseVideoRecording() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.pauseVideoRecording(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(isRecordingPaused: true);
/// Resume video recording after pausing.
/// This feature is only available on iOS and Android sdk 24+.
Future<void> resumeVideoRecording() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.resumeVideoRecording(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(isRecordingPaused: false);
/// Returns a widget showing a live camera preview.
Widget buildPreview() {
return CameraPlatform.instance.buildPreview(_cameraId);
/// Sets the flash mode for taking pictures.
Future<void> setFlashMode(FlashMode mode) async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.setFlashMode(_cameraId, mode);
value = value.copyWith(flashMode: mode);
/// Sets the exposure mode for taking pictures.
Future<void> setExposureMode(ExposureMode mode) async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.setExposureMode(_cameraId, mode);
value = value.copyWith(exposureMode: mode);
/// Sets the exposure offset for the selected camera.
Future<double> setExposureOffset(double offset) async {
// Check if offset is in range
final List<double> range = await Future.wait(<Future<double>>[
// Round to the closest step if needed
final double stepSize =
await CameraPlatform.instance.getExposureOffsetStepSize(_cameraId);
if (stepSize > 0) {
final double inv = 1.0 / stepSize;
double roundedOffset = (offset * inv).roundToDouble() / inv;
if (roundedOffset > range[1]) {
roundedOffset = (offset * inv).floorToDouble() / inv;
} else if (roundedOffset < range[0]) {
roundedOffset = (offset * inv).ceilToDouble() / inv;
offset = roundedOffset;
return CameraPlatform.instance.setExposureOffset(_cameraId, offset);
/// Locks the capture orientation.
/// If [orientation] is omitted, the current device orientation is used.
Future<void> lockCaptureOrientation() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance
.lockCaptureOrientation(_cameraId, value.deviceOrientation);
value = value.copyWith(
/// Unlocks the capture orientation.
Future<void> unlockCaptureOrientation() async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.unlockCaptureOrientation(_cameraId);
value = value.copyWith(
lockedCaptureOrientation: const Optional<DeviceOrientation>.absent());
/// Sets the focus mode for taking pictures.
Future<void> setFocusMode(FocusMode mode) async {
await CameraPlatform.instance.setFocusMode(_cameraId, mode);
value = value.copyWith(focusMode: mode);
/// Releases the resources of this camera.
Future<void> dispose() async {
if (_isDisposed) {
_isDisposed = true;
await _deviceOrientationSubscription?.cancel();
if (_initCalled != null) {
await _initCalled;
await CameraPlatform.instance.dispose(_cameraId);
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
// Prevent ValueListenableBuilder in CameraPreview widget from causing an
// exception to be thrown by attempting to remove its own listener after
// the controller has already been disposed.
if (!_isDisposed) {
/// A value that might be absent.
/// Used to represent [DeviceOrientation]s that are optional but also able
/// to be cleared.
class Optional<T> extends IterableBase<T> {
/// Constructs an empty Optional.
const Optional.absent() : _value = null;
/// Constructs an Optional of the given [value].
/// Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is null.
Optional.of(T value) : _value = value {
// TODO(cbracken): Delete and make this ctor const once mixed-mode
// execution is no longer around.
/// Constructs an Optional of the given [value].
/// If [value] is null, returns [absent()].
const Optional.fromNullable(T? value) : _value = value;
final T? _value;
/// True when this optional contains a value.
bool get isPresent => _value != null;
/// True when this optional contains no value.
bool get isNotPresent => _value == null;
/// Gets the Optional value.
/// Throws [StateError] if [value] is null.
T get value {
if (_value == null) {
throw StateError('value called on absent Optional.');
return _value!;
/// Executes a function if the Optional value is present.
void ifPresent(void Function(T value) ifPresent) {
if (isPresent) {
ifPresent(_value as T);
/// Execution a function if the Optional value is absent.
void ifAbsent(void Function() ifAbsent) {
if (!isPresent) {
/// Gets the Optional value with a default.
/// The default is returned if the Optional is [absent()].
/// Throws [ArgumentError] if [defaultValue] is null.
T or(T defaultValue) {
return _value ?? defaultValue;
/// Gets the Optional value, or `null` if there is none.
T? get orNull => _value;
/// Transforms the Optional value.
/// If the Optional is [absent()], returns [absent()] without applying the transformer.
/// The transformer must not return `null`. If it does, an [ArgumentError] is thrown.
Optional<S> transform<S>(S Function(T value) transformer) {
return _value == null
? Optional<S>.absent()
: Optional<S>.of(transformer(_value as T));
/// Transforms the Optional value.
/// If the Optional is [absent()], returns [absent()] without applying the transformer.
/// Returns [absent()] if the transformer returns `null`.
Optional<S> transformNullable<S>(S? Function(T value) transformer) {
return _value == null
? Optional<S>.absent()
: Optional<S>.fromNullable(transformer(_value as T));
Iterator<T> get iterator =>
isPresent ? <T>[_value as T].iterator : Iterable<T>.empty().iterator;
/// Delegates to the underlying [value] hashCode.
int get hashCode => _value.hashCode;
/// Delegates to the underlying [value] operator==.
bool operator ==(Object o) => o is Optional<T> && o._value == _value;
String toString() {
return _value == null
? 'Optional { absent }'
: 'Optional { value: $_value }';