blob: b11fc9a644c51b29d9b085e73bc5df4acf2c3f34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:io' show Directory, File;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'flutter_utils.dart';
import 'generation.dart';
import 'native_project_runners.dart';
import 'process_utils.dart';
const int _noDeviceAvailableExitCode = 100;
const String _testPluginRelativePath = 'platform_tests/test_plugin';
const String _alternateLanguageTestPluginRelativePath =
const String _integrationTestFileRelativePath = 'integration_test/test.dart';
/// Information about a test suite.
class TestInfo {
const TestInfo({required this.function, this.description});
/// The function to run the test suite.
final Future<int> Function() function;
/// A user-facing description of the test suite.
final String? description;
// Test suite names.
const String androidJavaUnitTests = 'android_java_unittests';
const String androidJavaLint = 'android_java_lint';
const String androidJavaIntegrationTests = 'android_java_integration_tests';
const String androidKotlinUnitTests = 'android_kotlin_unittests';
const String androidKotlinIntegrationTests = 'android_kotlin_integration_tests';
const String iOSObjCUnitTests = 'ios_objc_unittests';
const String iOSObjCIntegrationTests = 'ios_objc_integration_tests';
const String iOSSwiftUnitTests = 'ios_swift_unittests';
const String iOSSwiftIntegrationTests = 'ios_swift_integration_tests';
const String macOSObjCIntegrationTests = 'macos_objc_integration_tests';
const String macOSSwiftUnitTests = 'macos_swift_unittests';
const String macOSSwiftIntegrationTests = 'macos_swift_integration_tests';
const String windowsUnitTests = 'windows_unittests';
const String windowsIntegrationTests = 'windows_integration_tests';
const String dartUnitTests = 'dart_unittests';
const String flutterUnitTests = 'flutter_unittests';
const String commandLineTests = 'command_line_tests';
const Map<String, TestInfo> testSuites = <String, TestInfo>{
windowsUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runWindowsUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Windows C++ code.'),
windowsIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runWindowsIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Windows C++ code.'),
androidJavaUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runAndroidJavaUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Java code.'),
androidJavaIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runAndroidJavaIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Java code.'),
androidJavaLint: TestInfo(
function: _runAndroidJavaLint, description: 'Lint generated Java code.'),
androidKotlinUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runAndroidKotlinUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Kotlin code.'),
androidKotlinIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runAndroidKotlinIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Kotlin code.'),
dartUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runDartUnitTests,
description: "Unit tests on and analysis on Pigeon's implementation."),
flutterUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runFlutterUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Dart code.'),
iOSObjCUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runIOSObjCUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Objective-C code.'),
iOSObjCIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runIOSObjCIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Objective-C code.'),
iOSSwiftUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runIOSSwiftUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Swift code.'),
iOSSwiftIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runIOSSwiftIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Swift code.'),
macOSObjCIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runMacOSObjCIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Objective-C code on macOS.'),
macOSSwiftUnitTests: TestInfo(
function: _runMacOSSwiftUnitTests,
description: 'Unit tests on generated Swift code on macOS.'),
macOSSwiftIntegrationTests: TestInfo(
function: _runMacOSSwiftIntegrationTests,
description: 'Integration tests on generated Swift code on macOS.'),
commandLineTests: TestInfo(
function: _runCommandLineTests,
description: 'Tests running pigeon with various command-line options.'),
Future<int> _runAndroidJavaUnitTests() async {
return _runAndroidUnitTests(_alternateLanguageTestPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runAndroidJavaIntegrationTests() async {
return _runMobileIntegrationTests(
'Android', _alternateLanguageTestPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runAndroidJavaLint() async {
const String examplePath =
const String androidProjectPath = '$examplePath/android';
final File gradleFile = File(p.join(androidProjectPath, 'gradlew'));
if (!gradleFile.existsSync()) {
final int compileCode = await runFlutterBuild(examplePath, 'apk',
flags: <String>['--config-only']);
if (compileCode != 0) {
return compileCode;
return runGradleBuild(
androidProjectPath, 'alternate_language_test_plugin:lintDebug');
Future<int> _runAndroidKotlinUnitTests() async {
return _runAndroidUnitTests(_testPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runAndroidUnitTests(String testPluginPath) async {
final String examplePath = './$testPluginPath/example';
final String androidProjectPath = '$examplePath/android';
final File gradleFile = File(p.join(androidProjectPath, 'gradlew'));
if (!gradleFile.existsSync()) {
final int compileCode = await runFlutterBuild(examplePath, 'apk');
if (compileCode != 0) {
return compileCode;
return runGradleBuild(androidProjectPath, 'testDebugUnitTest');
Future<int> _runAndroidKotlinIntegrationTests() async {
return _runMobileIntegrationTests('Android', _testPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runMobileIntegrationTests(
String platform, String testPluginPath) async {
final String? device = await getDeviceForPlatform(platform.toLowerCase());
if (device == null) {
print('No $platform device available. Attach an $platform device or start '
'an emulator/simulator to run integration tests');
return _noDeviceAvailableExitCode;
final String examplePath = './$testPluginPath/example';
return runFlutterCommand(
<String>[_integrationTestFileRelativePath, '-d', device],
Future<int> _runDartUnitTests() async {
int exitCode = await runProcess('dart', <String>['analyze', 'bin']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
return exitCode;
exitCode = await runProcess('dart', <String>['analyze', 'lib']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
return exitCode;
exitCode = await runProcess('dart', <String>['test']);
return exitCode;
Future<int> _analyzeFlutterUnitTests(String flutterUnitTestsPath) async {
final String messagePath = '$flutterUnitTestsPath/lib/message.gen.dart';
final String messageTestPath = '$flutterUnitTestsPath/test/message_test.dart';
final int generateTestCode = await runPigeon(
input: 'pigeons/message.dart',
dartOut: messagePath,
dartTestOut: messageTestPath,
if (generateTestCode != 0) {
return generateTestCode;
final int analyzeCode =
await runFlutterCommand(flutterUnitTestsPath, 'analyze');
if (analyzeCode != 0) {
return analyzeCode;
// Delete these files that were just generated to help with the analyzer step.
return 0;
Future<int> _runFlutterUnitTests() async {
const String flutterUnitTestsPath = 'platform_tests/shared_test_plugin_code';
final int analyzeCode = await _analyzeFlutterUnitTests(flutterUnitTestsPath);
if (analyzeCode != 0) {
return analyzeCode;
final int testCode = await runFlutterCommand(flutterUnitTestsPath, 'test');
if (testCode != 0) {
return testCode;
return 0;
Future<int> _runIOSObjCUnitTests() async {
return _runIOSPluginUnitTests(_alternateLanguageTestPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runIOSObjCIntegrationTests() async {
final String? device = await getDeviceForPlatform('ios');
if (device == null) {
print('No iOS device available. Attach an iOS device or start '
'a simulator to run integration tests');
return _noDeviceAvailableExitCode;
const String examplePath =
return runFlutterCommand(
<String>[_integrationTestFileRelativePath, '-d', device],
Future<int> _runMacOSObjCIntegrationTests() async {
const String examplePath =
return runFlutterCommand(
<String>[_integrationTestFileRelativePath, '-d', 'macos'],
Future<int> _runMacOSSwiftUnitTests() async {
const String examplePath = './$_testPluginRelativePath/example';
final int compileCode = await runFlutterBuild(examplePath, 'macos');
if (compileCode != 0) {
return compileCode;
return runXcodeBuild(
extraArguments: <String>[
Future<int> _runMacOSSwiftIntegrationTests() async {
const String examplePath = './$_testPluginRelativePath/example';
return runFlutterCommand(
<String>[_integrationTestFileRelativePath, '-d', 'macos'],
Future<int> _runIOSSwiftUnitTests() async {
return _runIOSPluginUnitTests(_testPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runIOSPluginUnitTests(String testPluginPath) async {
final String examplePath = './$testPluginPath/example';
final int compileCode = await runFlutterBuild(
flags: <String>['--simulator', '--no-codesign'],
if (compileCode != 0) {
return compileCode;
const String deviceName = 'Pigeon-Test-iPhone';
const String deviceType = '';
const String deviceRuntime = '';
const String deviceOS = '16.4';
await _createSimulator(deviceName, deviceType, deviceRuntime);
return runXcodeBuild(
sdk: 'iphonesimulator',
destination: 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=$deviceName,OS=$deviceOS',
extraArguments: <String>['test'],
).whenComplete(() => _deleteSimulator(deviceName));
Future<int> _createSimulator(
String deviceName,
String deviceType,
String deviceRuntime,
) async {
// Delete any existing simulators with the same name until it fails. It will
// fail once there are no simulators with the name. Having more than one may
// cause issues when builds target the device.
int deleteResult = 0;
while (deleteResult == 0) {
deleteResult = await _deleteSimulator(deviceName);
return runProcess(
streamOutput: false,
logFailure: true,
Future<int> _deleteSimulator(String deviceName) async {
return runProcess(
streamOutput: false,
Future<int> _runIOSSwiftIntegrationTests() async {
return _runMobileIntegrationTests('iOS', _testPluginRelativePath);
Future<int> _runWindowsUnitTests() async {
const String examplePath = './$_testPluginRelativePath/example';
final int compileCode = await runFlutterBuild(examplePath, 'windows');
if (compileCode != 0) {
return compileCode;
// Depending on the Flutter version, the build output path is different. To
// handle both master and stable, and to future-proof against the changes
// that will happen in
// - Try arm64, to future-proof against arm64 support.
// - Try x64, to cover pre-arm64 support on arm64 hosts, as well as x64 hosts
// running newer versions of Flutter.
// - Fall back to the pre-arch path, to support running against stable.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove all this when these tests no longer need to
// support a version of Flutter without
//, and just construct the
// version of the path with the current architecture.
const String buildDirBase = '$examplePath/build/windows';
const String buildRelativeBinaryPath =
const String arm64Path = '$buildDirBase/arm64/$buildRelativeBinaryPath';
const String x64Path = '$buildDirBase/x64/$buildRelativeBinaryPath';
const String oldPath = '$buildDirBase/$buildRelativeBinaryPath';
if (File(arm64Path).existsSync()) {
return runProcess(arm64Path, <String>[]);
} else if (File(x64Path).existsSync()) {
return runProcess(x64Path, <String>[]);
} else {
return runProcess(oldPath, <String>[]);
Future<int> _runWindowsIntegrationTests() async {
const String examplePath = './$_testPluginRelativePath/example';
return runFlutterCommand(
<String>[_integrationTestFileRelativePath, '-d', 'windows'],
Future<int> _runCommandLineTests() async {
final Directory tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('pigeon');
final String tempOutput = p.join(tempDir.path, 'pigeon_output');
const String pigeonScript = 'bin/pigeon.dart';
final String snapshot = p.join(tempDir.path, 'pigeon.dart.dill');
// Precompile to make the repeated calls faster.
if (await runProcess('dart', <String>[
]) !=
0) {
print('Unable to generate $snapshot from $pigeonScript');
return 1;
final List<List<String>> testArguments = <List<String>>[
// Test with no arguments.
// Test one_language flag. With this flag specified, java_out can be
// generated without dart_out.
// Test dartOut in ConfigurePigeon overrides output.
<String>['--input', 'pigeons/configure_pigeon_dart_out.dart'],
// Make sure AST generation exits correctly.
// Test writing a file in a directory that doesn't exist.
int exitCode = 0;
for (final List<String> arguments in testArguments) {
print('Testing dart $pigeonScript ${arguments.join(', ')}');
exitCode = await runProcess('dart', <String>[snapshot, ...arguments],
streamOutput: false, logFailure: true);
if (exitCode != 0) {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
return exitCode;