blob: ceb1de2f36ab565cb43e6e06aee1913acc0cd065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
enum AnEnum {
/// A class containing all supported types.
class AllTypes {
this.aBool = false,
this.anInt = 0,
this.anInt64 = 0,
this.aDouble = 0,
required this.aByteArray,
required this.a4ByteArray,
required this.a8ByteArray,
required this.aFloatArray,
this.aList = const <Object?>[],
this.aMap = const <String?, Object?>{},
this.anEnum =,
this.aString = '',
bool aBool;
int anInt;
int anInt64;
double aDouble;
Uint8List aByteArray;
Int32List a4ByteArray;
Int64List a8ByteArray;
Float64List aFloatArray;
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
List aList;
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
Map aMap;
AnEnum anEnum;
String aString;
/// A class containing all supported nullable types.
class AllNullableTypes {
bool? aNullableBool;
int? aNullableInt;
int? aNullableInt64;
double? aNullableDouble;
Uint8List? aNullableByteArray;
Int32List? aNullable4ByteArray;
Int64List? aNullable8ByteArray;
Float64List? aNullableFloatArray;
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
List? aNullableList;
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
Map? aNullableMap;
List<List<bool?>?>? nullableNestedList;
Map<String?, String?>? nullableMapWithAnnotations;
Map<String?, Object?>? nullableMapWithObject;
AnEnum? aNullableEnum;
String? aNullableString;
/// A class for testing nested class handling.
/// This is needed to test nested nullable and non-nullable classes,
/// `AllNullableTypes` is non-nullable here as it is easier to instantiate
/// than `AllTypes` when testing doesn't require both (ie. testing null classes).
class AllClassesWrapper {
AllClassesWrapper(this.allNullableTypes, this.allTypes);
AllNullableTypes allNullableTypes;
AllTypes? allTypes;
/// The core interface that each host language plugin must implement in
/// platform_test integration tests.
abstract class HostIntegrationCoreApi {
// ========== Synchronous method tests ==========
/// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
/// test basic calling.
void noop();
/// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
AllTypes echoAllTypes(AllTypes everything);
/// Returns an error, to test error handling.
Object? throwError();
/// Returns an error from a void function, to test error handling.
void throwErrorFromVoid();
/// Returns a Flutter error, to test error handling.
Object? throwFlutterError();
/// Returns passed in int.
int echoInt(int anInt);
/// Returns passed in double.
double echoDouble(double aDouble);
/// Returns the passed in boolean.
bool echoBool(bool aBool);
/// Returns the passed in string.
String echoString(String aString);
/// Returns the passed in Uint8List.
Uint8List echoUint8List(Uint8List aUint8List);
/// Returns the passed in generic Object.
Object echoObject(Object anObject);
/// Returns the passed list, to test serialization and deserialization.
List<Object?> echoList(List<Object?> aList);
/// Returns the passed map, to test serialization and deserialization.
Map<String?, Object?> echoMap(Map<String?, Object?> aMap);
/// Returns the passed map to test nested class serialization and deserialization.
AllClassesWrapper echoClassWrapper(AllClassesWrapper wrapper);
// ========== Synchronous nullable method tests ==========
/// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
AllNullableTypes? echoAllNullableTypes(AllNullableTypes? everything);
/// Returns the inner `aString` value from the wrapped object, to test
/// sending of nested objects.
String? extractNestedNullableString(AllClassesWrapper wrapper);
/// Returns the inner `aString` value from the wrapped object, to test
/// sending of nested objects.
AllClassesWrapper createNestedNullableString(String? nullableString);
/// Returns passed in arguments of multiple types.
AllNullableTypes sendMultipleNullableTypes(
bool? aNullableBool, int? aNullableInt, String? aNullableString);
/// Returns passed in int.
int? echoNullableInt(int? aNullableInt);
/// Returns passed in double.
double? echoNullableDouble(double? aNullableDouble);
/// Returns the passed in boolean.
bool? echoNullableBool(bool? aNullableBool);
/// Returns the passed in string.
String? echoNullableString(String? aNullableString);
/// Returns the passed in Uint8List.
Uint8List? echoNullableUint8List(Uint8List? aNullableUint8List);
/// Returns the passed in generic Object.
Object? echoNullableObject(Object? aNullableObject);
/// Returns the passed list, to test serialization and deserialization.
List<Object?>? echoNullableList(List<Object?>? aNullableList);
/// Returns the passed map, to test serialization and deserialization.
Map<String?, Object?>? echoNullableMap(Map<String?, Object?>? aNullableMap);
// ========== Asynchronous method tests ==========
/// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
/// test basic asynchronous calling.
void noopAsync();
/// Returns passed in int asynchronously.
int echoAsyncInt(int anInt);
/// Returns passed in double asynchronously.
double echoAsyncDouble(double aDouble);
/// Returns the passed in boolean asynchronously.
bool echoAsyncBool(bool aBool);
/// Returns the passed string asynchronously.
String echoAsyncString(String aString);
/// Returns the passed in Uint8List asynchronously.
Uint8List echoAsyncUint8List(Uint8List aUint8List);
/// Returns the passed in generic Object asynchronously.
Object echoAsyncObject(Object anObject);
/// Returns the passed list, to test serialization and deserialization asynchronously.
List<Object?> echoAsyncList(List<Object?> aList);
/// Returns the passed map, to test serialization and deserialization asynchronously.
Map<String?, Object?> echoAsyncMap(Map<String?, Object?> aMap);
/// Responds with an error from an async function returning a value.
Object? throwAsyncError();
/// Responds with an error from an async void function.
void throwAsyncErrorFromVoid();
/// Responds with a Flutter error from an async function returning a value.
Object? throwAsyncFlutterError();
/// Returns the passed object, to test async serialization and deserialization.
AllTypes echoAsyncAllTypes(AllTypes everything);
/// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
AllNullableTypes? echoAsyncNullableAllNullableTypes(
AllNullableTypes? everything);
/// Returns passed in int asynchronously.
int? echoAsyncNullableInt(int? anInt);
/// Returns passed in double asynchronously.
double? echoAsyncNullableDouble(double? aDouble);
/// Returns the passed in boolean asynchronously.
bool? echoAsyncNullableBool(bool? aBool);
/// Returns the passed string asynchronously.
String? echoAsyncNullableString(String? aString);
/// Returns the passed in Uint8List asynchronously.
Uint8List? echoAsyncNullableUint8List(Uint8List? aUint8List);
/// Returns the passed in generic Object asynchronously.
Object? echoAsyncNullableObject(Object? anObject);
/// Returns the passed list, to test serialization and deserialization asynchronously.
List<Object?>? echoAsyncNullableList(List<Object?>? aList);
/// Returns the passed map, to test serialization and deserialization asynchronously.
Map<String?, Object?>? echoAsyncNullableMap(Map<String?, Object?>? aMap);
// ========== Flutter API test wrappers ==========
void callFlutterNoop();
Object? callFlutterThrowError();
void callFlutterThrowErrorFromVoid();
AllTypes callFlutterEchoAllTypes(AllTypes everything);
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Add callFlutterEchoAllNullableTypes and the associated
// test once either is fixed,
// or the problematic type is moved out of AllNullableTypes and into its own
// test, since the type mismatch breaks the second `encode` round.
AllNullableTypes callFlutterSendMultipleNullableTypes(
bool? aNullableBool, int? aNullableInt, String? aNullableString);
bool callFlutterEchoBool(bool aBool);
int callFlutterEchoInt(int anInt);
double callFlutterEchoDouble(double aDouble);
String callFlutterEchoString(String aString);
Uint8List callFlutterEchoUint8List(Uint8List aList);
List<Object?> callFlutterEchoList(List<Object?> aList);
Map<String?, Object?> callFlutterEchoMap(Map<String?, Object?> aMap);
bool? callFlutterEchoNullableBool(bool? aBool);
int? callFlutterEchoNullableInt(int? anInt);
double? callFlutterEchoNullableDouble(double? aDouble);
String? callFlutterEchoNullableString(String? aString);
Uint8List? callFlutterEchoNullableUint8List(Uint8List? aList);
List<Object?>? callFlutterEchoNullableList(List<Object?>? aList);
Map<String?, Object?>? callFlutterEchoNullableMap(
Map<String?, Object?>? aMap);
/// The core interface that the Dart platform_test code implements for host
/// integration tests to call into.
abstract class FlutterIntegrationCoreApi {
/// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
/// test basic calling.
void noop();
/// Responds with an error from an async function returning a value.
Object? throwError();
/// Responds with an error from an async void function.
void throwErrorFromVoid();
/// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
AllTypes echoAllTypes(AllTypes everything);
/// Returns the passed object, to test serialization and deserialization.
AllNullableTypes echoAllNullableTypes(AllNullableTypes everything);
/// Returns passed in arguments of multiple types.
/// Tests multiple-arity FlutterApi handling.
AllNullableTypes sendMultipleNullableTypes(
bool? aNullableBool, int? aNullableInt, String? aNullableString);
// ========== Non-nullable argument/return type tests ==========
/// Returns the passed boolean, to test serialization and deserialization.
bool echoBool(bool aBool);
/// Returns the passed int, to test serialization and deserialization.
int echoInt(int anInt);
/// Returns the passed double, to test serialization and deserialization.
double echoDouble(double aDouble);
/// Returns the passed string, to test serialization and deserialization.
String echoString(String aString);
/// Returns the passed byte list, to test serialization and deserialization.
Uint8List echoUint8List(Uint8List aList);
/// Returns the passed list, to test serialization and deserialization.
List<Object?> echoList(List<Object?> aList);
/// Returns the passed map, to test serialization and deserialization.
Map<String?, Object?> echoMap(Map<String?, Object?> aMap);
// ========== Nullable argument/return type tests ==========
/// Returns the passed boolean, to test serialization and deserialization.
bool? echoNullableBool(bool? aBool);
/// Returns the passed int, to test serialization and deserialization.
int? echoNullableInt(int? anInt);
/// Returns the passed double, to test serialization and deserialization.
double? echoNullableDouble(double? aDouble);
/// Returns the passed string, to test serialization and deserialization.
String? echoNullableString(String? aString);
/// Returns the passed byte list, to test serialization and deserialization.
Uint8List? echoNullableUint8List(Uint8List? aList);
/// Returns the passed list, to test serialization and deserialization.
List<Object?>? echoNullableList(List<Object?>? aList);
/// Returns the passed map, to test serialization and deserialization.
Map<String?, Object?>? echoNullableMap(Map<String?, Object?>? aMap);
// ========== Async tests ==========
// These are minimal since async FlutterApi only changes Dart generation.
// Currently they aren't integration tested, but having them here ensures
// analysis coverage.
/// A no-op function taking no arguments and returning no value, to sanity
/// test basic asynchronous calling.
void noopAsync();
/// Returns the passed in generic Object asynchronously.
String echoAsyncString(String aString);
/// An API that can be implemented for minimal, compile-only tests.
// This is also here to test that multiple host APIs can be generated
// successfully in all languages (e.g., in Java where it requires having a
// wrapper class).
abstract class HostTrivialApi {
void noop();
/// A simple API implemented in some unit tests.
// This is separate from HostIntegrationCoreApi to avoid having to update a
// lot of unit tests every time we add something to the integration test API.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Restructure the unit tests to reduce the number of
// different APIs we define.
abstract class HostSmallApi {
String echo(String aString);
void voidVoid();
/// A simple API called in some unit tests.
// This is separate from FlutterIntegrationCoreApi to allow for incrementally
// moving from the previous fragmented unit test structure to something more
// unified.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Restructure the unit tests to reduce the number of
// different APIs we define.
abstract class FlutterSmallApi {
TestMessage echoWrappedList(TestMessage msg);
/// A data class containing a List, used in unit tests.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Evaluate whether these unit tests are still useful; see
// TODOs above about restructuring.
class TestMessage {
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
List? testList;