blob: 5e2260b0430b9e350758d41be56a9eb710b307e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import Flutter
import UIKit
extension FlutterError: Error {}
* This plugin handles the native side of the integration tests in
* example/integration_test/.
public class TestPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin, HostIntegrationCoreApi {
var flutterAPI: FlutterIntegrationCoreApi
public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
let plugin = TestPlugin(binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger())
HostIntegrationCoreApiSetup.setUp(binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger(), api: plugin)
init(binaryMessenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger) {
flutterAPI = FlutterIntegrationCoreApi(binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger)
// MARK: HostIntegrationCoreApi implementation
func noop() {
func echo(_ everything: AllTypes) -> AllTypes {
return everything
func echo(_ everything: AllNullableTypes?) -> AllNullableTypes? {
return everything
func throwError() throws {
throw FlutterError(code: "code", message: "message", details: "details")
func echo(_ anInt: Int32) -> Int32 {
return anInt
func echo(_ aDouble: Double) -> Double {
return aDouble
func echo(_ aBool: Bool) -> Bool {
return aBool
func echo(_ aString: String) -> String {
return aString
func echo(_ aUint8List: FlutterStandardTypedData) -> FlutterStandardTypedData {
return aUint8List
func echo(_ anObject: Any) -> Any {
return anObject
func extractNestedNullableString(from wrapper: AllNullableTypesWrapper) -> String? {
return wrapper.values.aNullableString;
func createNestedObject(with nullableString: String?) -> AllNullableTypesWrapper {
return AllNullableTypesWrapper(values: AllNullableTypes(aNullableString: nullableString))
func sendMultipleNullableTypes(aBool aNullableBool: Bool?, anInt aNullableInt: Int32?, aString aNullableString: String?) -> AllNullableTypes {
let someThings = AllNullableTypes(aNullableBool: aNullableBool, aNullableInt: aNullableInt, aNullableString: aNullableString)
return someThings
func echo(_ aNullableInt: Int32?) -> Int32? {
return aNullableInt
func echo(_ aNullableDouble: Double?) -> Double? {
return aNullableDouble
func echo(_ aNullableBool: Bool?) -> Bool? {
return aNullableBool
func echo(_ aNullableString: String?) -> String? {
return aNullableString
func echo(_ aNullableUint8List: FlutterStandardTypedData?) -> FlutterStandardTypedData? {
return aNullableUint8List
func echo(_ aNullableObject: Any?) -> Any? {
return aNullableObject
func noopAsync(completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
func echoAsync(_ aString: String, completion: @escaping (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) {
let result: Result<String, Error>
result = .success(aString)
func throwAsyncError(completion: @escaping (Result<Any?, Error>) -> Void) {
completion(.failure(FlutterError(code: "code", message: "message", details: "details")))
func throwAsyncErrorFromVoid(completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
completion(.failure(FlutterError(code: "code", message: "message", details: "details")))
func callFlutterNoop(completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.noop() {
func callFlutterEcho(_ everything: AllTypes, completion: @escaping (Result<AllTypes, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(everything) {
let result: Result<AllTypes, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterSendMultipleNullableTypes(
aBool aNullableBool: Bool?,
anInt aNullableInt: Int32?,
aString aNullableString: String?,
completion: @escaping (Result<AllNullableTypes, Error>) -> Void
) {
aBool: aNullableBool,
anInt: aNullableInt,
aString: aNullableString
) {
let result: Result<AllNullableTypes, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ aBool: Bool, completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(aBool) {
let result: Result<Bool, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ anInt: Int32, completion: @escaping (Result<Int32, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(anInt) {
let result: Result<Int32, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ aDouble: Double, completion: @escaping (Result<Double, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(aDouble) {
let result: Result<Double, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ aString: String, completion: @escaping (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(aString) {
let result: Result<String, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ aList: FlutterStandardTypedData, completion: @escaping (Result<FlutterStandardTypedData, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(aList) {
let result: Result<FlutterStandardTypedData, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ aList: [Any?], completion: @escaping (Result<[Any?], Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(aList) {
let result: Result<[Any?], Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEcho(_ aMap: [String? : Any?], completion: @escaping (Result<[String? : Any?], Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echo(aMap) {
let result: Result<[String? : Any?], Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ aBool: Bool?, completion: @escaping (Result<Bool?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(aBool) {
let result: Result<Bool?, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ anInt: Int32?, completion: @escaping (Result<Int32?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(anInt) {
let result: Result<Int32?, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ aDouble: Double?, completion: @escaping (Result<Double?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(aDouble) {
let result: Result<Double?, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ aString: String?, completion: @escaping (Result<String?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(aString) {
let result: Result<String?, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ aList: FlutterStandardTypedData?, completion: @escaping (Result<FlutterStandardTypedData?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(aList) {
let result: Result<FlutterStandardTypedData?, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ aList: [Any?]?, completion: @escaping (Result<[Any?]?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(aList) {
let result: Result<[Any?]?, Error>
result = .success($0)
func callFlutterEchoNullable(_ aMap: [String? : Any?]?, completion: @escaping (Result<[String? : Any?]?, Error>) -> Void) {
flutterAPI.echoNullable(aMap) {
let result: Result<[String? : Any?]?, Error>
result = .success($0)