blob: 26c4cbe3b8e8069d12877ead7169d4ebb5398201 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// There's a lot of <Object>[] lists in this file so to avoid making this
// file even less readable we relax our usual stance on verbose typing.
// ignore_for_file: always_specify_types
// This file is hand-formatted.
import 'dart:ui' show FontFeature;
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart' show DragStartBehavior;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' show Icons;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'argument_decoders.dart';
import 'runtime.dart';
/// A widget library for Remote Flutter Widgets that defines widgets that are
/// implemented on the client in terms of Flutter widgets from the `widgets`
/// Dart library.
/// The following widgets are implemented:
/// * [Align]
/// * [AspectRatio]
/// * [Center]
/// * [ColoredBox]
/// * [Column]
/// * [Container] (actually uses [AnimatedContainer])
/// * [DefaultTextStyle]
/// * [Directionality]
/// * [Expanded]
/// * [FittedBox]
/// * [FractionallySizedBox]
/// * [GestureDetector]
/// * [GridView] (actually uses [GridView.builder])
/// * [Icon]
/// * [IconTheme]
/// * [IntrinsicHeight]
/// * [IntrinsicWidth]
/// * [Image] (see below)
/// * [ListBody]
/// * [ListView] (actually uses [ListView.builder])
/// * [Opacity] (actually uses [AnimatedOpacity])
/// * [Padding] (actually uses [AnimatedPadding])
/// * [Placeholder]
/// * [Positioned] (actually uses [AnimatedPositionedDirectional])
/// * [Rotation] (actually uses [AnimatedRotation])
/// * [Row]
/// * [SafeArea]
/// * [Scale] (actually uses [AnimatedScale])
/// * [SingleChildScrollView]
/// * [SizedBox]
/// * `SizedBoxExpand` (actually [SizedBox.expand])
/// * `SizedBoxShrink` (actually [SizedBox.shrink])
/// * [Spacer]
/// * [Stack]
/// * [Text]
/// * [Wrap]
/// For each, every parameter is implemented using the same name. Parameters
/// that take structured types are represented using maps, with each named
/// parameter of that type's default constructor represented by a key, with the
/// following notable caveats and exceptions:
/// * Enums are represented as strings with the unqualified name of the value.
/// For example, [MainAxisAlignment.start] is represented as the string
/// `"start"`.
/// * Types that have multiple subclasses (or multiple very unrelated
/// constructors, like [ColorFilter]) are represented as maps where the `type`
/// key specifies the type. Typically these have an extension mechanism.
/// * Matrices are represented as **column-major** flattened arrays. [Matrix4]
/// values must have exactly 16 doubles in the array.
/// * [AlignmentGeometry] values can be represented either as `{x: ..., y:
/// ...}` for a non-directional variant or `{start: ..., y: ...}` for a
/// directional variant.
/// * [BoxBorder] instances are defined as arrays of [BorderSide] maps. If the
/// array has length 1, then that value is used for all four sides. Two
/// values become the horizontal and vertical sides respectively. Three
/// values become the start, top-and-bottom, and end respectively. Four
/// values become the start, top, end, and bottom respectively.
/// * [BorderRadiusGeometry] values work similarly to [BoxBorder], as an array
/// of [Radius] values. If the array has one value, it's used for all corners.
/// With two values, the first becomes the `topStart` and `bottomStart`
/// corners and the second the `topEnd` and `bottomEnd`. With three, the
/// values are used for `topStart`, `topEnd`-and-`bottomEnd`, and
/// `bottomStart` respectively. Four values map to the `topStart`, `topEnd`,
/// `bottomStart`, and `bottomEnd` respectively.
/// * [Color] values are represented as integers. The hex literal values are
/// most convenient for this, the alpha, red, green, and blue channels map to
/// the 32 bit hex integer as 0xAARRGGBB.
/// * [ColorFilter] is represented as a map with a `type` key that matches the
/// constructor name (e.g. `linearToSrgbGamma`). The `matrix` version uses
/// the `matrix` key for the matrix, expecting a 20-value array. The `mode`
/// version expects a `color` key for the color (defaults to black) and a
/// `blendMode` key for the blend mode (defaults to [BlendMode.srcOver]).
/// Other types are looked up in [ArgumentDecoders.colorFilterDecoders].
/// * [Curve] values are represented as a string giving the kind of curve from
/// the predefined [Curves], e.g. `easeInOutCubicEmphasized`. More types may
/// be added using [ArgumentDecoders.curveDecoders].
/// * The types supported for [Decoration] are `box` for [BoxDecoration],
/// `flutterLogo` for [FlutterLogoDecoration], and `shape` for
/// [ShapeDecoration]. More types can be added with [decorationDecoders].
/// * [DecorationImage] expects a `source` key that gives either an absolute
/// URL (to use a [NetworkImage]) or the name of an asset in the client
/// binary (to use [AssetImage]). In the case of a URL, the `scale` key gives
/// the scale to pass to the [NetworkImage] constructor.
/// [DecorationImage.onError] is supported as an event handler with arguments
/// giving the stringified exception and stack trace. Values can be added to
/// [ArgumentDecoders.imageProviderDecoders] to override the behavior described here.
/// * [Duration] is represented by an integer giving milliseconds.
/// * [EdgeInsetsGeometry] values work like [BoxBorder], with each value in the
/// array being a double rather than a map.
/// * [FontFeature] values are a map with a `feature` key and a `value` key.
/// The `value` defaults to 1. (Technically the `feature` defaults to `NONE`,
/// too, but that's hardly useful.)
/// * The [dart:ui.Gradient] and [painting.Gradient] types are both represented
/// as a map with a type that is either `linear` (for [LinearGradient]),
/// `radial` (for [RadialGradient]), or `sweep` (for [SweepGradient]), using
/// the conventions from the [painting.Gradient] version. The `transform`
/// property on these objects is not currently supported. New gradient types
/// can be implemented using [ArgumentDecoders.gradientDecoders].
/// * The [GridDelegate] type is represented as a map with a `type` key that is
/// either `fixedCrossAxisCount` for
/// [SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount] or `maxCrossAxisExtent` for
/// [SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent]. New delegate types can be
/// supported using [ArgumentDecoders.gridDelegateDecoders].
/// * [IconData] is represented as a map with an `icon` key giving the
/// [IconData.codePoint] (and corresponding keys for the other parameters of
/// the [IconData] constructor). To determine the values to use for icons in
/// the MaterialIcons font, see how the icons are defined in [Icons]. For
/// example, [Icons.flutter_dash] is `IconData(0xe2a0, fontFamily:
/// 'MaterialIcons')` so it would be represented here as `{ icon: 0xE2A0,
/// fontFamily: "MaterialIcons" }`. (The client must have the font as a
/// defined asset.)
/// * [Locale] values are defined as a string in the form `languageCode`,
/// `languageCode-countryCode`, or
/// `languageCode-scriptCode-countryCode-ignoredSubtags`. The string is split
/// on hyphens.
/// * [MaskFilter] is represented as a map with a `type` key that must be
/// `blur`; only [MaskFilter.blur] is supported. (The other keys must be
/// `style`, the [BlurStyle], and `sigma`.)
/// * [Offset]s are a map with an `x` key and a `y` key.
/// * [Paint] objects are represented as maps; each property of [Paint] is a
/// key as if there was a constructor that could set all of [Paint]'s
/// properties with named parameters. In principle all properties are
/// supported, though since [Paint] is only used as part of
/// [painting.TextStyle.background] and [painting.TextStyle.foreground], in
/// practice some of the properties are ignored since they would be no-ops
/// (e.g. `invertColors`).
/// * [Radius] is represented as a map with an `x` value and optionally a `y`
/// value; if the `y` value is absent, the `x` value is used for both.
/// * [Rect] values are represented as an array with four doubles, giving the
/// x, y, width, and height respectively.
/// * [ShapeBorder] values are represented as either maps with a `type` _or_ as
/// an array of [ShapeBorder] values. In the array case, the values are
/// reduced together using [ShapeBorder.+]. When represented as maps, the
/// type must be one of `box` ([BoxBorder]), `beveled`
/// ([BeveledRectangleBorder]), `circle` ([CircleBorder]), `continuous`
/// ([ContinuousRectangleBorder]), `rounded` ([RoundedRectangleBorder]), or
/// `stadium` ([StadiumBorder]). In the case of `box`, there must be a
/// `sides` key whose value is an array that is interpreted as per
/// [BoxBorder] above. Support for new types can be added using the
/// [ArgumentDecoders.shapeBorderDecoders] map.
/// * [Shader] values are a map with a `type` that is either `linear`,
/// `radial`, or `sweep`; in each case, the data is interpreted as per the
/// [Gradient] case above, except that the gradient is specifically applied
/// to a [Rect] given by the `rect` key and a [TextDirection] given by the
/// `textDirection` key. New shader types can be added using
/// [ArgumentDecoders.shaderDecoders].
/// * [TextDecoration] is represented either as an array of [TextDecoration]
/// values (combined via [TextDecoration.combine]) or a string which matches
/// the name of one of the [TextDecoration] constants (e.g. `underline`).
/// * [VisualDensity] is either represented as a string which matches one of the
/// predefined values (`adaptivePlatformDensity`, `comfortable`, etc), or as
/// a map with keys `horizontal` and `vertical` to define a custom density.
/// Some of the widgets have special considerations:
/// * [Image] does not support the builder callbacks or the [Image.opacity]
/// parameter (because builders are code and code can't be represented in RFW
/// arguments). The map should have a `source` key that is interpreted as
/// described above for [DecorationImage]. If the `source` is omitted, an
/// [AssetImage] with the name `error.png` is used instead (which will likely
/// fail unless such an asset is declared in the client).
/// * Parameters of type [ScrollController] and [ScrollPhysics] are not
/// supported, because they can't really be exposed to declarative code (they
/// expect to be configured using code that implements delegates or that
/// interacts with controllers).
/// * The [Text] widget's first argument, the string, is represented using the
/// key `text`, which must be either a string or an array of strings to be
/// concatenated.
/// One additional widget is defined, [AnimationDefaults]. It has a `duration`
/// argument and `curve` argument. It sets the default animation duration and
/// curve for widgets in the library that use the animated variants. If absent,
/// a default of 200ms and [Curves.fastOutSlowIn] is used.
LocalWidgetLibrary createCoreWidgets() => LocalWidgetLibrary(_coreWidgetsDefinitions);
// In these widgets we make an effort to expose every single argument available.
Map<String, LocalWidgetBuilder> get _coreWidgetsDefinitions => <String, LocalWidgetBuilder>{
// Keep these in alphabetical order and add any new widgets to the list
// in the documentation above.
'AnimationDefaults': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimationDefaults(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
child: source.child(['child']),
'Align': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedAlign(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ??,
widthFactor: source.v<double>(['widthFactor']),
heightFactor: source.v<double>(['heightFactor']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'AspectRatio': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: source.v<double>(['aspectRatio']) ?? 1.0,
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'Center': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Center(
widthFactor: source.v<double>(['widthFactor']),
heightFactor: source.v<double>(['heightFactor']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'ColoredBox': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return ColoredBox(
color: ArgumentDecoders.color(source, ['color']) ?? const Color(0xFF000000),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'Column': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Column(
mainAxisAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<MainAxisAlignment>(MainAxisAlignment.values, source, ['mainAxisAlignment']) ?? MainAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<MainAxisSize>(MainAxisSize.values, source, ['mainAxisSize']) ?? MainAxisSize.max,
crossAxisAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<CrossAxisAlignment>(CrossAxisAlignment.values, source, ['crossAxisAlignment']) ??,
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']),
verticalDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<VerticalDirection>(VerticalDirection.values, source, ['verticalDirection']) ?? VerticalDirection.down,
textBaseline: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextBaseline>(TextBaseline.values, source, ['textBaseline']),
children: source.childList(['children']),
'Container': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedContainer(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']),
padding: ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['padding']),
color: ArgumentDecoders.color(source, ['color']),
decoration: ArgumentDecoders.decoration(source, ['decoration']),
foregroundDecoration: ArgumentDecoders.decoration(source, ['foregroundDecoration']),
width: source.v<double>(['width']),
height: source.v<double>(['height']),
constraints: ArgumentDecoders.boxConstraints(source, ['constraints']),
margin: ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['margin']),
transform: ArgumentDecoders.matrix(source, ['transform']),
transformAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['transformAlignment']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.none,
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'DefaultTextStyle': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
style: ArgumentDecoders.textStyle(source, ['style']) ?? const TextStyle(),
textAlign: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextAlign>(TextAlign.values, source, ['textAlign']),
softWrap: source.v<bool>(['softWrap']) ?? true,
overflow: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextOverflow>(TextOverflow.values, source, ['overflow']) ?? TextOverflow.clip,
maxLines: source.v<int>(['maxLines']),
textWidthBasis: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextWidthBasis>(TextWidthBasis.values, source, ['textWidthBasis']) ?? TextWidthBasis.parent,
textHeightBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.textHeightBehavior(source, ['textHeightBehavior']),
child: source.child(['child']),
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'Directionality': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Directionality(
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']) ?? TextDirection.ltr,
child: source.child(['child']),
'Expanded': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Expanded(
flex: source.v<int>(['flex']) ?? 1,
child: source.child(['child']),
'FittedBox': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return FittedBox(
fit: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<BoxFit>(BoxFit.values, source, ['fit']) ?? BoxFit.contain,
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ??,
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.none,
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'FractionallySizedBox': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return FractionallySizedBox(
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ??,
widthFactor: source.v<double>(['widthFactor']),
heightFactor: source.v<double>(['heightFactor']),
child: source.child(['child']),
'GestureDetector': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: source.voidHandler(['onTap']),
onTapDown: source.handler(['onTapDown'], (VoidCallback trigger) => (TapDownDetails details) => trigger()),
onTapUp: source.handler(['onTapUp'], (VoidCallback trigger) => (TapUpDetails details) => trigger()),
onTapCancel: source.voidHandler(['onTapCancel']),
onDoubleTap: source.voidHandler(['onDoubleTap']),
onLongPress: source.voidHandler(['onLongPress']),
behavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<HitTestBehavior>(HitTestBehavior.values, source, ['behavior']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'GridView': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return GridView.builder(
scrollDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Axis>(Axis.values, source, ['scrollDirection']) ?? Axis.vertical,
reverse: source.v<bool>(['reverse']) ?? false,
// controller,
primary: source.v<bool>(['primary']),
// physics,
shrinkWrap: source.v<bool>(['shrinkWrap']) ?? false,
padding: ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['padding']),
gridDelegate: ArgumentDecoders.gridDelegate(source, ['gridDelegate']) ?? const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(crossAxisCount: 2),
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) => source.child(['children', index]),
itemCount: source.length(['children']),
addAutomaticKeepAlives: source.v<bool>(['addAutomaticKeepAlives']) ?? true,
addRepaintBoundaries: source.v<bool>(['addRepaintBoundaries']) ?? true,
addSemanticIndexes: source.v<bool>(['addSemanticIndexes']) ?? true,
cacheExtent: source.v<double>(['cacheExtent']),
semanticChildCount: source.v<int>(['semanticChildCount']),
dragStartBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<DragStartBehavior>(DragStartBehavior.values, source, ['dragStartBehavior']) ?? DragStartBehavior.start,
keyboardDismissBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior>(ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.values, source, ['keyboardDismissBehavior']) ?? ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual,
restorationId: source.v<String>(['restorationId']),
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.hardEdge,
'Icon': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Icon(
ArgumentDecoders.iconData(source, []) ?? Icons.flutter_dash,
size: source.v<double>(['size']),
color: ArgumentDecoders.color(source, ['color']),
semanticLabel: source.v<String>(['semanticLabel']),
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']),
'IconTheme': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return IconTheme(
data: ArgumentDecoders.iconThemeData(source, []) ?? const IconThemeData(),
child: source.child(['child']),
'IntrinsicHeight': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return IntrinsicHeight(
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'IntrinsicWidth': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return IntrinsicWidth(
stepWidth: source.v<double>(['width']),
stepHeight: source.v<double>(['height']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'Image': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Image(
image: ArgumentDecoders.imageProvider(source, []) ?? const AssetImage('error.png'),
// ImageFrameBuilder? frameBuilder,
// ImageLoadingBuilder? loadingBuilder,
// ImageErrorWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder,
semanticLabel: source.v<String>(['semanticLabel']),
excludeFromSemantics: source.v<bool>(['excludeFromSemantics']) ?? false,
width: source.v<double>(['width']),
height: source.v<double>(['height']),
color: ArgumentDecoders.color(source, ['color']),
// Animation<double>? opacity,
colorBlendMode: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<BlendMode>(BlendMode.values, source, ['blendMode']),
fit: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<BoxFit>(BoxFit.values, source, ['fit']),
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ??,
repeat: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<ImageRepeat>(ImageRepeat.values, source, ['repeat']) ?? ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
centerSlice: ArgumentDecoders.rect(source, ['centerSlice']),
matchTextDirection: source.v<bool>(['matchTextDirection']) ?? false,
gaplessPlayback: source.v<bool>(['gaplessPlayback']) ?? false,
isAntiAlias: source.v<bool>(['isAntiAlias']) ?? false,
filterQuality: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<FilterQuality>(FilterQuality.values, source, ['filterQuality']) ?? FilterQuality.low,
'ListBody': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return ListBody(
mainAxis: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Axis>(Axis.values, source, ['mainAxis']) ?? Axis.vertical,
reverse: source.v<bool>(['reverse']) ?? false,
children: source.childList(['children']),
'ListView': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return ListView.builder(
scrollDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Axis>(Axis.values, source, ['scrollDirection']) ?? Axis.vertical,
reverse: source.v<bool>(['reverse']) ?? false,
// ScrollController? controller,
primary: source.v<bool>(['primary']),
// ScrollPhysics? physics,
shrinkWrap: source.v<bool>(['shrinkWrap']) ?? false,
padding: ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['padding']),
itemExtent: source.v<double>(['itemExtent']),
prototypeItem: source.optionalChild(['prototypeItem']),
itemCount: source.length(['children']),
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) => source.child(['children', index]),
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.hardEdge,
addAutomaticKeepAlives: source.v<bool>(['addAutomaticKeepAlives']) ?? true,
addRepaintBoundaries: source.v<bool>(['addRepaintBoundaries']) ?? true,
addSemanticIndexes: source.v<bool>(['addSemanticIndexes']) ?? true,
cacheExtent: source.v<double>(['cacheExtent']),
semanticChildCount: source.v<int>(['semanticChildCount']),
dragStartBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<DragStartBehavior>(DragStartBehavior.values, source, ['dragStartBehavior']) ?? DragStartBehavior.start,
keyboardDismissBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior>(ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.values, source, ['keyboardDismissBehavior']) ?? ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual,
restorationId: source.v<String>(['restorationId']),
'Opacity': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedOpacity(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
opacity: source.v<double>(['opacity']) ?? 0.0,
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
alwaysIncludeSemantics: source.v<bool>(['alwaysIncludeSemantics']) ?? true,
'Padding': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedPadding(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
padding: ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['padding']) ??,
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'Placeholder': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Placeholder(
color: ArgumentDecoders.color(source, ['color']) ?? const Color(0xFF455A64),
strokeWidth: source.v<double>(['strokeWidth']) ?? 2.0,
fallbackWidth: source.v<double>(['placeholderWidth']) ?? 400.0,
fallbackHeight: source.v<double>(['placeholderHeight']) ?? 400.0,
'Positioned': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedPositionedDirectional(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
start: source.v<double>(['start']),
top: source.v<double>(['top']),
end: source.v<double>(['end']),
bottom: source.v<double>(['bottom']),
width: source.v<double>(['width']),
height: source.v<double>(['height']),
child: source.child(['child']),
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'Rotation': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedRotation(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
turns: source.v<double>(['turns']) ?? 0.0,
alignment: (ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ??,
filterQuality: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<FilterQuality>(FilterQuality.values, source, ['filterQuality']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'Row': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Row(
mainAxisAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<MainAxisAlignment>(MainAxisAlignment.values, source, ['mainAxisAlignment']) ?? MainAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<MainAxisSize>(MainAxisSize.values, source, ['mainAxisSize']) ?? MainAxisSize.max,
crossAxisAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<CrossAxisAlignment>(CrossAxisAlignment.values, source, ['crossAxisAlignment']) ??,
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']),
verticalDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<VerticalDirection>(VerticalDirection.values, source, ['verticalDirection']) ?? VerticalDirection.down,
textBaseline: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextBaseline>(TextBaseline.values, source, ['textBaseline']),
children: source.childList(['children']),
'SafeArea': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return SafeArea(
left: source.v<bool>(['left']) ?? true,
top: source.v<bool>(['top']) ?? true,
right: source.v<bool>(['right']) ?? true,
bottom: source.v<bool>(['bottom']) ?? true,
minimum: (ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['minimum']) ??,
maintainBottomViewPadding: source.v<bool>(['maintainBottomViewPadding']) ?? false,
child: source.child(['child']),
'Scale': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return AnimatedScale(
duration: ArgumentDecoders.duration(source, ['duration'], context),
curve: ArgumentDecoders.curve(source, ['curve'], context),
scale: source.v<double>(['scale']) ?? 1.0,
alignment: (ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ??,
filterQuality: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<FilterQuality>(FilterQuality.values, source, ['filterQuality']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
onEnd: source.voidHandler(['onEnd']),
'SingleChildScrollView': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return SingleChildScrollView(
scrollDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Axis>(Axis.values, source, ['scrollDirection']) ?? Axis.vertical,
reverse: source.v<bool>(['reverse']) ?? false,
padding: ArgumentDecoders.edgeInsets(source, ['padding']),
primary: source.v<bool>(['primary']) ?? true,
// ScrollPhysics? physics,
// ScrollController? controller,
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
dragStartBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<DragStartBehavior>(DragStartBehavior.values, source, ['dragStartBehavior']) ?? DragStartBehavior.start,
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.hardEdge,
restorationId: source.v<String>(['restorationId']),
keyboardDismissBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior>(ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.values, source, ['keyboardDismissBehavior']) ?? ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual,
'SizedBox': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return SizedBox(
width: source.v<double>(['width']),
height: source.v<double>(['height']),
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'SizedBoxExpand': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return SizedBox.expand(
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'SizedBoxShrink': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return SizedBox.shrink(
child: source.optionalChild(['child']),
'Spacer': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Spacer(
flex: source.v<int>(['flex']) ?? 1,
'Stack': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Stack(
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.alignment(source, ['alignment']) ?? AlignmentDirectional.topStart,
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']),
fit: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<StackFit>(StackFit.values, source, ['fit']) ?? StackFit.loose,
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.hardEdge,
children: source.childList(['children']),
'Text': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
String? text = source.v<String>(['text']);
if (text == null) {
final StringBuffer builder = StringBuffer();
final int count = source.length(['text']);
for (int index = 0; index < count; index += 1) {
builder.write(source.v<String>(['text', index]) ?? '');
text = builder.toString();
return Text(
style: ArgumentDecoders.textStyle(source, ['style']),
strutStyle: ArgumentDecoders.strutStyle(source, ['strutStyle']),
textAlign: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextAlign>(TextAlign.values, source, ['textAlign']),
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']),
locale: ArgumentDecoders.locale(source, ['locale']),
softWrap: source.v<bool>(['softWrap']),
overflow: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextOverflow>(TextOverflow.values, source, ['overflow']),
textScaleFactor: source.v<double>(['textScaleFactor']),
maxLines: source.v<int>(['maxLines']),
semanticsLabel: source.v<String>(['semanticsLabel']),
textWidthBasis: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextWidthBasis>(TextWidthBasis.values, source, ['textWidthBasis']),
textHeightBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.textHeightBehavior(source, ['textHeightBehavior']),
'Wrap': (BuildContext context, DataSource source) {
return Wrap(
direction: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Axis>(Axis.values, source, ['direction']) ?? Axis.horizontal,
alignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<WrapAlignment>(WrapAlignment.values, source, ['alignment']) ?? WrapAlignment.start,
spacing: source.v<double>(['spacing']) ?? 0.0,
runAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<WrapAlignment>(WrapAlignment.values, source, ['runAlignment']) ?? WrapAlignment.start,
runSpacing: source.v<double>(['runSpacing']) ?? 0.0,
crossAxisAlignment: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<WrapCrossAlignment>(WrapCrossAlignment.values, source, ['crossAxisAlignment']) ?? WrapCrossAlignment.start,
textDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<TextDirection>(TextDirection.values, source, ['textDirection']),
verticalDirection: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<VerticalDirection>(VerticalDirection.values, source, ['verticalDirection']) ?? VerticalDirection.down,
clipBehavior: ArgumentDecoders.enumValue<Clip>(Clip.values, source, ['clipBehavior']) ?? Clip.none,
children: source.childList(['children']),