blob: 44abea51eef358bf5c82d01286761bbb3c627d74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'operation_result.dart';
/// Function signature for a [SshKeyManager] provider.
typedef SshKeyManagerProvider = SshKeyManager Function({
ProcessManager processManager,
FileSystem fs,
String publicKeyPath,
/// A wrapper for managing SSH key generation.
/// Implemented by [SystemSshKeyManager].
abstract class SshKeyManager {
/// Create SSH key material suitable for paving and accessing a Fuchsia image.
Future<OperationResult> createKeys({
String destinationPath = '.ssh',
bool force = false,
/// A class that delegates creating SSH keys to the system `ssh-keygen`.
class SystemSshKeyManager implements SshKeyManager {
/// Creates a wrapper for ssh-keygen.
/// The arguments must not be null, and will be used to spawn a ssh-keygen
/// process and manipulate the files it creates.
const SystemSshKeyManager({
this.processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
this.fs = const LocalFileSystem(),
}) : assert(processManager != null),
assert(fs != null);
/// Creates a static provider that returns a SystemSshKeyManager.
static SshKeyManager defaultProvider({
ProcessManager processManager,
FileSystem fs,
String publicKeyPath,
}) {
return SystemSshKeyManager(
processManager: processManager ?? const LocalProcessManager(),
fs: fs ?? const LocalFileSystem(),
pkeyPubPath: publicKeyPath,
/// The [ProcessManager] implementation to use when spawning ssh-keygen.
final ProcessManager processManager;
/// The [FileSystem] implementation to use when creating the authorized_keys
/// file.
final FileSystem fs;
/// The [String] with the path to a public key.
final String pkeyPubPath;
/// Populates [authorizedKeys] file with the public key in [pKeyPub].
Future<void> createAuthorizedKeys(File authorizedKeys, File pkeyPub) async {
final List<String> pkeyPubParts = pkeyPub.readAsStringSync().split(' ');
await authorizedKeys
.writeAsString('${pkeyPubParts[0]} ${pkeyPubParts[1]}\n');
Future<OperationResult> createKeys({
String destinationPath = '.ssh',
bool force = false,
}) async {
final Directory sshDir =;
final File authorizedKeys = sshDir.childFile('authorized_keys');
if (authorizedKeys.existsSync() && !force) {
return OperationResult.success(info: 'Using previously generated keys.');
if (sshDir.existsSync()) {
await sshDir.delete(recursive: true);
await sshDir.create();
if (pkeyPubPath != null) {
await createAuthorizedKeys(authorizedKeys, fs.file(pkeyPubPath));
return OperationResult.success(info: 'Using previously generated keys.');
final File pkey = sshDir.childFile('pkey');
final File pkeyPub = sshDir.childFile('');
final io.ProcessResult result = await
'-t', 'ed25519', //
'-f', pkey.path,
'-N', '',
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return OperationResult.fromProcessResult(result);
await createAuthorizedKeys(authorizedKeys, pkeyPub);
return OperationResult.fromProcessResult(result);