blob: dcf1402a04f5dd54d84476192cf736266a3ef144 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'resource_record.dart';
// Offsets into the header. See
const int _kIdOffset = 0;
const int _kFlagsOffset = 2;
const int _kQdcountOffset = 4;
const int _kAncountOffset = 6;
const int _kNscountOffset = 8;
const int _kArcountOffset = 10;
const int _kHeaderSize = 12;
/// Processes a DNS query name into a list of parts.
/// Will attempt to append 'local' if the name is something like '_http._tcp',
/// and '._tcp.local' if name is something like '_http'.
List<String> processDnsNameParts(String name) {
final List<String> parts = name.split('.');
if (parts.length == 1) {
return <String>[parts[0], '_tcp', 'local'];
} else if (parts.length == 2 && parts[1].startsWith('_')) {
return <String>[parts[0], parts[1], 'local'];
return parts;
/// Encode an mDNS query packet.
/// The [type] parameter must be a valid [ResourceRecordType] value. The
/// [multicast] parameter must not be null.
/// This is a low level API; most consumers should prefer
/// [ResourceRecordQuery.encode], which offers some convenience wrappers around
/// selecting the correct [type] and setting the [name] parameter correctly.
List<int> encodeMDnsQuery(
String name, {
int type = ResourceRecordType.addressIPv4,
bool multicast = true,
}) {
final List<String> nameParts = processDnsNameParts(name);
final List<List<int>> rawNameParts =<List<int>>((String part) => utf8.encode(part)).toList();
// Calculate the size of the packet.
int size = _kHeaderSize;
for (int i = 0; i < rawNameParts.length; i++) {
size += 1 + rawNameParts[i].length;
size += 1; // End with empty part
size += 4; // Trailer (QTYPE and QCLASS).
final Uint8List data = Uint8List(size);
final ByteData packetByteData = ByteData.view(data.buffer);
// Query identifier - just use 0.
packetByteData.setUint16(_kIdOffset, 0);
// Flags - 0 for query.
packetByteData.setUint16(_kFlagsOffset, 0);
// Query count.
packetByteData.setUint16(_kQdcountOffset, 1);
// Number of answers - 0 for query.
packetByteData.setUint16(_kAncountOffset, 0);
// Number of name server records - 0 for query.
packetByteData.setUint16(_kNscountOffset, 0);
// Number of resource records - 0 for query.
packetByteData.setUint16(_kArcountOffset, 0);
int offset = _kHeaderSize;
for (int i = 0; i < rawNameParts.length; i++) {
data[offset++] = rawNameParts[i].length;
data.setRange(offset, offset + rawNameParts[i].length, rawNameParts[i]);
offset += rawNameParts[i].length;
data[offset] = 0; // Empty part.
packetByteData.setUint16(offset, type); // QTYPE.
offset += 2;
ResourceRecordClass.internet |
(multicast ? QuestionType.multicast : QuestionType.unicast));
return data;
/// Result of reading a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
class _FQDNReadResult {
/// Creates a new FQDN read result.
_FQDNReadResult(this.fqdnParts, this.bytesRead);
/// The raw parts of the FQDN.
final List<String> fqdnParts;
/// The bytes consumed from the packet for this FQDN.
final int bytesRead;
/// Returns the Fully Qualified Domain Name.
String get fqdn => fqdnParts.join('.');
String toString() => fqdn;
/// Reads a FQDN from raw packet data.
String readFQDN(List<int> packet, [int offset = 0]) {
final Uint8List data =
packet is Uint8List ? packet : Uint8List.fromList(packet);
final ByteData byteData = ByteData.view(data.buffer);
return _readFQDN(data, byteData, offset, data.length).fqdn;
// Read a FQDN at the given offset. Returns a pair with the FQDN
// parts and the number of bytes consumed.
// If decoding fails (e.g. due to an invalid packet) `null` is returned.
_FQDNReadResult _readFQDN(
Uint8List data, ByteData byteData, int offset, int length) {
void checkLength(int required) {
if (length < required) {
throw MDnsDecodeException(required);
final List<String> parts = <String>[];
final int prevOffset = offset;
while (true) {
// At least one byte is required.
checkLength(offset + 1);
// Check for compressed.
if (data[offset] & 0xc0 == 0xc0) {
// At least two bytes are required for a compressed FQDN.
checkLength(offset + 2);
// A compressed FQDN has a new offset in the lower 14 bits.
final _FQDNReadResult result = _readFQDN(
data, byteData, byteData.getUint16(offset) & ~0xc000, length);
offset += 2;
} else {
// A normal FQDN part has a length and a UTF-8 encoded name
// part. If the length is 0 this is the end of the FQDN.
final int partLength = data[offset];
if (partLength > 0) {
checkLength(offset + partLength);
final Uint8List partBytes =
Uint8List.view(data.buffer, offset, partLength);
offset += partLength;
// According to the RFC, this is supposed to be utf-8 encoded, but
// we should continue decoding even if it isn't to avoid dropping the
// rest of the data, which might still be useful.
parts.add(utf8.decode(partBytes, allowMalformed: true));
} else {
return _FQDNReadResult(parts, offset - prevOffset);
/// Decode an mDNS query packet.
/// If decoding fails (e.g. due to an invalid packet), `null` is returned.
/// See for format.
ResourceRecordQuery? decodeMDnsQuery(List<int> packet) {
final int length = packet.length;
if (length < _kHeaderSize) {
return null;
final Uint8List data =
packet is Uint8List ? packet : Uint8List.fromList(packet);
final ByteData packetBytes = ByteData.view(data.buffer);
// Check whether it's a query.
final int flags = packetBytes.getUint16(_kFlagsOffset);
if (flags != 0) {
return null;
final int questionCount = packetBytes.getUint16(_kQdcountOffset);
if (questionCount == 0) {
return null;
final _FQDNReadResult fqdn =
_readFQDN(data, packetBytes, _kHeaderSize, data.length);
int offset = _kHeaderSize + fqdn.bytesRead;
final int type = packetBytes.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
final int queryType = packetBytes.getUint16(offset) & 0x8000;
return ResourceRecordQuery(type, fqdn.fqdn, queryType);
/// Decode an mDNS response packet.
/// If decoding fails (e.g. due to an invalid packet) `null` is returned.
/// See for the format.
List<ResourceRecord>? decodeMDnsResponse(List<int> packet) {
final int length = packet.length;
if (length < _kHeaderSize) {
return null;
final Uint8List data =
packet is Uint8List ? packet : Uint8List.fromList(packet);
final ByteData packetBytes = ByteData.view(data.buffer);
final int answerCount = packetBytes.getUint16(_kAncountOffset);
final int authorityCount = packetBytes.getUint16(_kNscountOffset);
final int additionalCount = packetBytes.getUint16(_kArcountOffset);
final int remainingCount = answerCount + authorityCount + additionalCount;
if (remainingCount == 0) {
return null;
final int questionCount = packetBytes.getUint16(_kQdcountOffset);
int offset = _kHeaderSize;
void checkLength(int required) {
if (length < required) {
throw MDnsDecodeException(required);
ResourceRecord? readResourceRecord() {
// First read the FQDN.
final _FQDNReadResult result = _readFQDN(data, packetBytes, offset, length);
final String fqdn = result.fqdn;
offset += result.bytesRead;
checkLength(offset + 2);
final int type = packetBytes.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
// The first bit of the rrclass field is set to indicate that the answer is
// unique and the querier should flush the cached answer for this name
// (RFC 6762, Sec. 10.2). We ignore it for now since we don't cache answers.
checkLength(offset + 2);
final int resourceRecordClass = packetBytes.getUint16(offset) & 0x7fff;
if (resourceRecordClass != ResourceRecordClass.internet) {
// We do not support other classes.
return null;
offset += 2;
checkLength(offset + 4);
final int ttl = packetBytes.getInt32(offset);
offset += 4;
checkLength(offset + 2);
final int readDataLength = packetBytes.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
final int validUntil = + ttl * 1000;
switch (type) {
case ResourceRecordType.addressIPv4:
checkLength(offset + readDataLength);
final StringBuffer addr = StringBuffer();
final int stop = offset + readDataLength;
for (; offset < stop; offset++) {
return IPAddressResourceRecord(fqdn, validUntil,
address: InternetAddress(addr.toString()));
case ResourceRecordType.addressIPv6:
checkLength(offset + readDataLength);
final StringBuffer addr = StringBuffer();
final int stop = offset + readDataLength;
offset += 2;
for (; offset < stop; offset += 2) {
return IPAddressResourceRecord(
address: InternetAddress(addr.toString()),
case ResourceRecordType.service:
checkLength(offset + 2);
final int priority = packetBytes.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
checkLength(offset + 2);
final int weight = packetBytes.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
checkLength(offset + 2);
final int port = packetBytes.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
final _FQDNReadResult result =
_readFQDN(data, packetBytes, offset, length);
offset += result.bytesRead;
return SrvResourceRecord(
target: result.fqdn,
port: port,
priority: priority,
weight: weight,
case ResourceRecordType.serverPointer:
checkLength(offset + readDataLength);
final _FQDNReadResult result =
_readFQDN(data, packetBytes, offset, length);
offset += readDataLength;
return PtrResourceRecord(
domainName: result.fqdn,
case ResourceRecordType.text:
checkLength(offset + readDataLength);
// The first byte of the buffer is the length of the first string of
// the TXT record. Further length-prefixed strings may follow. We
// concatenate them with newlines.
final StringBuffer strings = StringBuffer();
int index = 0;
while (index < readDataLength) {
final int txtLength = data[offset + index];
if (txtLength == 0) {
final String text = utf8.decode(
Uint8List.view(data.buffer, offset + index, txtLength),
allowMalformed: true,
index += txtLength;
offset += readDataLength;
return TxtResourceRecord(fqdn, validUntil, text: strings.toString());
checkLength(offset + readDataLength);
offset += readDataLength;
return null;
// This list can't be fixed length right now because we might get
// resource record types we don't support, and consumers expect this list
// to not have null entries.
final List<ResourceRecord> result = <ResourceRecord>[];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < questionCount; i++) {
final _FQDNReadResult result =
_readFQDN(data, packetBytes, offset, length);
offset += result.bytesRead;
checkLength(offset + 4);
offset += 4;
for (int i = 0; i < remainingCount; i++) {
final ResourceRecord? record = readResourceRecord();
if (record != null) {
} on MDnsDecodeException {
// If decoding fails return null.
return null;
return result;
/// This exception is thrown by the decoder when the packet is invalid.
class MDnsDecodeException implements Exception {
/// Creates a new MDnsDecodeException, indicating an error in decoding at the
/// specified [offset].
/// The [offset] parameter should not be null.
const MDnsDecodeException(this.offset);
/// The offset in the packet at which the exception occurred.
final int offset;
String toString() => 'Decoding error at $offset';