blob: a3a1e7607db23216051e5eec36c60d2d32f0a94f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'common/core.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/plugin_utils.dart';
import 'common/repository_package.dart';
/// A command to enforce gradle file conventions and best practices.
class GradleCheckCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the gradle check command.
GradleCheckCommand(Directory packagesDir) : super(packagesDir);
final String name = 'gradle-check';
final String description =
'Checks that gradle files follow repository conventions.';
bool get hasLongOutput => false;
PackageLoopingType get packageLoopingType =>
Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(RepositoryPackage package) async {
if (!package.platformDirectory( {
return PackageResult.skip('No android/ directory.');
const String exampleDirName = 'example';
final bool isExample = == exampleDirName || == exampleDirName;
if (!_validateBuildGradles(package, isExample: isExample)) {
return PackageResult.success();
bool _validateBuildGradles(RepositoryPackage package,
{required bool isExample}) {
final Directory androidDir =
final File topLevelGradleFile = _getBuildGradleFile(androidDir);
// This is tracked as a variable rather than a sequence of &&s so that all
// failures are reported at once, not just the first one.
bool succeeded = true;
if (isExample) {
if (!_validateExampleTopLevelBuildGradle(package, topLevelGradleFile)) {
succeeded = false;
final File appGradleFile =
if (!_validateExampleAppBuildGradle(package, appGradleFile)) {
succeeded = false;
} else {
succeeded = _validatePluginBuildGradle(package, topLevelGradleFile);
return succeeded;
// Returns the gradle file in the given directory.
File _getBuildGradleFile(Directory dir) => dir.childFile('build.gradle');
// Returns the main/AndroidManifest.xml file for the given package.
File _getMainAndroidManifest(RepositoryPackage package,
{required bool isExample}) {
final Directory androidDir =
final Directory baseDir =
isExample ? androidDir.childDirectory('app') : androidDir;
return baseDir
bool _isCommented(String line) => line.trim().startsWith('//');
/// Validates the build.gradle file for a plugin
/// (some_plugin/android/build.gradle).
bool _validatePluginBuildGradle(RepositoryPackage package, File gradleFile) {
print('${indentation}Validating '
'${getRelativePosixPath(gradleFile, from:}.');
final String contents = gradleFile.readAsStringSync();
final List<String> lines = contents.split('\n');
// This is tracked as a variable rather than a sequence of &&s so that all
// failures are reported at once, not just the first one.
bool succeeded = true;
if (!_validateNamespace(package, contents, isExample: false)) {
succeeded = false;
if (!_validateCompatibilityVersions(lines)) {
succeeded = false;
if (!_validateGradleDrivenLintConfig(package, lines)) {
succeeded = false;
return succeeded;
/// Validates the top-level build.gradle for an example app (e.g.,
/// some_package/example/android/build.gradle).
bool _validateExampleTopLevelBuildGradle(
RepositoryPackage package, File gradleFile) {
print('${indentation}Validating '
'${getRelativePosixPath(gradleFile, from:}.');
final String contents = gradleFile.readAsStringSync();
final List<String> lines = contents.split('\n');
// This is tracked as a variable rather than a sequence of &&s so that all
// failures are reported at once, not just the first one.
bool succeeded = true;
if (!_validateJavacLintConfig(package, lines)) {
succeeded = false;
return succeeded;
/// Validates the app-level build.gradle for an example app (e.g.,
/// some_package/example/android/app/build.gradle).
bool _validateExampleAppBuildGradle(
RepositoryPackage package, File gradleFile) {
print('${indentation}Validating '
'${getRelativePosixPath(gradleFile, from:}.');
final String contents = gradleFile.readAsStringSync();
// This is tracked as a variable rather than a sequence of &&s so that all
// failures are reported at once, not just the first one.
bool succeeded = true;
if (!_validateNamespace(package, contents, isExample: true)) {
succeeded = false;
return succeeded;
/// Validates that [gradleContents] sets a namespace, which is required for
/// compatibility with apps that use AGP 8+.
bool _validateNamespace(RepositoryPackage package, String gradleContents,
{required bool isExample}) {
final RegExp namespaceRegex =
RegExp('^\\s*namespace\\s+[\'"](.*?)[\'"]', multiLine: true);
final RegExpMatch? namespaceMatch =
if (namespaceMatch == null) {
const String errorMessage = '''
build.gradle must set a "namespace":
android {
namespace ''
The value must match the "package" attribute in AndroidManifest.xml, if one is
present. For more information, see:
return false;
} else {
return _validateNamespaceMatchesManifest(package,
isExample: isExample, namespace:!);
/// Validates that the given namespace matches the manifest package of
/// [package] (if any; a package does not need to be in the manifest in cases
/// where compatibility with AGP <7 is no longer required).
/// Prints an error and returns false if validation fails.
bool _validateNamespaceMatchesManifest(RepositoryPackage package,
{required bool isExample, required String namespace}) {
final RegExp manifestPackageRegex = RegExp(r'package\s*=\s*"(.*?)"');
final String manifestContents =
_getMainAndroidManifest(package, isExample: isExample)
final RegExpMatch? packageMatch =
if (packageMatch != null && namespace != {
final String errorMessage = '''
build.gradle "namespace" must match the "package" attribute in AndroidManifest.xml, if one is present.
build.gradle namespace: "$namespace"
AndroidMastifest.xml package: "${}"
return false;
return true;
/// Checks for a source compatibiltiy version, so that it's explicit rather
/// than using whatever the client's local toolchaing defaults to (which can
/// lead to compile errors that show up for clients, but not in CI).
bool _validateCompatibilityVersions(List<String> gradleLines) {
final bool hasLanguageVersion = gradleLines.any((String line) =>
line.contains('languageVersion') && !_isCommented(line));
final bool hasCompabilityVersions = gradleLines.any((String line) =>
line.contains('sourceCompatibility') && !_isCommented(line)) &&
// Newer toolchains default targetCompatibility to the same value as
// sourceCompatibility, but older toolchains require it to be set
// explicitly. The exact version cutoff (and of which piece of the
// toolchain; likely AGP) is unknown; for context see
gradleLines.any((String line) =>
line.contains('targetCompatibility') && !_isCommented(line));
if (!hasLanguageVersion && !hasCompabilityVersions) {
const String errorMessage = '''
build.gradle must set an explicit Java compatibility version.
This can be done either via "sourceCompatibility"/"targetCompatibility":
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
or "toolchain":
java {
toolchain {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(8)
for more details.''';
return false;
return true;
/// Returns whether the given gradle content is configured to enable all
/// Gradle-driven lints (those checked by ./gradlew lint) and treat them as
/// errors.
bool _validateGradleDrivenLintConfig(
RepositoryPackage package, List<String> gradleLines) {
final List<String> gradleBuildContents = package
if (!gradleBuildContents.any((String line) =>
line.contains('checkAllWarnings true') && !_isCommented(line)) ||
!gradleBuildContents.any((String line) =>
line.contains('warningsAsErrors true') && !_isCommented(line))) {
printError('${indentation}This package is not configured to enable all '
'Gradle-driven lint warnings and treat them as errors. '
'Please add the following to the lintOptions section of '
checkAllWarnings true
warningsAsErrors true
return false;
return true;
/// Validates whether the given [example]'s gradle content is configured to
/// build its plugin target with javac lints enabled and treated as errors,
/// if the enclosing package is a plugin.
/// This can only be called on example packages. (Plugin packages should not
/// be configured this way, since it would affect clients.)
/// If [example]'s enclosing package is not a plugin package, this just
/// returns true.
bool _validateJavacLintConfig(
RepositoryPackage example, List<String> gradleLines) {
final RepositoryPackage enclosingPackage = example.getEnclosingPackage()!;
if (!pluginSupportsPlatform(platformAndroid, enclosingPackage,
requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline)) {
return true;
final String enclosingPackageName =;
// The check here is intentionally somewhat loose, to allow for the
// possibility of variations (e.g., not using Xlint:all in some cases, or
// passing other arguments).
if (!(gradleLines.any((String line) =>
line.contains('project(":$enclosingPackageName")')) &&
gradleLines.any((String line) =>
line.contains('options.compilerArgs') &&
line.contains('-Xlint') &&
line.contains('-Werror')))) {
printError('The example '
'"${getRelativePosixPath(, from:}" '
'is not configured to treat javac lints and warnings as errors. '
'Please add the following to its build.gradle:');
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
project(":$enclosingPackageName") {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:all" << "-Werror"
return false;
return true;