| // Mocks generated by Mockito 5.4.1 from annotations |
| // in regular_integration_tests/integration_test/url_launcher_web_test.dart. |
| // Do not manually edit this file. |
| |
| // @dart=2.19 |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes |
| import 'dart:async' as _i3; |
| import 'dart:html' as _i2; |
| import 'dart:math' as _i4; |
| |
| import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1; |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: type=lint |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters |
| // ignore_for_file: comment_references |
| // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports |
| // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis |
| // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types |
| // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class |
| |
| class _FakeDocument_0 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Document { |
| _FakeDocument_0( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeLocation_1 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Location { |
| _FakeLocation_1( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeConsole_2 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Console { |
| _FakeConsole_2( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeHistory_3 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.History { |
| _FakeHistory_3( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeStorage_4 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Storage { |
| _FakeStorage_4( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeNavigator_5 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Navigator { |
| _FakeNavigator_5( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePerformance_6 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Performance { |
| _FakePerformance_6( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeEvents_7 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Events { |
| _FakeEvents_7( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeWindowBase_8 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.WindowBase { |
| _FakeWindowBase_8( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeFileSystem_9 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.FileSystem { |
| _FakeFileSystem_9( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeStylePropertyMapReadonly_10 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.StylePropertyMapReadonly { |
| _FakeStylePropertyMapReadonly_10( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeMediaQueryList_11 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.MediaQueryList { |
| _FakeMediaQueryList_11( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeEntry_12 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Entry { |
| _FakeEntry_12( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGeolocation_13 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Geolocation { |
| _FakeGeolocation_13( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeMediaStream_14 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.MediaStream { |
| _FakeMediaStream_14( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRelatedApplication_15 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.RelatedApplication { |
| _FakeRelatedApplication_15( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [Window]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockWindow extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Window { |
| MockWindow() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<num> get animationFrame => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#animationFrame), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<num>.value(0), |
| ) as _i3.Future<num>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Document get document => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#document), |
| returnValue: _FakeDocument_0( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#document), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Document); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Location get location => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#location), |
| returnValue: _FakeLocation_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#location), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Location); |
| |
| @override |
| set location(_i2.LocationBase? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #location, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Console get console => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#console), |
| returnValue: _FakeConsole_2( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#console), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Console); |
| |
| @override |
| set defaultStatus(String? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #defaultStatus, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| set defaultstatus(String? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #defaultstatus, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| num get devicePixelRatio => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#devicePixelRatio), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as num); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.History get history => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#history), |
| returnValue: _FakeHistory_3( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#history), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.History); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Storage get localStorage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#localStorage), |
| returnValue: _FakeStorage_4( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#localStorage), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Storage); |
| |
| @override |
| set name(String? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #name, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Navigator get navigator => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#navigator), |
| returnValue: _FakeNavigator_5( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#navigator), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Navigator); |
| |
| @override |
| set opener(_i2.WindowBase? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #opener, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| int get outerHeight => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#outerHeight), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| int get outerWidth => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#outerWidth), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Performance get performance => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#performance), |
| returnValue: _FakePerformance_6( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#performance), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Performance); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Storage get sessionStorage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#sessionStorage), |
| returnValue: _FakeStorage_4( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#sessionStorage), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Storage); |
| |
| @override |
| set status(String? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #status, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onContentLoaded => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onContentLoaded), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onAbort => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onAbort), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onBlur => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onBlur), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onCanPlay => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onCanPlay), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onCanPlayThrough => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onCanPlayThrough), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onChange), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onClick => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onClick), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onContextMenu), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onDoubleClick => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDoubleClick), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.DeviceMotionEvent> get onDeviceMotion => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDeviceMotion), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.DeviceMotionEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.DeviceMotionEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.DeviceOrientationEvent> get onDeviceOrientation => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDeviceOrientation), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.DeviceOrientationEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.DeviceOrientationEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDrag => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDrag), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDragEnd), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDragEnter), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDragLeave), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDragOver => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDragOver), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDragStart => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDragStart), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onDrop => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDrop), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onDurationChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDurationChange), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onEmptied => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onEmptied), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onEnded => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onEnded), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onError => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onError), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onFocus => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onFocus), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onHashChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onHashChange), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onInput => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onInput), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onInvalid => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onInvalid), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onKeyDown), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onKeyPress), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onKeyUp), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.KeyboardEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onLoad => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoad), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onLoadedData => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoadedData), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onLoadedMetadata => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoadedMetadata), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onLoadStart => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoadStart), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MessageEvent> get onMessage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMessage), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MessageEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MessageEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseDown), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseEnter), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseLeave), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseMove), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseOut), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseOver), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseUp), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.MouseEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onMouseWheel), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.WheelEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.WheelEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onOffline => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onOffline), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onOnline => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onOnline), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onPageHide => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onPageHide), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onPageShow => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onPageShow), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onPause => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onPause), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onPlay => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onPlay), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onPlaying => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onPlaying), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.PopStateEvent> get onPopState => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onPopState), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.PopStateEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.PopStateEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onProgress => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onProgress), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onRateChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onRateChange), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onReset => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onReset), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onResize => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onResize), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onScroll => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onScroll), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onSearch => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onSearch), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onSeeked => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onSeeked), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onSeeking => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onSeeking), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onSelect => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onSelect), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onStalled => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onStalled), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.StorageEvent> get onStorage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onStorage), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.StorageEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.StorageEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onSubmit => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onSubmit), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onSuspend => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onSuspend), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onTimeUpdate => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTimeUpdate), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent> get onTouchCancel => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTouchCancel), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent> get onTouchEnd => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTouchEnd), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent> get onTouchMove => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTouchMove), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent> get onTouchStart => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTouchStart), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.TouchEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.TransitionEvent> get onTransitionEnd => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTransitionEnd), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.TransitionEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.TransitionEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onUnload => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onUnload), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onVolumeChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onVolumeChange), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onWaiting => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onWaiting), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent> get onAnimationEnd => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onAnimationEnd), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent> get onAnimationIteration => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onAnimationIteration), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent> get onAnimationStart => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onAnimationStart), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.AnimationEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onBeforeUnload => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onBeforeUnload), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.WheelEvent> get onWheel => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onWheel), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.WheelEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.WheelEvent>); |
| |
| @override |
| int get pageXOffset => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#pageXOffset), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| int get pageYOffset => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#pageYOffset), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| int get scrollX => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#scrollX), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| int get scrollY => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#scrollY), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Events get on => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#on), |
| returnValue: _FakeEvents_7( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#on), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Events); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.WindowBase open( |
| String? url, |
| String? name, [ |
| String? options, |
| ]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #open, |
| [ |
| url, |
| name, |
| options, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeWindowBase_8( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #open, |
| [ |
| url, |
| name, |
| options, |
| ], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.WindowBase); |
| |
| @override |
| int requestAnimationFrame(_i2.FrameRequestCallback? callback) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestAnimationFrame, |
| [callback], |
| ), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| void cancelAnimationFrame(int? id) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #cancelAnimationFrame, |
| [id], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<_i2.FileSystem> requestFileSystem( |
| int? size, { |
| bool? persistent = false, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestFileSystem, |
| [size], |
| {#persistent: persistent}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.FileSystem>.value(_FakeFileSystem_9( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestFileSystem, |
| [size], |
| {#persistent: persistent}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i3.Future<_i2.FileSystem>); |
| |
| @override |
| void alert([String? message]) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #alert, |
| [message], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void cancelIdleCallback(int? handle) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #cancelIdleCallback, |
| [handle], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void close() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #close, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| bool confirm([String? message]) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #confirm, |
| [message], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> fetch( |
| dynamic input, [ |
| Map<dynamic, dynamic>? init, |
| ]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #fetch, |
| [ |
| input, |
| init, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| |
| @override |
| bool find( |
| String? string, |
| bool? caseSensitive, |
| bool? backwards, |
| bool? wrap, |
| bool? wholeWord, |
| bool? searchInFrames, |
| bool? showDialog, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #find, |
| [ |
| string, |
| caseSensitive, |
| backwards, |
| wrap, |
| wholeWord, |
| searchInFrames, |
| showDialog, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.StylePropertyMapReadonly getComputedStyleMap( |
| _i2.Element? element, |
| String? pseudoElement, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getComputedStyleMap, |
| [ |
| element, |
| pseudoElement, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeStylePropertyMapReadonly_10( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getComputedStyleMap, |
| [ |
| element, |
| pseudoElement, |
| ], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.StylePropertyMapReadonly); |
| |
| @override |
| List<_i2.CssRule> getMatchedCssRules( |
| _i2.Element? element, |
| String? pseudoElement, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getMatchedCssRules, |
| [ |
| element, |
| pseudoElement, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: <_i2.CssRule>[], |
| ) as List<_i2.CssRule>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.MediaQueryList matchMedia(String? query) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #matchMedia, |
| [query], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeMediaQueryList_11( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #matchMedia, |
| [query], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.MediaQueryList); |
| |
| @override |
| void moveBy( |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #moveBy, |
| [ |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void postMessage( |
| dynamic message, |
| String? targetOrigin, [ |
| List<Object>? transfer, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #postMessage, |
| [ |
| message, |
| targetOrigin, |
| transfer, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void print() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #print, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| int requestIdleCallback( |
| _i2.IdleRequestCallback? callback, [ |
| Map<dynamic, dynamic>? options, |
| ]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestIdleCallback, |
| [ |
| callback, |
| options, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| void resizeBy( |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #resizeBy, |
| [ |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void resizeTo( |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #resizeTo, |
| [ |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void scroll([ |
| dynamic options_OR_x, |
| dynamic y, |
| Map<dynamic, dynamic>? scrollOptions, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scroll, |
| [ |
| options_OR_x, |
| y, |
| scrollOptions, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void scrollBy([ |
| dynamic options_OR_x, |
| dynamic y, |
| Map<dynamic, dynamic>? scrollOptions, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scrollBy, |
| [ |
| options_OR_x, |
| y, |
| scrollOptions, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void scrollTo([ |
| dynamic options_OR_x, |
| dynamic y, |
| Map<dynamic, dynamic>? scrollOptions, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scrollTo, |
| [ |
| options_OR_x, |
| y, |
| scrollOptions, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void stop() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #stop, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<_i2.Entry> resolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String? url) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #resolveLocalFileSystemUrl, |
| [url], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Entry>.value(_FakeEntry_12( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #resolveLocalFileSystemUrl, |
| [url], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Entry>); |
| |
| @override |
| String atob(String? atob) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #atob, |
| [atob], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String btoa(String? btoa) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #btoa, |
| [btoa], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| void moveTo(_i4.Point<num>? p) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #moveTo, |
| [p], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void addEventListener( |
| String? type, |
| _i2.EventListener? listener, [ |
| bool? useCapture, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #addEventListener, |
| [ |
| type, |
| listener, |
| useCapture, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void removeEventListener( |
| String? type, |
| _i2.EventListener? listener, [ |
| bool? useCapture, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeEventListener, |
| [ |
| type, |
| listener, |
| useCapture, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| bool dispatchEvent(_i2.Event? event) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #dispatchEvent, |
| [event], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [Navigator]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockNavigator extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Navigator { |
| MockNavigator() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String get language => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#language), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.Geolocation get geolocation => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#geolocation), |
| returnValue: _FakeGeolocation_13( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#geolocation), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Geolocation); |
| |
| @override |
| String get vendor => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#vendor), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String get vendorSub => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#vendorSub), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String get appCodeName => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#appCodeName), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String get appName => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#appName), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String get appVersion => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#appVersion), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String get product => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#product), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| String get userAgent => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#userAgent), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| List<_i2.Gamepad?> getGamepads() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getGamepads, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: <_i2.Gamepad?>[], |
| ) as List<_i2.Gamepad?>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<_i2.MediaStream> getUserMedia({ |
| dynamic audio = false, |
| dynamic video = false, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getUserMedia, |
| [], |
| { |
| #audio: audio, |
| #video: video, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.MediaStream>.value(_FakeMediaStream_14( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getUserMedia, |
| [], |
| { |
| #audio: audio, |
| #video: video, |
| }, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i3.Future<_i2.MediaStream>); |
| |
| @override |
| void cancelKeyboardLock() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #cancelKeyboardLock, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> getBattery() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getBattery, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<_i2.RelatedApplication> getInstalledRelatedApps() => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getInstalledRelatedApps, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: |
| _i3.Future<_i2.RelatedApplication>.value(_FakeRelatedApplication_15( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getInstalledRelatedApps, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i3.Future<_i2.RelatedApplication>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> getVRDisplays() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getVRDisplays, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| |
| @override |
| void registerProtocolHandler( |
| String? scheme, |
| String? url, |
| String? title, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #registerProtocolHandler, |
| [ |
| scheme, |
| url, |
| title, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> requestKeyboardLock([List<String>? keyCodes]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestKeyboardLock, |
| [keyCodes], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> requestMidiAccess([Map<dynamic, dynamic>? options]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestMidiAccess, |
| [options], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> requestMediaKeySystemAccess( |
| String? keySystem, |
| List<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>? supportedConfigurations, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #requestMediaKeySystemAccess, |
| [ |
| keySystem, |
| supportedConfigurations, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| |
| @override |
| bool sendBeacon( |
| String? url, |
| Object? data, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #sendBeacon, |
| [ |
| url, |
| data, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<dynamic> share([Map<dynamic, dynamic>? data]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #share, |
| [data], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<dynamic>.value(), |
| ) as _i3.Future<dynamic>); |
| } |